[Meme] Drabble.

Jul 07, 2008 15:08

eleventh_doctor asked for working!Sarah. I will try to complete more of these as the day goes on.

“This,” Sarah Jane said contemptuously, gesturing to the rather early eighteenth century wench like costume she wore, “is work?”

“We’re pirates, Sarah Jane.” The Doctor wasn’t dressed much better off, although something about her size(why was it that even female, he - she - had to be taller than her?) made the costume fit better. “Least that’s what we need to be if we’re ever going to get back the treasure of Davy Jones’ locker. You know we can’t leave it in Pirate Sid the Cash-strapped hands!”

Sarah sighed, looking down at the dress again. The corset was too tight, leaving little space to breathe and revealing far more of her bosom than she’d prefer in front of these… well, mangy dogs certainly seemed fitting. And the layers of skirts… Oh, there were far too many skirts given the blazing sun up ahead.

“That’s the part that confuses me, Doctor,” she said after a moment, taking the time first to glare at the first mate who constantly tossed lewd comments her way. “All these other times, we’ve just barged in there without fancy dress. Why now?”

“Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.” The Doctor shook her head. “You should know by now that work needs to be fun. And what’s more fun than this?”

the doctor(eleven), meme, fic

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