Title: Miscommunication
otempora42Team: The Woo Girls
Word Count: 100
Fandom: HIMYM
Characters/Pairings: Barney/Robin, Lily
Rating/Warnings: G
Author's Notes: Just some Barney and Lily friendship stuff, concerning Robin for the email prompt. Also, here's hoping I got the format right.
Sometimes Lily wondered if Barney had been raised by wolves.
“Email? Seriously?”
“What? It’s perfect. I can just slip it in there, with the monkey video, and then if she reacts badly, I can tell her I didn’t mean it that way. 83% of online communication is misunderstood.”
“So you’re saying I love you with a monkey video?”
“Barney. You use email to send out stupid videos. You use it to arrange business meetings. You do not use it to tell someone that you love them!”
“Why not?”
Lily sighed and rolled her eyes.
Barney never sent that email.