Relatively peaceful and the TARDIS were concepts that still did not entirely go together in Sarah Jane's head. But, for the most part, that was how life had been since they had left England. Rather than choosing any particular planet, they had just... well, just stayed wherever the TARDIS stayed when not on any particular planet or in any particular time.
Not that it was a bad thing. It gave Sarah a chance to settle back in to her room. It gave her a chance to discover that, yes indeed, Sawyer had found her bed to be a wonderful place to rest. And it gave both her and the Doctor a chance to reconnect.
She had never truly realised how much she had missed him until he had come back in her life.
Still, it seemed quite clear that this relative peaceful time on board the TARIDS would end soon enough. She had her suspicions, after all, when she found him sitting in the console room fiddling about with the controls. Sarah Jane stood there for a moment, watching him.
And then, giving the medieval
dress she had found in the Wardrobe a little twirl. "Well, Doctor? What do you think?"