
Aug 08, 2008 21:59

What is this Twilight thing people keep talking about on my flist? All I've been able to determine is that the latest book is crap and that there is going to be a TV show (which also looks crap)

What's all the fuss about?

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Comments 103

beach_baby August 8 2008, 21:52:00 UTC
The twilight thing is because the books are awesome, way better then harry potter.

The latest book is suppose to be awesome, but everyone has their own opition so im not really going to say anything about because i haven't gotten to read it, so really i can't say anything about it.

There isn't going to be a show about it, just a movie based on the first book.

Its AWESOME thats why its a big thing.


hils August 8 2008, 22:09:22 UTC
Hehe! Most of my flist seems to disagree *g*


beach_baby August 8 2008, 22:11:18 UTC
Yeah i see that, and i see a lot of them never really read the book either. Which if you didn't read it how can you say anything about it?

I see everyone wants compare it to something else, And it seems like the Buffy fans compare it to her and then they disagree. Which Buffy and Bella are different and not suppose to go together.
I've never really gotten the whole WOW thing with Buffy. eh.


hils August 8 2008, 22:12:42 UTC
Hehe! Well, there are people on here who have read it and don't like it either. LOL!

It sounds like the sort of thing I'd have probably enjoyed 10 years ago when I was a bit younger.


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hils August 8 2008, 22:10:41 UTC
Hehe! It seems to be getting mostly negative responses from my flist so I don't think I'll bother reading them


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caersidi August 9 2008, 07:10:07 UTC
That's my approach to them too. Sort of a guilty pleasure like watching 'Gossip Girl'.

Light, fluffy and apparently sparkly vampires. I can hardly wait. :)


vichan August 8 2008, 22:11:19 UTC
I've read the whole series, but I also have a HUGE weakness for young adult vampire novels. (The Vampire Diaires are far superior to Twilight, and also came 14 years before.)

Basically, Twilight is one of those books that's semi-worth worth one read. (Coming from me, that means the plot is interesting, but the writing style is crap. Much like The Da Vinci Code.)

On the other hand, though... I enjoyed the most recent book because the good moments are good, while the bad moments are laughably bad. Laughingly bad is better than wincingly bad, because then it's funny. :-)


hils August 8 2008, 22:13:33 UTC
Hehe! I actually enjoyed The Da Vinci Code *hides*


vichan August 8 2008, 22:17:20 UTC
Don't get me wrong... I actually LOVED the Da Vinci Code. The author's writing style just really grated my nerves sometimes, but the amount of research that went into it, plus the way the plot really drove you to just NOT PUT IT DOWN? Oh, HELL yes.


hils August 8 2008, 22:21:04 UTC
Yeah, I read it in a very short space of time because I was hooked. That's all I want from a book, really.


bittermint August 8 2008, 22:17:34 UTC
I read the first book last summer. It was so awful I didn't bother with the rest of them. In fact, I did what a lot of people are doing with the fourth book - I returned it to the bookstore and got my money back.

All I can say about the people who've stuck with the series thus far is, they must have a really strong gag reflex. ;)


hils August 8 2008, 22:19:35 UTC

Yes, I am getting that impression


chickadilly August 8 2008, 22:26:10 UTC
I posted some rants about how much the latest book offended me here and here if you're curious. I don't think I've ever gotten so many comments on my posts before - most of which agree with me that the books are mysoginic and offensive.

Now granted I am bias since Harry Potter was really my first really big online fandom but still. The comparisons of this crap book series to HP makes my blood squirm. So do the Buffy comparisons - Buffy could kick those sparkly vampire's ass in about five seconds. All of them.

If you really want a laugh check out cleolinda's recaps - her 'sparkle motion' tag has them all. Highly recommended. :D

Having said all of that? I did actually enjoy the first book. I thought Meyer had a few cases of 'first writers syndrome' - especially with her characterizations but it all went down hill after the second book.


hils August 8 2008, 22:32:08 UTC
Hehe! A lot of people have been recommending those recaps. I shall have to take a look


chickadilly August 8 2008, 22:41:04 UTC
You totally should - they're pretty amusing ( ... )


hils August 8 2008, 22:48:27 UTC
OMG! That sounds hilarious! And Bella sounds like everything I despise in badly written female characters


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