Wghat firewhisjkey?

Nov 13, 2006 22:31

MEn and her ione...
SORRY Hemriones and I, have a had a few drinks and she told me somesw things I kind of didnts kwant to heaq3r. But sok now because shes passed out onr the couch, and I decidesd to get on my interweb and look up the a forusm for really terrible friends because that's wehre I belong... I cant;s beleuve I said anll that stuff to Rhermione about Hrr and rROn... and all this time she was really in vlove with shim. Ims such a terribke friend!

I ams o drunsk right now, I nefedd to sleep this off, I ams going to regret this in the mornigs

End Private
Sorrys Ron3, we draks all the voodka :(
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