Feb 22, 2007 09:56

Oh my goodness, Arabic is so cool. Seriously! Today we learned about roots and patterns...I'm horrible at explaining things, but there are these roots that consist of usually three letters, and the root contains the meaning. So you have all these words that mean 'writer' and 'written' and 'book' and 'wrote', and they all come from the root that has to do with writing. And there are these patterns that are comprised of vowels and consonants and blank spots to put roots in. So, you have a pattern that involves putting a long vowel after the second letter, perhaps. Then, take any root and put it in the pattern, and you have a word! (That is sort of an overgeneralization, but still) And a lot of the time the words in a certain pattern are all of one category, like nouns. It is really awesome! I'm such a dork. I can't wait to get my Arabic dictionary so I can play with it.
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