But he'll be back!
IMDb says so! I'm guessing that the TARDIS blows up and there are the requisite flashbacks as the Doctor regenerates... into River Song.
Just kidding. But this season has been soooo rollercoaster so far. Rory was the only one I truly loved; Amy is fun for comedic quips and the best of her came out when she was with Rory or talking to him or communicating with him in some way. So it'll be interesting to see what happens from now until episode 13 when Rory comes back (as a memory or a physical manifestation).
I think I like Matt Smith fully now. There are still hints of Tennant here and there but I guess that's just how the writing called for it. He's lucky he's tall; he'd never be able to pull off Eleven's physicality otherwise (towering over people and looking down at them in that way that he does)... and yeah I know that Matt Smith's height allows Eleven to be that way, but you get what I mean, don't you?