(no subject)

Jul 07, 2012 23:47

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30. Chapter 31, Chapter 32

The next week ran by in a haze of adventures. We had somehow managed to recover in record time from the incident at dinner and he had even made a point of offering haphazard apologizes to Mige and Linde for his actions; though his words were rough and labored I could tell from the look on the guys faces that apologizes were something that were few and far between from Ville. After that things returned to what appeared to be normal for Ville’s life as far as I’d come to know it at least. We spent time in the city, “touristy shit”, as he so delicately described it as he led me through what he thought were the most interesting parts of the city. It was in that time wandering the city, the occasional fan stopping him for a quick autograph or to simply say hello, that I realized just how important this city, these surroundings, these people were to him. Walking along the harbor late one afternoon, our fingers gently laced together, he pulled me casually to a bench where we took a seat, looking out over the harbor as a cool breeze toyed with the few strands of my hair which had fallen from the clip holding most of it back. My head found its way to the curve of his shoulder, the pad of his thumb moving slightly over my knuckles.

“It’s beautiful here.” my words timid as I had began thinking about the reality of our situation. He lives here; everything is here for him and my home, my life, was so far away from all this.

“Mmmhhh.” his head tilting to rest on mine and though I noticed a few passersby grin with that glint of recognition as they looked to us, I knew from his silence that he was lost in the subtly changing colors of the sky as the sun made its way to the other side of the world. . .my side of the world

“I can understand why you love it here so much.”

“It’s home,” that voice slightly rough from not being used in some time, “I wish I could be here more.” My heart sank a little at the longing in his voice. Though I knew better, something in me had hoped he’d tell me that his home is with me, no matter where; but as we sat there in silence once again his words running through my head again and again it became very clear that Helsinki would always be home for him, and nothing and no one was going to change that.

The topic never came up again and I had managed to put it out of my mind as I thought back to a time in my shower when he’d told not to worry, that we’d make this work. So that’s what I did, for once I didn’t worry and allowed myself to fully believe that we would find a way to make all of this make sense.

A few days later I found myself sitting on Ville’s lap in the small dressing room at Tavastia listening to all the guys talk excitedly about the show they were getting ready to put on. It had been a sort of impromptu idea, they had decided they wanted to premier the new album to there hometown fans. The whole thing had been put into motion only a few days ago and now here we were, listening to the roar of a sold out club. A squeeze of my waist and my eyes were brought to his, now rimmed in dark eyeliner and ready to take he stage.

“You gonna stay back here?” a slight smile raised my lips as I shook my head no.

“I’ve never actually seen you guys live,” dropping my head, letting my forehead rest against his, “and I’m certainly not going to miss the chance now.” a quiet laugh vibrated through his chest, causing us both to shake a little.

“You wanna go out in the crowd?” his face taking a slightly more serious expression.

“Nah,” resting a quick kiss on the bridge of his nose, “I’ll just watch from the side of the stage.” He nodded his head before motioning for me to stand and he followed in suit. I watched the rest of the guys file out of the room and in the direction of the crowd. Hands clasped tight together he led me to the side of the stage where he pulled me into a firm kiss. A kiss that told me he was glad I was there, glad we had made it this far and though it wasn’t a long kiss we still parted slightly out of breath. A quick wink and he was out of my reach, taking his place behind the mic stand and with a rough scream he made his way into “Soul on Fire”.
The show was everything I had expected: those familiar guitar riffs melding perfectly with that deep voice, the occasional remark in Finnish that always made the crowd go wild and too many cigarettes and bottles of beer to count. Two hours, the entire new album and a few of the classics later they tumbled off stage, adrenaline visibly pumping hard and fast through each of them

Minutes or maybe hours later I found myself in a drunken haze standing next to Linde, hovering over a folding table decorated with a variety of food provided for this little after party. Roaming over the offerings with starved eyes my shaky hand found its way to what appeared to be some sort of vegetarian wrap sandwich piece.

“You enjoy the show?” even in my haze I could hear the slightest slur in that normally controlled voice that I would know anywhere as that of the blonde guitarist.

“Yeah.” a quick glance at him before taking a small bite of sandwhich.

