A Chance Encounter

Dec 28, 2012 22:24

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30. Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34

It was late September, Alice was due any day now, I was making the big move to Helsinki in another month and the tour would bring the guys to town tomorrow with a couple of well planned free days to follow. Overall things were busy and exciting for everyone.

“You know I want you to go tomorrow night.” Alice said as we organized baby Jessica’s clothes for the millionth time. Waiting for her arrival was driving us both crazy and I’d even started picking up on Alice’s nesting habits.

“We’ll see.” My casual reply as I helped Alice make sure the onesies were sorted to her liking.

“Meg do you really love him?” The bluntness of her question shattering the baby haze my mind had been lost in. I looked to her and caught the impatient smirk that was covering her features.

“I do.” My cheeks heating up. “I love him move than I thought I’d ever be able to love him.” Looking down at that small, pink piece of clothing in my hands and folding it neatly. “And he really seems to love me, even with all my quirks.”

“It’s settled then.” I heard her sit in the glider, “You love him, he loves you, you have to go tomorrow night to support him. So you have to go tomorrow night, see them live. No matter what.”

“Alice,” I turned to look at her, that grin bigger than before, “we already talked about this. I might go, but if you’re in labor, well, there will be other shows.” She opened her mouth to say something but I started again. “Sure I’d love to see them live again, watch them play, listen to that scream, but if I don’t go it’s not the end of the world.” I watched, confused, as Alice’s smile threatened to engulf her face.

“Besides Alice,” that baritone voice shook me to my very core and before I could turn around two arms slipped around my waist, “I’m sure I could set up a private show if I needed to.” Large hands came to rest on mine, which were still clutching that pink baby outfit. He buried his face in my hair, drawing a deep breath and placed a quick kiss on my neck.

“I thought you weren’t coming till tomorrow?” Turning in his arms I was elated to see that he was really there. More than three long months since we had seen each other and in that moment it felt like my heart might explode from excitement. My hand came up to cup his cheek, a gentle touch just to make sure he was really there. Those familiar pink lips raised in a gentle smile as I took the time to study his features; learning him all over again. His hair was longer but still just above his shoulders, there was a peppering of facial hair over his top lip and he looked so tired.

“I couldn’t wait.” Arms tightening around me, and turning his head to place a quick peck on the palm of my hand, “I caught a flight in tonight and had Brian pick me up. The guys will be here on the bus tomorrow.” Those familiar lips landed on mine, a gentle kiss that told me if we didn’t have an audience this would be very different. Pulling back I was caught by those stunning green eyes, clouded with desire.

“Well,” turning to Alice, whose hand was resting on her stomach, as she grinned at us, “I think we’re gonna take off for the night.”

“I bet you are.” Her voice coated in a laugh as I handed her the piece of clothing I had been holding.

“It was lovely to see you again Alice.” The sound of his voice caused a surge of electricity to shoot through me and I knew we needed to leave. Alice was abnormally quiet as we said our hurried goodbyes, but the look on her face told me she was just tired. After saying goodnight to Brian we silently walked to my car, which was parked in the drive way. As I moved to open my door he turned me around quickly. I only had time to catch a quick glance at his eyes before his lips were on mine and his body was pressing me up against the car. There was nothing gentle about this; his lips were eager and his nicotine laced tongue was demanding and I couldn’t have been happier about it. My fingers tangled in the messy waves of his hair as I felt him grip at my waist. He swallowed by shallow moan as I felt him starting to come to life against me.

“Take me home Meg.” His words quiet as he pulled back trying to catch his breath.

“Get in the car." He landed a quick kiss on my forehead before scurrying to the passenger side door. The drive was quiet and I could feel his eyes on me, drinking me in. His attention was finally pulled away from me as we pulled into a parking garage. Pulling into a parking spot, I killed the engine and got out of the car.

“Did you move?” He inquired, stopping me by the trunk. My only response was pulling him into a deep kiss, sliding my fingers through his hair as I took another hit of that taste that is so distinctly him. That taste that I still could not place. The taste that in this moment made me want him, all of him, without delay. His arms wrapped around me, fingers working their way under the hem of my shirt before coming to rest on the base of my back. His touch was infectious and pulling away from his lips I became lost in the haunting look in his eyes.

“It’s another 30 minutes to the house.” My forehead resting against his as we both steadied our breath. “And I can’t wait that long.” A warm blush rising on my face as I took his hand and pulled him into the elevator that quickly deposited us in the lobby of the hotel. Just off the elevator he stopped to answer his cell, signaling me to go on and get the room and I was more than happy to do so.

“Welcome to the Four Seasons.” The young girl behind the counter greeted me. “Do you have a reservation?”

“Um, no.” I knew I had a stupid grin on my face, but I was past caring. “I was hoping to get a room just for the night.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem.” Her words casual as she turned to her computer.

“Yeah anything will do.” I glanced over my shoulder to find him standing in the middle of the lobby looking rather annoyed.

“Ok,” I turned my attention back to the girl. “I found a room with a king size bed on floor 35.” My eyes caught sight of her silver necklace with a small heartagram pendant hanging from it. “Smoking or non?”

“Smoking. That’s a nice necklace.” She looked up at me and smiled.

