Character Personality for Kira Izuru Application

Jun 30, 2007 23:00

Kira Izuru is really loyal to his subordinates and does not let a person down. Kira is dedicated to both his friends and his duties, perhaps to the point of fault. However, his loyalty shows no boundaries when he defends his boss from his friend, despite their very close friendship.

Once his boss had been accused of doing something gravely wrong. And when his best friend had confronted him, threatening to sue him in court, Kira had jumped right in and stopped her. He even took the blame saying that his boss had nothing to do with the matter. But his friend did not believe him and had pushed past to proceed towards his boss. Kira had been caught in a dilemma, but in the end he had given up friendship for loyalty and had shoved his friend away, quite hardly.

Kira has doubts about what he is capable of and thinks of himself as weak and useless. He has really low self esteem and finds fault in everything that he does. He refuses to take credit for a job done well and insists it was by pure luck that everything went out smoothly. With his low self confidence, Kira appears really depressed, seeing as he slouched all the time and has his fringe cover half his face, thinking that it was the ugliest thing he ever saw.

He hates himself, for being emotional most of the time, and having to take medicine to help him deal with stress a little better. However, no amount of medicine would help him, seeing as his thoughts remain the same. Many people have tried to talk to him and tell him to relax, to leave the extra work for tomorrow or to not overdo things and quit rechecking his documents thrice before submitting.

But that only made Kira more upset as he blamed himself again for being so different from everyone, for standing out in the crowd, for being called the overachiever amongst his friends.

There was never one time when Kira followed his heart or did what he truly wanted to do. He thought that such actions were considered selfish of him and always gave in to what others wanted. To him, there was no such thing as want. The idea of him wanting things to go his way disgusted him to no end. He felt that he needed to care only about what others wanted.

His sole purpose in life seemed to be to please others. He just needed to be recognized, to be accepted amongst his friends, to be approved, to fit in with everyone else. But his perfectionism and easily anxious behavior made him stand out quite a little.

There were times when he asked himself, what is approval, what do I want truly, to be accepted for who I am? But how will I know when that day comes? He had strived for answers, he had searched for reasons and meanings of life. He wanted to enjoy living but it seemed as if fate wanted him to stay depressed his whole life.

Another trait of Kira’s is that he never questions orders. When he receives a task from his boss, or anyone for that matter, he makes sure he completes it as soon as possible, and takes it really seriously. The job may be ridiculous as it is, or unreasonable to a certain extent, it may even disagree with all the moral values he was thought when as he grew up. However, that did not matter to Kira as he pushed those nagging thoughts away and focused his attention on completing the task issued to him to the best of his efforts.

When he is around his friends, he tries his best to relax and to blend in with the crowd. His personal opinions had long ago ceased to exist as he went along with what everyone else thought. Kira tried. He tried to have fun. To be happy like his friends, to joke around and talk about the daily things in life, gossip about other staff and just fool around. He laughed and smiled and chatted. The feeling of emptiness did not leave him even then.

Kira works overtime almost everyday, even spending several nights in the office without going home. He disliked home. It just brought him more unhappiness. Which he would then try to drown them in bottles of sake. He hated the loneliness that swallowed him.

People often took advantage of Kira. Those who were not his friends dumped their work with his. And he would not even blink an eye as he proceeded to complete them. But his friends had put a stop to that. Nevertheless, Kira had hoped more people would ask him to do their work. It made him feel alive. Like he was needed.

Kira needs to regain his self confidence. He needs to stop thinking lowly of himself and eradicate the negative thoughts that flooded into his head whenever he is stressed. Being with Ichimaru did not really help, seeing as Kira is pressured greatly to reach up to his boss’s expectations, which in the first place was not even stated. Kira admires his boss and is determined to serve him with all he has.

Kira, despite being able to deal with his own problems, seemed to be very good at dealing with others’. Many people loved to go to him for advice or to just rant and complain about the unfairness of things. Kira would listen intently, and offer suggestions if he had any. He wished it would work with himself though.

Kira is a really kind hearted person though, putting his friends before him, willing to sacrifice anything for them. He is much appreciated, although he does not see it.

Kira is obviously a hardworking and faithful secretary. Even when he is given orders he knows are wrong, he follows them because that’s what subordinates are supposed to do.
Overall, Kira is a good man, but is often hindered by his feelings of obligation to his superiors.
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