teamwork, or lack thereof

Nov 21, 2019 16:42

Hey all!

I hope all is well. I've been under the weather for the last four days and this is in the midst of having classwork to do. This week, we begin our team project and so far...ugh. So many things are going wrong. I don't even know where to start! Groups for the team projects were picked late probably partially because people aren't paying attention to anything besides what assignments say are due instead of looking through the module. I know I barely did, but I wised up. This has caused issues in this particular case because we were all supposed to choose two hypothetical team projects for the teacher to decide the group members for them based on interest. The result is, only two groups out of 5 have been filled MID freaking WEEK! Basically, this means that the groups that have already been chosen have to RUSH and plan to discuss group stuff in order to get those first two assignments in by SUNDAY this week and it is ALREADY Thursday. As soon as I realized I had been chosen for a group I took the initiative to contact my group members yesterday to plan a chat or whatever to discuss things. One of them said she was available either Saturday and Sunday. One said she was only available tonight because she works this weekend. One was in the hospital, but got out just today and said she would be available today. The last one I haven't heard anything from. I am completely freaking out. I am not a leader, and this is why, I tend to get really annoying and persistent when I don't hear back from those in the group. I am aware that they have lives outside of class, but this is a GROUP project---we're supposed to work together on it. On top of all this, like I said before, I've been sick with a cold since Monday. I feel icky, I haven't got much done on any of my other class assignments and there are still many to do. I guess what I'll do is open the chat at 6:30, say 'hi', and if only the other two show up I'll try to plan something separate with the one who is only available Saturday or Sunday to get her input. The last one I just may send her an email of all the decisions that have been made and attempt to get her input. Like I said, I get that they have a life, but not even coomunicating what is going on is just rude.
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