
Feb 19, 2007 23:07

I wanted to say some nice things but I am sick. Thus, here is everything I wanted to say, in abbreviated list form:

1) I am seriously tripping on cold medication. Today, I almost wore my slippers to class. Then, I wrote Claire a note in class, and then THOUGHT THAT SHE SOMEHOW RECIEVED IT. Seriously. I talked to her later and was all thinking, "huh I thought I already told her that, oh well I guess she forgot?" I don't even know. I feel like shit. I'm surprised I haven't fallen over yet.

2) If you want to buy me a present, totally buy me this: CNN's Cold War Series!!!! OMG you guys it is so cool. It's the same one we watched in Mr. B's world since 1945 class! Remember? The awesome one about the 50's that we watched for like 2 months straight? The one that made me fall in love with the 50's and the Cold War?! It is so good, you guys. We watched it in Government class last week. Best class ever.

3) Friday was kick ass!!!! Summary: Dinner with the usual crowd, plus Felicia and Eric and Brielle and Samer (I think I probably spelt his name wrong...)! I love those kids. We ate at a totally delicious Middle Eastern place called Marakesh. I could read all this Arabic writing there. And 'Habibi Ya Nur El Ein' suddenly came on at one point, and this totally ridiculous bellydancer started gyrating around the room! It was excellent. Then we got tasty coffee, and then Felicia, Eric and I went to see Of Montreal! The concert was outside, which was actually nice. There was an awesome dj and a really fun Japanese band (think a bunch of Japanese kids who grew up in a bunker with only Sesame Street videos, The Beatles, and The Beach Boys to keep them company), so it was pretty much an awesome fun dance party all night long. Quite a splendid night!

4) My goodness, school is kicking my ass. Last semester was like I had this big boulder on a hill, and it was starting to lose stability and start rolling, and I was struggling to keep it on top of the hill. Now, it's like I'm on the floor, dazed, and I don't even remember how I got here or where the damn boulder is. I don't know. It'll all turn out for the best?

5) RoKS is this weekend!!!! AIESEC is kicking my ass. It's not like I didn't ask for it.

I'm going to sleep! Peace out, bitches.
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