[Meme] Drabble

Jul 07, 2008 16:24

Sawyer of merlin_doctor fame wanted spoiling-the-wolf!Sarah.

“Sawyer, we are not going any further. I absolutely mean it, Sawyer. We’ve gone far enough as is. This is all your fault anyhow.”

Sarah Jane would almost swear that the look the wolf was giving her read innocence all over it. She did not know if wolves could, in fact, play innocent despite guilt, but if anyone could pull it off, it would be this one. He pushed his head under her hand, whining quietly.

She sighed. “He’s going to be furious, you know. Bad enough I let you out of the TARDIS to chase that rabbit-thing. He had told us to stay put. And this? Oh, I don’t even know where we very well are!”

He whined again and then barked as something rustled the bushes not too far away. Sawyer’s ears perked up and he barked again. Hesitantly, that same pink noise on that furry white face from earlier peaked out between leaves. It blinked once, gave a sort of yelp, and disappeared. Sawyer growled.

“Oh no you don’t,” Sarah warned. “We’re heading back. I mean it, Sawyer. I very well- oh, fine. But wait for me!”

Damn that wolf and his looks.

sawyer, meme, fic

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