A Chance Encounter

Jul 16, 2012 00:33

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30. Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33

“Were you serious last night?” those were the words that greeted me the next morning as I turned over in his arms. My eyes slipping open to meet his - those evergreen jewels shining down on me like an inquisitive child on Christmas morning as I let vague memories from the previous night roll through my mind. My eyes widening slightly as my cloudy memory landed on those final moments before sleep took over.

“Were you?” My voice timid, while my heart galloped out of time waiting for his answer.

“I’d love to come home to you,” a warm hand trailing the length of my spine, “but I don’t think I could ever call another city home.” The look that drifted through those eyes told me everything -he was afraid he was asking too much. “So yeah, I’d like it if you lived here, if this was our home.” I thought once I heard him say it my heart would steady, but it only seemed to speed up the more I thought about actually making this my home

“It’ll be hard leaving everything behind.” I said more to myself than anyone else, but I know he heard me. I let my gaze drop to his chest, my eyes wondering the curve of that familiar ‘s’, a man made mark so natural looking on him that I couldn’t imagine him without it. Slipping my finger tip along that smooth thin line I began to ponder what he had looked like once, felt like, when he was still a blank canvas. Had his touch been different before the tale of his life started to show as dark pictures on creamy flesh? Had my touch changed since the tale of my life began to show itself through nightmares and trembling hands? His marks made him intriguing, alluring even, but mine made me fragile and damaged.

“Meg?” a large hand covering mine, pressing my palm flat against his chest, heart beating hard enough to almost lift our hands. “You don’t have to say yes.”

“Tell me I’m not running away.” my voice a whisper, as for the first time in months I was truly afraid, but for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what I was afraid of. “I don’t want to be one of those people who runs away from their past.” Bare legs shifted against mine as he slipped down in the bed until my eyes were reflected in his.

“This wouldn’t be running away,” course fingers raking through my hair, “this would be moving forward.”

“I still have so many ties there, so many people and memories, good and bad. . .”

“Meg, if you’re not. . .”

“I want to.” his brow furrowed, looking as though he was uncertain of what I’d said. “I can’t spend my life second guessing myself,” his expression softened, arms wrapping around my waist, “not if it keeps me away from you.” His lips landed on mine and all thoughts of homes and memories were gone as we drifted further under the covers. The rest of the day moved by in a blur of touches and short conversations about my relocation; we mulled over everything from how to ship my things, what things I wouldn’t need, what to do with the house and when it would be best for this all to happen. The more we discussed how this should all play out the more eager I became, but still there was something nagging in the back of my mind, questioning my reasons: love or escape. Against my better judgment I didn’t mention my reservations to Ville that day, or anytime before I left; it was a fear of the heartbroken look that would have graced those features that kept me silent.

Two days later I found myself sitting in first class once again making my way through time zones and back to my home, for now. As I made my way over the Atlantic I found myself stuck in a circular internal dialog that kept second guessing my reasons and even my ability to part with my past; so as other passengers rested in silent slumber I tried to picture a life were there was no threat of my past appearing around the corner. Two layovers and too many hours to counter later I stepped into the crisp northwest air where that delicate smell that warned of impending rain danced through my senses.

“Meg.” Alice finding me first and wrapping me in a quick hug before heading us in the direction of her car. “So how was it? Crazy parties? Come on give me all the details.”

“Nothing like that,” a sly laugh covering my tired words as I looked at Alice in profile, “I’m more interested in how things have been with you two.” resting my hand gingerly on the belly that had long since began to grow. Resting her hand over mine as we stopped at the trunk of her car, she turned to me, showing me the happiest expression I had ever seen on her face.

“We’ve been fine, just fine Meg.” Popping the trunk I hauled my luggage into the compartment before we headed towards her house for the night. Brian was away on business so in honor of good old times we had decided that the night of my return would be a girls night, dedicated to useless gossip and catching up on all the exciting and not so exciting things in our lives. A pasta dinner and a sappy movie later I found myself sitting on Alice’s living room floor listening as she recounted the events of her last shopping trip for the nursery only to be interrupted by the shrill sounds of the Doors coming from my phone. With a cocked eyebrow I flipped the phone open.


“So I take it you made it back in one piece?” a slightly mothering tone gracing his words.

“Yes, just fine,” dramatically rolling my eyes for Alice’s amusement, “and how are you?”

“Good, so did you tell Alice?” As his words hit my ears I realized that in fact no I had not told her, I hadn’t even thought about the move since I got off the plane.

“Not yet,” even without seeing his face I could hear that smile he had called me with falter ever so slightly, “just waiting for the right time.”

“Meg, if you don’t. . .”

“Please stop saying that,” hasty words interrupting his, my sharp tone even catching Alice’s attention, “I do want to, just let me do this my way.”

“I will sweetheart.”

“I gotta go, Alice is giving me a funny look. I’ll call you tomorrow”

“I love you Meg.” his voice revealing that the smile had returned, but soft words still coated in a layer of worry.

“I love you too.” flipping the phone closed I turned my attention to the woman sitting on the sofa giving me a rather quizzical look.

“So how was your trip Meg?”

“Good, good,” busying myself digging through a bowl of chips as though I was searching for the perfect chip, “saw some sights, met the wives of some of the guys, met his parents, overall it was great.” a nervous smile decorating my lips when I finally looked to my dearest friend.

“Ok,” cocking her head as she shifted into a more comfortable position in the corner of the couch, “well none of that sounds horribly disastrous, so what’s got you so nervous?”

“Nothing really,” floundering for the right words, wondering how she was going to react, “he asked me to move over there, to live with him.” my eyes coming fully to rest on the striped socks adorning my feet.

“Don’t you want to?” my eyes flashing up to hers, catching her confused look. “Is he pressuring you?”

“No, god no, I just. . .”


“I’m afraid I’m just running away.”

“Do you love him?” all she needed was the shy smile that creep over my lips to answer he, “Then it’s not running away from anything.”

“But. . .”

“You’re running full speed towards your future and that’s what you should be doing. On one condition of course.” her eyes dancing with a silent laugh, “You can’t leave until after I have the baby.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” leaning back against the couch, resting my head against the side of her leg, “Besides it’s gonna take that long to get everything put in order with the house, my publisher, getting a visa. . .” I let my words trail off as my eyes lids drop and my mind ran through everything that seems to have happened in this short amount of time. Everything from meeting Ville, to starting a new career and even Alice’s pregnancy, “Things are really starting to change for us aren’t they?”

“Yeah Meg, they certainly are.”

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