“Thanks. Her fingers reached up and touched the pendant gently, “It’s the logo for my favorite band,” she continued in a slightly hushed voice, “told my boss it was a religious thing when he started asking questions about it.” We both laughed as she returned to her computer. “Ok, so I will need your info, the name of anyone staying with you and your credit card.”

“Alright.” I gave her my info and card and she buried her head back in the computer typing furiously. As I watched her I felt his arms come around my waist, his chin resting on my right shoulder.

“And will anyone be with you?” She asked without looking up.

“William Light.” He must have seen the necklace because his voice was low, far lower than it would be for normal conversation. I’d seen him do this for fans in the past, playing up that sexy baritone, and it always made me smile. The young receptionist froze mid type for a moment before glancing up. A blush came over her cheeks as her eyes fell over my shoulder, to what I could only imagine was a devilish grin slightly raising his lips.

“Certainly.” Her voice faltered only slightly as she looked back to her computer.

“And sweetheart,” her head snapped up, “no one knows I’m here, so if anyone asks,”

“There is no Mr. Light, or Mr. Valo, at this establishment.” She interrupted with a knowing spark in her eye.

“Kittos.” His voice barely more than a rumble that shook through my body, sending a spark of desire straight through me.

“Ok Ms. Waters.” As if right on que she returned her still crimson face to me, “here are your room keys. Room 3527, floor 35.”

“Thank you.” Taking the plastic cards from her I gave her a quick smile before turning towards the elevator with Ville in tow. The track to our room was quiet, our fingers entwined and stealing coy glances at one another. Finally reaching our room, I let us in and closed the door, before turning to see him drop his bag where he stood in the middle of the room, staring at me. The look on his face was indiscernible; he was either unsure of what move to make next or maybe he was just as overwhelmed as I was at being together again. Crossing the small distance between us I dropped my purse.

“I’ve missed you.” His words soft as my fingers threaded through his disheveled hair before bringing our lips together in a gentle kiss, which quickly deepened. Those large, familiar hands came to my ass and picked me up and I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist. Our lips never missing a beat, he carried me the few steps to the large bed, only breaking our lips apart once I was lying on the bed and his weight was resting above me.

“I missed you too.” My quiet words seemed to fill the room as my fingers began lifting the hem of his shirt, pulling it off his body, exposing that field of pale skin. “I’ve missed touching you.” Fingers softly caressing that smooth flesh eliciting a soft groan. He made quick work of my shirt and bra, discarding them silently as the room filled with the sound of urgent kisses and bodies colliding. With a gentle push against his shoulder he allowed me to roll him over onto his back before I took my place over him. His eyes were only half open as he looked at me, his fingers keeping their firm hold on my waist, just above the top of my jeans. I let a sly grin slip over my features as I leaned down to start trailing warm, wet kisses along the right side of his neck, over the dip in his collar bone and down his chest. A silent moan resonated through his body as I stopped to blow a stream of warm breath over his right nipple before sucking it into my mouth. I felt his body tense as I teased that little, tight piece of flesh with my tongue and his fingers gently started trailing up my exposed back. Moving from that pert bundle of nerves, my kisses began tailing down the flat planes of his abdomen as my hands found their way to the waist of his jeans.

“Meg.” My name a breathy moan on his lips as my fingers opened his jeans and slid inside, wrapping my hand around him. I let out a sigh, a breath I had been unconsciously holding. His hips thrusting into my hand as my tongue drew lazy circles around his navel. I glanced up at him briefly and the sight before me was the most arousing thing I had ever witnessed; his head was thrown back against the pillow, eyes closed, dark hair splayed out over the crisp white of the pillow and his hands looked as though they were steadying him against the headboard. I turned my attention back to the task at hand and moved increasingly further down his lithe frame until I my kisses landed in that field of course curls I hadn’t seen in too long. Without hesitation I moved my hand and took his swollen red tip into my mouth. I swear I heard him say something but I was focused on the feeling of him in my mouth; that familiar weight of his member, the slightly salty taste and the way his body writhes and jerked under my touch.

“Meg, please, stop.” I looked up, he was watching me, his mouth hanging open; the look on his face told me everything he wanted. Standing from the bed for a moment I shimmied out of the last pieces of my clothes before pulling the last vestige of his clothes off. Climbing back onto the bed I straddled his thighs as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down into a demanding kiss. Still connected at the lips I lifted my hips, repositioning myself, before slowly lowering myself down onto his cock. We swallowed each others moans as I eased over him, slowly letting him fill me. When I was fully seated on him I stayed still for a moment, enjoying the sensation of his girth stretching me. Pulling back from his lips, I watched the emotions play over his face as we started a slow but steady rhythm with our hips. My body tingled with every thrust of his hips and the room filled with the sounds of our moans. Before long our steady rhythm was replaced with rough erratic moves as I felt all the muscles in my body start to tighten.

“Ville. . .I. . .oh god. . .” My head fell back as I road my orgasm out, every muscle in my body convulsing, just moments before I felt him stiffen beneath me and that familiar warmth spread through me as he released. Falling forward, I let me head rest in the crook of his neck as we both waited for our breathing to return to normal. His hands ran up and down the length of my torso as I listened to his raspy breathing and slowly felt him soften and slip out of me.

“I’ve missed that too.” He announced with a quiet laugh.

“Me too.” Rolling off him and cuddling up to his side.
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