(no subject)

Oct 31, 2006 04:45

The apartment is… well it’s what we in the muggle world would call a “fixer-upper”. There are a few minor problems we may have to deal with if we are to continue living here.
I have compiled a list, I’m so proud of myself.

-The floors are creaky
-The pipes drip
-The hot water tap gives cold water
-The water from the cold tap could possibly send someone to the hospital for third degree burns.
-The kitchen smells like something died a painful death in it.
-The toilet overflows more than is necessary
-There seems to be a nest of spiders somewhere in the apartment (do spiders live in nests?) but don’t tell Ron, he hasn’t seen them yet.

All these things can be fixed with magic very easily, but I think it might be fun to do it the muggle way, give us a challenge, not to mention something to do. I fully expect to come back to this list and cross out all the things we fix as they are getting done. :]
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