Afraid to Feel

Oct 07, 2010 17:04

Title: Afraid to feel
Rating: Rated PG-13 going a little bit to R eventually, I think.
Pairing: Ville/OFC
Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. I do not own Ville Valo, his music, his band or his band mates and their families.
Summary:  Ville Valo is not a good man. At least that is what Elina has come to understand. He is a killer, but her problem is that he is too wonderful to hate! (Not my best summary, but it’ll have to do for now)

Chapter 5: Dinner at Tommy’s

Ever since the concert Elina, felt as if she was being constantly watched. Always used to be the weird kid at school, Elina had developed that ability the hard way. Now it came naturally, and Elina was able to turn quickly to where she felt they were watching her. Since the concert she had been stalked by a man with shades. At first he had scared the crap out of her, and she thought it was a weird coincidence. But soon that was proven otherwise for he followed her everywhere from a safe distance.

At class she was always on edge, and she hated that her job ended so far into the night. She knew how to defend herself quite well, but still she liked to be cautious. He was always dressed normally; however there was an air about him that exuded the opposite. Not once did he make contact with Elina, yet she knew that it would be inevitable. And it was that thought that frightened Elina. Tommy had tried to notify the authorities; nevertheless nothing could be done with the stranger. He hadn’t done anything yet, and he didn’t follow her into buildings and such, so it could be coincidence, the authorities said. So she had been watchful and patient, bearing herself for what was to come. For it was to come, she could feel the ominous sense chilling her bones with every day that passed.

She couldn’t let the stranger get in the way of her life. She was getting married soon. Almost everyday Elina was running about with what needed to be done for the wedding to be perfect (in addition to her job and classes), the stranger on her heels. Once when she had been hanging out with her friends, (since they were motherfuckers, they feared nothing and cared for nothing) they had gone to face the stranger head on, but just as they were nearing him he disappeared out of thin air. Lucy had even once done provocative gestures his way, merely to see if she could get an emotion from him. Also she had given him a nickname that Elina absolutely loathed: Mr. Stalker.


Almost four months had passed and Elina hadn’t heard from Ville Valo in any kind of way. She felt stupid for actually believing what he said to her. Tommy on the other hand, was kind of ticked off that Ville had flirted with his girlfriend when Elina told him of what they had spoken when she met the singer.

How could she have believed Ville’s words? She didn’t know how he really was in person. He must have been trying to amuse himself with the faces Elina made when he said something peculiar.

For a moment in time she had hoped the singer had been speaking the truth, but it made her feel foolish. What happened to all her years of self protection and mind control? She had left herself been fooled by a fickle ray of nonexistent hope. And if Ville did come see her, what would he want of her? She did remember that she had mention having a fiancée in front of him, what could he want? Besides he was in a famous band, his agenda must be too hectic for him to even think of her, yet along come to see her again.


With Ozzy Osborne’s heavy metal music booming from her headphones, Elina concentrated on studying. Most people would need complete and utter silence to study for a test, but not Elina. She needed music to be able to study, and actually remember something, if not she would fail miserably. Elina’s phone began to vibrate next to her text book, and with one quick check at the caller ID, she answered the call with a big smile of her face. “Hey handsome, didn’t think you would remember me so soon.”

From the other side of the line, Elina could imagine the smile Tommy must have put on his face. He was very predictable with that. “Aww, that’s pure evil, Elina. I, who called because I miss you terribly,”

“It’s only been a day.”

“I missed you, though.”

She smiled, loving the man more and more. The woman rolled her eyes, her stomach going will with butterflies. She loved the way Tommy’s cuteness made her feel. However, she liking pretending to be a skeptic person, thought it be best to tease him a little bit.  “Liar, you called just to keep appearances up. Don’t play dumb, I know you have a hooker next to you. Are ya going to marry her tonight?” She said joking around.

Tommy pretended to gasp, sounding way too sexy over the phone. “You hired someone to follow me didn’t you?” He forced his voice to sound suspicious, encouraging Elina to keep up their little word game.

“Well duh! I don’t trust you.”

For a second he remained silent, before he snorted. “That coming from you, who flirted with Ville Valo like there was no tomorrow. How do I know he’s not around you, doing perverted stuff to ya?”

