☀ 02

Nov 27, 2011 01:20

[Action → The Highway (Saturday, 10:30pm)]

[the pilgrimage, if it could even be called that, had proven pointless. all it amounted to was sore feet all around, diminished supplies from an already piddly inventory, and an earful of screams that Red doesn't expect he'll forget any time soon. they weren't death rattles either, which was the worst part because, if they had been, it would have meant that those people were an inch close to being put out of their misery. these screams had been of a sort that he could only imagine came from a person when they were in the midst of torture. he doesn't want to think back on them let alone wonder what it must be like for the people on the other end of the loop (if there even are people and it's not just another trick of the town), but it's hard. and without anyone to talk to, it's even worse.

he doesn't want to pass the walk back to Mayfield in silence, but for now, it looks like he'll have to. everyone else separated. he supposes it's his own fault for running off and not taking the opportunity to go with Lyra or Blue, but...nothing he can do about it now.

it's very dark on the highway, and there aren't any crickets or other wildlife noises to distract him from just how spooky this all really is. having bashed one of his canned foods against a rock until the metal gave in, he now has his fingers dipped into it, hungrily munching on cold, watery carrot slices as he walks.

he's more than high-strung right now to react negatively to anyone who decides to get the drop on him. that knife hasn't been discarded.]

[Action → Downtown (Sunday, 1:00am)]

[out of the frying pan and into the fire. and speaking of fire, he sure wishes he had some right now because, between the cold and the real lack of any weapon aside from a jagged, half-broken kitchen knife, he's not in any position to go on without some.

although that would be counter productive, not to mention it would give away his location. all he can do is hop from building to building in the hopes some are safer than others, moving the moment he hears the truck pass by his hiding place. currently, he's crouched down beside a school bus, listening for the telltale signs of an engine and tires before he makes his move to run across the street where the Neutron Diner is.

with any luck, they won't hear him.]
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