Links to a few recent offerings in Highlander:
Unalienable (HL/X-Men movies; multiple relationships, m/m, m/f; explicit) completed
A New Life or Something Like It (Duncan, Methos, Rebecca) (on DW), with artist
viviantanner for
Never the Same (Richie, Nick Wolf, Amanda, Duncan; Gen) Remix Redux 10: Highlander remixes two remixes by
Education, Evolution (Methos; Gen), from two works by
ishafel; and
The Red-Smith (Methos/Wellan the Smith; mature), from a drabble by
Legacy of a Horseman: Reboot (PG-13) a timestamp fic for
Legacy of a Horseman by the author, for
hl_chronicles holde_maid:
Double drabble: Paying Off & Meaning Recent posts to Highlander Fiction archiveRecent HL fiction posts to AO3 Recs:
valoise in
Nine Highlander recs for April Highlander was a featured small fandom on Crack Van last month
Challenges and exchanges:
Challenge Sign-Up Post on LJ on DW To mark the 20th anniversary of Highlander: The Series this coming October, a challenge for fic, art, meta, vids, or other fan works has been issued. The link leads to the sign-up and information post for three varieties of challenges that focus on 20 years' passage or the year 2012.
Please leave any links to recent work in comments, to be included in an upcoming post.
Please remember to archive your fic at
Highlander Fiction archive.