“Almost every show is like this,” he took another sip of his amber colored drink, “the before show and after show all seem to flow together from one night to another.” Nodding as if I understood while quietly devouring what was left of the food in my hand. “I think that’s why he wanted to do this with you here,” I’m not sure if it was his words or the seemingly unnecessary pause that caused my eyes to seek his out, but when mine landed in his I quickly took note of the stoic expression covering those normally peaceful eyes. “I think he wants you to know exactly what you’re getting into, exactly what his life is like, what this lifestyle does to him and why he is the way he is sometimes.” at this point I knew that even if I hadn’t been intoxicated I still would have been confused, until I followed his eyes to the sight behind me. Another pair of scantily clad fans had found their way back and where taking up residence on the couch next to their drunken love metal god. I raised a weary eye brow as I watched an obviously bottle blonde slink her way up as close as she could next to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders before leaning in to whisper something that she found quite funny into his ear; even from my vantage point the expression on his face told me whatever she’d said wasn’t nearly as entertaining as she’s let on, but it only took a moment for him to recover and play off what I recognized as a forced laugh.

“He puts up with this shit every night?” a soft hand handed on my right shoulder.

“Yup, and no matter how drunk he gets it never gets farther than this and I think that’s what he wanted you to know.” I was so engrossed in the sight on the couch I almost didn’t notice when Linde walked away. Forced laughter and staged smiles seemed to placate the blonde, making her so happy I found it slightly entertaining and after a few minutes I started to feel slightly bad, as if my watching was intruding on what she would probably remember as one of the greatest moments of her life. Taking another swig of beer from the bottle that had some how found its way into my hand I felt an impish smile raise my lips as I watched a black sharpie pass from fan to musician and just as quickly as it had appeared, that smile was gone as the blonde pulled up her top exposing two expensive tits. Without missing a beat he uncapped the pen and placed a signature on one and a hastily drawn heartagram on the other; he handed the pen back to her and after another staged smile he took his leave, green eyes instantly finding mine as he stood. It seemed to take forever for him to reach me and the closer he got the more worry I could see in those evergreen crystals. Smooth beer slipped down my throat as two large hands landed on either side of my waist.

“Meg?” worried eyes met mine and in that instant I found myself wondering if I could do this. Could I be with a man who would always have that temptation thrown at his feet? Could I truly trust someone that much? Was I strong enough to take that chance? “That’s just how they are sometimes, I can’t change that.” the defeat in his voice gave me every answer my alcohol laden mind needed.

“Ok.” It came out as a quick whisper as I crashed my lips against his and his hands brought me in tighter against him. As we stood there consumed in a deep, harsh kiss I couldn’t help but sneak a look at the blonde - the defeated looking blonde who was retreating into the hallway.

The rest of the evening passed without incident, that’s not to say there were no more scantily clad fans appearing, but there were no more topless fans. The backstage chaos went on for hours more, until early morning when we tumbled into a cab heading for his place.

“Are we going home?” I mumbled, my face resting against his chest as the car started towards the apartment.

“To my apartment yes sweetheart.” he corrected me, words slurring slightly but something told me he was no where near as drunk as I had thought.

“Into our comfy bed?”

“Mmmmhhh” long fingers pushing my hair back behind my ear before trailing his finger tips along my jaw. “You have to go home in a few days don’t you?”

“I am home.”

“No sweetie, you’re still in Finland.” that impish laugh rolling out with his words.

“Silly boy,” sitting up to meet his gaze, “this is my home.” I reiterated, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him tight against me which only caused him to cock his head, giving me a quizzical look. “Next to you.” The cab came to a stop and after handing the cabbie a wad of bills we meandered into the building and up to the apartment; we finally made it in after spending some time fighting with the door and the lock that seemed to keep moving. Once inside we quickly stripped off and climbed under the covers. Curling up, he pulled me up against him, flesh to flesh, and sighed contentedly as a peaceful silence fell around us.



“I wish I could be with you all the time.”

“I know. Me too.” mumbling my response

“The next best thing would be coming home to you every time I’m home.”

“Yeah.” dozing off and not quite sure what he’s said.

“We could make this our home, if you wanted to move over here.”

“I’d like that.” those were the last words I remember uttering that night and while I wasn’t quite certain what I’d agreed to, it sent me into the most restful slumber I had experienced in ages.

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