May 8-14 2012

May 15, 2012 09:05


Drabbles, comment fic, ficlets:
holde_maid: Golden Moment
marbleglove: God of blindness

Recent posts to Highlander Fiction archive
Recent posts to AO3

nrrrdy_grrrl in highlander_lj: Seduction of the Desert Prince; Methos (for Jay Tryfanstone); Mac
nrrrdy_grrrl in hl_chronicles: LWhere Can We Get a Pint at This Hour?; At Last

rurounihime in highlander_lj: Looking for 2 D/M fics
l_vera01 in highlander_lj: PodPaws: loss of a HL fan

con_txt: Registration reminder

Contests and challenges:
hl_chronicles: Challenge Sign-Up Post on LJ on DW; Timestamp offers: LJ DW 
To mark the 20th anniversary of Highlander: The Series this coming October, a challenge for fic, art, meta, vids, or other fan works has been issued. The link leads to the sign-up and information post for three varieties of challenges that focus on 20 years' passage or the year 2012.

Please let me know of any additions or mistakes in comments, with links.
Please remember to archive your stories at Highlander Fiction archive.

may 2012

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