Team project and more

Nov 27, 2019 15:43

Hi all!

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving tomorrow.

Well, we officially have our first team meeting tonight after work. Hopefully all goes well. It is so weird to be the one taking the initiative to plan these meetings. I don't consider myself a planner. I am more likely to be fairly passive, rarely giving my opinion on things unless you ask for it one-on-one and not in a group setting. A new experience for sure. Four of us will be meeting through Google Hangouts tonight, but our fifth member won't be able to make it---so I will be discussing things we talked about tonight with her tomorrow morning. Hopefully next week we will all be able to meet on the same day because this whole thing feels wrong. Something else happened this week as far as that goes and I offered to do outreach in a few weeks to assist whereever I can. I have no idea what my duties will be, but hopefully they'll be able to explain them and I'll be able to complete the assigned tasks well.

Anyway, God bless.

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