Afraid to Feel

Aug 28, 2010 13:25

Title: Afraid to feel

Rating: Rated PG-13 going a little bit to R eventually, I think.

Pairing: Ville/OFC

Disclaimer: This is a work of complete fiction. I do not own Ville Valo, his music, his band or his band mates and their families.

Summary: Ville Valo is not a good man. At least that is what Elina has come to understand. He is a killer, but her problem is that he is too wonderful to hate! (Not my best summary, but it’ll have to do for now)

Chapter 3: A dream come true

A month later, Elina was putting on her favorite HIM shirt.

Today was the day. Today she was finally going to see HIM concert! Finally, after five years of waiting and hoping she was to see her favorite band perform. Today she would see those men live and in action, and she would bask in the glory it would bring to her tortured soul. Ever since she first listened to HIM, she denominated them as her favorite band. Their music was so beautiful. And after waiting a month since Tommy had told her of the concert, her dream was to come true.

Screamworks: Love in theory and Practice was HIM at its best, and Elina had to keep pinching herself to prove that she wasn’t dreaming. But it was happening. The last time she had been that thrilled was when Tommy proposed. Tommy would pick her up really soon, and she was still not ready. She had yet to find her shoes, and her black eye liner was giving her some trouble. Though, she though it would be best not to put any on. She knew herself quite well to expect that no matter how much strong she appeared to be, she was going to break down at the HIM concert seconds after it began.

Elina went to the laundry room, to check the drying machine. Her father was still out, so she gave herself the lavishness of running through the house on her black panties. Inside the room, the machine was yet making its irritating sound and Elina checked to see how much time it was going to take.

Her best ripped jeans were there, going round and round as they dried. The machine only had a couple minutes left, so Elina turned it off to take her pants. The warm fabric felt good against her naked skin. She went to her room, searching with determination for her shoes until she found them, and putted them on.

The horn of a car interrupted her, and hurriedly she grabbed her cell phone, jamming it into one of the front pockets of her jeans.


Tommy glanced over at Elina as he drove on the show. She looked extremely beautiful, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at how different they were from each other. Elina had the most beautiful reddish-brown color hair he had ever seen, intelligent gray eyes (as her father) and her fine bone structure held the promise of the incensement of her beauty as she grew of age. And her attitude, the way she carried herself made her appear like she was a regal woman, like the lead females in fantasy books. Not to be messed with and to be followed without a second thought.

She was holding her cell phone between her hands, clutching it more tightly as the moments went on. In her stomach, wave after wave of thousands of butterflies were flying around, making Elina nervous. Tommy reached out to capture her left hand, and then he brought it up to his lips to kiss tenderly.

"I wonder if you have ever felt this way before going to meet up with me." Tommy said remembering how he had felt on the first date he had with Elina. He had been shitting his pants, as Elina walked next to him dressed like Dracula’s wife around the mall on a Friday night. However that had only intrigued him, and he had been surprised when much later Elina told he she dressed like that because of the nerves. Their union as boyfriend and girlfriend had been the talk of the year in school.

"Do I detect a pang of jealousy?"

"Should I be jealous of them, sugar? If Ville Valo asked you to marry him right now, would you accept?"

Tauntingly, Elina smiled. Tommy always made those kinds of questions to her without thinking if he would like the honest answer she would give him. "No, but I would give the honeymoon to him, and hope to Satan I get pregnant." Elina replied speaking the most honest of truths of her peculiar way of thinking.

"You’re kidding right?"

"Not at all; imagine what beautiful babies Ville and I would make…" She said faking trailing away to annoy Tommy. Though, she was doing it to mess with Tommy, what she was saying was what she thought.

He looked away, following her game. "For some reason I find that I don’t wish to." He said smiling. Elina wasn’t the woman he had dreamed of marring, but he also hadn’t been that happy before. Sure he was young; still there was no messing with what was destined to be. Tommy and Elina were meant for each other. If not, then their differences wouldn’t click as harmoniously as they did. The couple was always able to find a place in between their favorite hobbies, music and entertainment. As well as their personalities were used to the other’s by now. They were in love, as simple as that.

