Character History for Kira Izuru Application

Jun 30, 2007 23:03

Kira’s parents died when he was young. He grew up with foster parents who had adopted him a month after the tragic incident. Kira had began to dwell upon the deaths of the two closest people to him, blaming himself, thinking it was all his fault they had left him behind.

He had refused to go with them to a wedding dinner and the car had crashed along the way, leaving Kira the only one in the family alive. He had been swallowed with guilt and was troubled deeply, having nightmares every night since the incident.

His foster parents, not really caring about his mental state of mind, had carried on with life even when they noticed he was close to breaking down. He was ten then, and they assumed he was old enough to deal with things.

The days went by really slowly for Kira, as the hatred for himself increased. He was so alone. There was no one around to talk to. He could not share his feelings with his friends, because they would never understand. He found himself crying more and for no reason sometimes.

A normal day for him would be to go to school, keep his head down and avoid everyone else. Then when school was over Kira would run home and lock himself in his room, hugging his knees and simply staring into the walls. Things were really bad. But Kira had been strong enough to pull through.

When he entered University, things were slightly better. He had numbed all his sadness and tried to appear normal. However, such a serious matter, nobody should deal with alone. And so there were times when Kira found himself relapsing due to severe stress in school.

It was as if fate took pity on him. Because after a month in University and he was about to decide not to return to school anymore, he met two friends, Renji and Momo. They spent time together. But Kira felt he was mostly tagging along, being the odd one out. Still, it was comforting to know that at least he was allowed to be with them, to listen to their thoughts and troubles, and to lend a helping hand when they needed one.

Gradually he became quite close to them. He felt better, to be with others, and not alone and in his own universe. He had unknowingly fallen for Hinamori Momo. But had refused to admit it and lived in denial for a while. But then during the last year of University, a new guy, who had recently entered but because of he had a really high IQ, had been allowed to be promoted to the same level as Kira and his friends.

It turned out he was Hinamori’s childhood friend. And Hinamori was overly excited at seeing him. She spent more time with him and less and less with Kira and Renji. Kira was jealous and upset. But what made things worse was when, one day finally Hinamori joined the duo for lunch. And she had told them she liked that guy.

Kira was devastated but he controlled his emotions. However, he broke down when he went home. Ever since then, Kira had struggled, rotating between battles with his inner self and finishing his work. There were good days and there were bad ones. Overall, he still is deeply troubled, but since there was not a period in his life when he was not, he managed to live with how things were. Lately, he has been seeking a little help, and his moods had gotten a tiny bit better. He did feel it with somewhat a little easier to deal with things now.
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