Final Grade for the World Civilization class

Aug 09, 2019 14:38

Well, I am finally able to view my final grade for the class. However, there is still a "transcripts hold" on my account. If I had known they would do that I wouldn't have paid for the next semester so quickly. Payment wasn't actually due until the 23rd of this month but after hearing I wouldn't eligible for the pell grant, I decided to just submit my payment ahead of time. Apparently that is a no-no, though I don't know why. I could theorize though. Like maybe they hadn't finished tallying everything up. I find that hard to believe though since it was already up to almost $3,000 for 4 courses for the Fall semester. The hold should be removed by the 13th of this month (apparently), but I would also like to talk to someone at the school to find out why this happened. 
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