
Nov 04, 2006 17:08

Hermione went to visit her parents for the weekend, which kind of came out of nowhere but that's ok. I managed to get the pipes to stop dripping so much but it took a long time. I think our flat may have been used at some point for chinese water torture.

I have discovered the reason for the terrible smell in the kitchen. I found a horribly moldy object under the sink. After putting a quick age revealing charm on it I discovered it was, at one point, an egg salad sandwich, dating back to the construction of this building in the the early 80's. I gratefully got rid of the thing and the odor in this room should go away in the next week or so.

I think I saw Ron sulking around the flat as well, I tried to talk to him but either he didn't hear me or he's ignoring me. It seems every one is in a sour mood these days. I can't wait until the flat is all fixed up, maybe that will cheer everyone up a little.

But for now I'm terribly bored and sitting in my room staring at the ceiling is not doing anything to remedy that. I'm headed into diagon alley to get some potion to keep spiders from coming back visit Fred and George, I'm sure they'll have something to make me laugh. If anyone wishes to meet me there and catch up, I'll be around.

My next endeavor in renovating will be the hot and cold water taps. But before that, I should probably find an excuse for that hole in Ron's roof... why did Hermione have to leave me at a time like this? Wish me luck.
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