Dec 01, 2011 03:22

[Action → Around Mayfield]

[for those of you who actually bother to make the morning commute to work/school, you might have a little trouble today. there, right in the middle of the road, is a very big, fat cat-like creature sleeping serenely despite all the traffic going on around it. cars beep their horns furiously at it and find a way to drive around it, which suits the monster just fine because it ain't moving. not one bit. get close to it and you'll hear it snoring in its deep, guttural voice without a care in the world. try to honk at it and it'll open its mouth wide to yawn, then fall right back into its stupor.

get even closer and you'll see a teenage boy laying atop the thing's massive stomach, taking his own impromptu nap with one of the creature's bit, furry paws draped over his small back in an oddly protective gesture.]

[Action → YOUR House]

[breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. who cares if it's too late in the afternoon to really even be considered breakfast time OR lunch time? details, man; who needs 'em?

regardless, sooner or later when you return home from school or work or shopping, you might be one of the unlucky souls who have the misfortune of stumbling upon a gruesome scene. one of your front windows is broken - shattered, actually - with the frame and the wall around it cracked, like something huge was attempting to wedge itself through. the house itself is left intact and it doesn't seem like there's a burglary in process considering that nothing of value is missing or out of place, but that will change when you get to the kitchen.

sitting on the floor, taking up a huge amount of space with its tremendous girth, is the cat creature who you may have seen muck up traffic earlier. this time, it's wide awake as evident by the way it's rumbling to itself as it digs a paw inside of your open refrigerator to shove any and all food into its gaping maw. it isn't picky either, and if the shattered containers on the floor are any indication, it doesn't find jars to be any particular obstacle.

surely you wouldn't begrudge such an adorable animal its meal, right?]

[Phone → Filtered from drones]

Hello. I had a question. [but he doesn't sound very enthused with the answers he might get by the way he begins, more than just a little reluctant and feeling very out of place. there's a pause as Red cradles the receiver in his hands, then starts again:]

How does someone go about learning how to fight without... [he trails off, trying to grasp for the proper word without making it too weird or needy sounding.] - Without depending on special powers? I'd really like to know.
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