Elina laughed. A couple minutes later a thought that had been nagging her for a long time, came back to her head. "What did your mom say when I left?" Elina asked her eyes determine to interpret her fiancée’s reaction.


She raised an eyebrow at him, catching his edgy bouncing eyes. "Nothing tra-la-la?" Elina said quoting her favorite movie quote of all time. Tommy’s eyes did not leave the road as he drove on.


"Does she hate me more now?"

Tommy looked at her then frowned. "Honey, she doesn’t hate you." He said as if it was the most common piece of knowledge in the universe. He took her hand again, this time keeping it in his grasp.

"Lying is bad Tommy." Elina said. "Is like she doesn’t want to present me to all your family, but I can’t blame her. Sometimes I am such a jewel."

"Forget about my mother." Tommy said kissing her hand again, his eyes on the road ahead. In truth Tom’s mother, Hanna did not hate Elina. His mother merely didn’t like anyone to go against her stylistic decisions. Elina had only done it so far because it had to do with the wedding. Tomas, on the other hand, adored Elina because of that. "I want to rub my beautiful bride on my family’s faces."

Content with his answer, Elina looked out the window, as the butterflies claimed her stomach again. Only this time she didn’t know what caused them; the fact that she was going to a HIM concert or Tommy.

An hour and a half later Elina and Tommy were in line, waiting to be allowed to enter the establishment where the concert would take place.


Elina was in another world. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her nose was running vaguely, yet she was mesmerized still.

The concert had been like the most vivid dream Elina had ever had. She had cried as a little child since the first moment the HIM band members took the stage. And she had laid out her heart, like she had never before, as she sang the lyric of the songs she knew by heart. Beautiful and blissful pain had consumed her body as she moved to the sound of HIM, Tommy holding her close. It had been everything Elina had imagine and way beyond more. After the band left the stage, Tommy had led Elina away; else she stayed fixed to the spot all night. He brought her to a stop infont of the bathrooms.

"Honey?" Tommy called to get her attention over the roaring conversations of the other HIM fans that refused to leave, and had opted to hang near the bathrooms like flies. "Before we leave I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Do you wanna go?" He asked pressing his mouth to her ear as he spoke.

"I’m fine here." She said content, her hands holding on to the cell phone she used to take photos of the performing band.

He nodded, doubtful.

As soon as Tommy left reluctantly, Elina turned her attention to the little device in her hands, smiling broadly as she looked for the photos she had taken earlier during the show. Unbeknown to even herself, she had begun to walk away from her spot as she watched the phone’s little screen.

A man bumped straight into her, and annoyed Elina pushed him away with all the strength she could bring forth. "Watch where you’re going, dick-hole!" She yelled, but ironically took a bad step to the side, twisting her ankle as she went. Elina gasped in pain, using all the profanity she knew of.

"Honey?" Tommy called as he reached the spot where she was. He had been searching for her franticly when he didn’t find her where he had left her. "What happened?" He asked once he saw Elina’s face was twisting with pain.

"An ass made me trip. The pain is almost gone. Can we go?"

Tommy pulled her away, carefully helping her from putting too much weight on her injured leg as they walked together. He placed light kisses on Elina’s temple as they went, making her chuckle lightly for his antics of being of assistance. Slowly they made it outside, which was buzzing with the activities of the people who had exited the establishment just as Elina and Tommy had.

"Wait for me here, sugar. I’m gonna get the car so you wont have to walk." Tommy said letting go of her hand as he took off. Elina watched him go with a smile on her face. He was just the most adorable man she had ever met!

Even though she was alone, with tons of strangers that were HIM fans, Elina felt content as she waited in a dark, secluded corner for Tommy to bring around his car. Her ankle barely hurt anymore in the angle she had it, but she knew that even if she told Tommy, he would have insisted of her to wait for him.


AN: Well here you go, I wish-- *sniff, sniff* … do you smell that? *sniff, sniff* is that really--*sniffs again then grins mischievously*, well, well, well, something Finnish this way comes.

Previously: Prologue Part 1 Part 1: Chapter 1 Part 1: Chapter 2

ville valo

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