Example RP log for application

Jun 27, 2007 15:44

Characters: Kuchiki Byakuya
Location: At his home
Date: 27/06/2007
Rating: PG
Summary: Byakuya’s thoughts when he was teased about his kenseikan and scarf

Kuchiki Byakuya was royally pissed.

His dearest kenseikan and his Ginpaku Kazahana, the white scarf he always wore, had been mocked by his incorrigible secretary. He had explained countless times that the accessories were passed down from generation to generation, but his words failed to reach annoying assistant, who took pleasure in teasing and humiliating others.

Not that Byakuya ever expected Renji to understand such high class traditions that his family went by, seeing as his assistant came from a not so well to do family. However, he had at least expected him to back down after glaring at him with an ominous stare that worked its magic on most people and got them to obey his orders.

Unfortunately, it seemed powerless with Renji, who continued blabbing on and on about Byakuya wearing his kenseikan and white scarf to further polish his looks. As if that was not bad enough, the red haired secretary had spread the rumor of Byakuya having spent more than an hour doing his hair. Of course Byakuya had denied calmly, claiming he was one of the lucky few who had magically shiny and smooth silky hair that was envied by everyone without doing anything to it. His assistant had been furious at him for the simplest reasons and thought that the idea of humiliating his boss was an ingenious idea to receive less of a work load.

But in truth, Byakuya was not all that upset about Renji’s comment. It was not the first time he had put up with such things and he was not going to lose his temper over it. In fact, what Byakuya was so distressed about was the memories brought back into his mind when his accessories were made fun of. It had reminded him of his late wife, Hisana, whom he had loved very deeply, but he had thought of his recollections as his weakness. He had refused to even let the thoughts flow through once in a while, fearing that they would take over his mind.

In general, men were said to be stronger than women, emotionally and physically. So Byakuya had never allowed himself to even shed a tear in his life. He had worn a mask forever and the mask was not going to come off. He had to protect his pride before his mentality.

For any normal person, suppressing such feelings for months would have broken them and had a bad effect on their lives. However, Byakuya had kept things to himself forever, ignoring the stress and despair within him, not wanting to give in to what he thought was his weakness.

His red haired secretary’s words had harshly brought back flashbacks of his past with Hisana.

It was not that he did not miss Hisana’s presence or did not wished for her to be resurrected, to see her again at least once. He still had great feelings for her, but he thought it was better to push them out of the way instead of giving in to them and spending hours thinking about his past. He wanted to forget but he always remembered. He wanted to be happy like everyone else, to break his coldness and the front he had on. He wanted to talk to someone, which is something he could not do after Hisana’s death. He wanted to convey his feelings but he did not know how to do so. The only person he felt comfortable around and opening up to was his late wife.

One of the flashbacks, the main one that led to the others, was Hisana and him in university. They were eating lunch one day under a tree blooming with sakura flowers. As the wind blew, the many small petals fell on both of them. Byakuya looked a little irritated as he brushed off the petals from his hair. He tidied up his hair and shirt, making sure they were neat and nothing was creased or out of place. Hisana only chuckled at the sight and played with the petals that had fallen into her lap, leaving those on her head. She scooped up a few petals and placed them on Byakuya’s hair, much to his displeasure and surprise. He wanted badly to shake them off but he did not want to hurt Hisana in any way. He knew she was very strong and would not get upset so easily. He did not know why but somehow he left the petals sitting on his hair, the light pink slightly blending in with his white kenseikan.

As he raised an arm to clear the petals around his kenseikan, Hisana simply watched, amused. She had then laughed and teased him about being so overprotective towards his hair accessories. When he had denied that and re-explained the reason he was wearing such girly things, or so what others called his hair piece and his scarf.

But what she said after had sent a weird feeling down his spine. She had dumped more petals on his head, ignoring the frowns on his face, she told him some day she would love for him to be as overprotective of her as he was towards his kenseikan. Byakuya had flushed, color lighting up his pale face as his eyes popped out in shock. This was the first time he had allowed any of his feelings to show. Immediately, he protested and argued that she was wrong. But Hisana only smiled and giggled, pointing out that he was usually did not get so defensive. Byakuya was embarrassed, defeated by a beautiful girl of his age, whom he admired. The whole incident had left him hiding from her for a few days.

Byakuya sighed and closed his eyes as he leaned back on his leather couch and cursed himself for engaging in another mind battle with his inner turmoil. Determined to once again eradicate the flashbacks of his past, he decided to take a shower. Disrobing, he entered the huge bath tub in the main bathroom, and soaked himself for an hour before rinsing and lathering his hair with the most expensive shampoo and hair care products. Thinking back about what Renji had said, he shuddered and promised hell would descend if his annoying assistant ever found out.

app, fic

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