+ Ugh, you guys. I'm so bored. I have an exam on pharmacoeconomics and aseptic dispensing and over-the-counter meds, which is quite possibly the trifecta of Stuff I Do Not Want to Ever Do in my professional life. Well, aseptic isn't too bad, but the theory behind the concept is BORING. I am now addicted to ONTD and was somehow under the impression that it was updated a lot more frequently than it actually is (NOT every minute, damn it).
+ I had my OSCE yesterday and it went well, which is very strange. I think I probably did something ridiculous and will require a resit. But for the moment I must study for the very boring "exam" tomorrow.
+ Also, I signed up for
lotsbigbang which means I will be receiving my certificate for Crazy in the mail any day now.
+ World Cup in three days! Or something.