“Gasp! I have been discovered. I’ll just have to kill you when you get back.” They laughed thinking of the many conversations they would have in the future, and wondering what they would be about. “I miss you too, Tommy.”

He sighed. “My sweet Elina, to think that you’ll be my wife in less than two weeks! It feels so good to know that.”

“Yeah, it does. Anyway, tell me how’s the bachelor party going?”

“It’s wild, but what do you expect from four guys in Vegas?” Tommy said, as if it should be obvious; which in fact it was. He went there as a present from his best man, a bachelor party in Sin City. Elina had been jealous that he got to go do naughty things in Vegas, yet she waved him off with a big smile. As long as he came back to her without a horde of problems on his back, well then Elina was happy for him.
Elina rolled her eyes, annoyed that Tommy had once again asked her stuff that she knew he wouldn’t like the answer. The man was sometimes so blonde. “Believe me baby, you don’t want to know. When are you coming back?”

“Three days.”

And with that Elina continued on speaking to her fiancée, both desperately hoping that time would go faster.


Elina tapped her fingers lightly on the wooden table. She looked around to the faces of the people present and found the same expression of everlasting worry that she figured graced her face as well. Taking out her cell phone, Elina glanced at the time growing more restless than before.

“He’s doing it to piss me off.” The bride-to-be said glaring intensely at a random spot on the table. “And God damn it, is fucking working!” She slammed her fist unto the wooden table, making the people around her flinch. They were forgiving though, for they knew that all the anger Elina was showing off was merely worry. They were all worried in view of the fact that they hadn’t heard of Tommy since morning, and he was supposed to be at his parents’ house for dinner, as were his parents, Elina and her father. The last time Tommy called he was on his way, and his comrades had stopped at a rest stop to fill the car’s tank. No one had heard of Tommy since then.

“Now, now baby. Stay calm.” Jeff said as he pated his daughter’s back in circular motions, sitting next to her. He knew she didn’t like that, but he thought it would keep her minds off of things. Needless to say, it wasn’t working for him. “I’m sure he must have lost track of the time and forgot to call in. We men are like that. Especially when hanging with friends, aren’t we Tomas?” The father of thee bride asked, not sure that his words alone were enough to calm Elina down.

The father of the groom seemed to snap out a trance-like state to look toward Jeff, totally oblivious. “Pardon?” Tomas said from the head of the table, making Hanna, sitting opposite from him, bang her forehead gently with the palm of her hand. Jeff sighed trying to hold his anger. Looking back as his daughter, Jeff saw as Elina had her shoulders tense, her hands balled into fists and how her lower lip trembled. She was on the verge of tears as uncertainty racked her brain.

“Tommy is not the type to do that, Dad.” Elina said through clenched teeth as she willed herself to believe that the pain in her chest was just a figment of her imagination. The foreboding sense of impending doom she felt was not true! ‘Any minute now, Tommy will come bursting through that door, saying that he didn’t find a phone to call in. Even if it contradicts what I just said to Dad,’ Elina thought.

Hanna found this as the perfect time to intervene the heavy atmosphere. She was way beyond worried herself, but she had to stay calm for the younger woman’s sake. “Let’s stop worrying so much, okay? Tommy is probably fine. Who would like a glass of wine?” She stood as if about to leave the dinning room.

Elina looked away and sighed exasperated; it was Jeff the one who spoke, and had it been another situation, Elina would have smiked. “Don’t you have something, um, stronger?” Jeff said, sympathizing and watching Elina’s in-laws as they grew surprise. He himself was surprise that he was so calm about it; however he didn’t let the fact bother him. There were more important things to think about.
Tomas stood and left with his wife, saying something about whiskey hidden in the kitchen. Now that Tommy’s parents were out of the room, Elina dialed in her cell phone Tommy’s number, desperately trying to reach him.

AN: Anyone care to guess what will happen next? I'll give you a cookie for trying. =)

Previously:  Prologue  Part 1 Part 1: Chapter 1 Part 1: Chapter 2 Part 1: Chapter 3 Part 1: Chapter 4

ville valo

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