
Aug 08, 2008 21:59

What is this Twilight thing people keep talking about on my flist? All I've been able to determine is that the latest book is crap and that there is going to be a TV show (which also looks crap)

What's all the fuss about?

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chickadilly August 8 2008, 22:26:10 UTC
I posted some rants about how much the latest book offended me here and here if you're curious. I don't think I've ever gotten so many comments on my posts before - most of which agree with me that the books are mysoginic and offensive.

Now granted I am bias since Harry Potter was really my first really big online fandom but still. The comparisons of this crap book series to HP makes my blood squirm. So do the Buffy comparisons - Buffy could kick those sparkly vampire's ass in about five seconds. All of them.

If you really want a laugh check out cleolinda's recaps - her 'sparkle motion' tag has them all. Highly recommended. :D

Having said all of that? I did actually enjoy the first book. I thought Meyer had a few cases of 'first writers syndrome' - especially with her characterizations but it all went down hill after the second book.


hils August 8 2008, 22:32:08 UTC
Hehe! A lot of people have been recommending those recaps. I shall have to take a look


chickadilly August 8 2008, 22:41:04 UTC
You totally should - they're pretty amusing ( ... )


hils August 8 2008, 22:48:27 UTC
OMG! That sounds hilarious! And Bella sounds like everything I despise in badly written female characters


chickadilly August 8 2008, 22:53:59 UTC
Bella is the biggest Mary Sue who ever Mary Sue'd. LOL

I think if you go into reading the books for the LULZ factor you won't be disappointed - but when i first read them I wasn't aware that was how to read them so I found them pretty much offensive. I will say that despite the fact that they're poorly written they are like crack. I litterally couldn't put them down when I read - even though I wanted to throw things while I did read. LOL

This latest one though ... *shudders* ... I thought I would be reading for the LULZ (because I knew all of the spoilers beforehand) but I was more offended than anything.

But I'd rec' Cleolinda's recaps more than the books - they are full of LULZ.

Oh and i just saw your newest post. Heh. I got defriended for saying these books are crap the other day too!


hils August 8 2008, 23:27:34 UTC
Hee! I just read Cleolinda's posts. Awesome!

I don't need to read the books now ;)


tyffi August 8 2008, 23:08:45 UTC
You made it through all the books?

I admire you! I still ahven't finished book one, because I'm still laughing about sparkling vampires - and trust me: it's difficutl to read while you're laughing so hard that tears show up.


Er, If anyone cares - spoiler in comment ... chickadilly August 8 2008, 23:11:48 UTC
You made it through all the books?

ALmost - I'm not quite finished with this latest edition of FAIL but I am determined to finish. I nearly gave up when Jacob fell in lurve with Mutant Baby. LOL

I should get some sort of prize for reading these things. Heh.

(edit: Er, I just realized I spoiled you ... I dunno if you care but I'm sorry if you do!)


Re: Er, If anyone cares - spoiler in comment ... tyffi August 8 2008, 23:41:36 UTC
Those books would make a great drinking game. Have one shot whenerver a sparkling vampire shows up, have two shots when the girl acts like one hell annoying teenager, have three shots when...
You'd be drunk within the first chapter... or, page actually... LOL!

I should get some sort of prize for reading these things. Heh.
You definitely should!

And, you didn't spoiled me. I've heard about that before, and I really don't care, though I'm not surprised it ends up with spawning. I write bad fanfics myself. It always ends with babies. *nods*

Wow, and now I have the urge to write a fic with Lex Luthor having a sparkling vampire baby. *snickers*


Re: Er, If anyone cares - spoiler in comment ... hils August 8 2008, 23:44:05 UTC
EEE! Or an AU where Lex IS a sparking vampire! He'd look so pretty all sparkly.

Actually, I wrote a fic where Lex was a vampire. Damn, I should have made him sparkle


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