
May 08, 2006 16:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Monday, October 10th @ 7 PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Grady
Currently Involving: Audrey, Grady

He's going to drive her crazy... )


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grady_bucher May 8 2006, 23:53:22 UTC
Today had been a reasonably fun day. No classes all day, except for the occassional study hall, and he had hung around with Tyra for a bit. Ham and potatoes was a good way to end the day, he decided, pushing his plate away and standing. Of course, he did not have any plans for the night, and so, belly full, he made his way toward the door. Another night by the fire did certainly sound good! Maybe he'd run into Charlie and she'd finally take him up on his request. Oh, a man could only hope ( ... )


audreyrochester May 9 2006, 00:16:28 UTC
((*dies*... *dies again* ... *is totally dead* HAHAHA OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH ALREADY!! *dies one last time*))

Little ol' Audrey had been minding her own business, not paying attention to anyone, when all of a sudden she was being attacked!!!

Who the hell...??! Her initial reaction was to scream, because surely this person who was hugging her only wanted one thing... right? Right.

Although, once the squeak had left her mouth, and her brain finally started to function just what exactly was happening to her, she realized it was Grady. Grady of all people -- the bloke who had made it his mission in life to torture her with his crazyness! Yes. It was Grady. And although she wasn't very accustomed to such affection and hugs with her friends, she allowed herself to relax under his touch. Whats more, there may or may not have been a smile gracing her face ( ... )


grady_bucher May 9 2006, 01:15:41 UTC
((Hehe. This is very fun. ^^ -snugsgradyandaudrey ( ... )


audreyrochester May 9 2006, 01:32:02 UTC
Audrey bit her lip, looking away from him as she noticed his scowl. What on earth was that boy thinking? She found herself suddenly quite curious. If she had been the sort, she may have even asked what was wrong, but as it were, she only pretended not to notice.

In truth, Audrey really did enjoy Grady's company. He was out of hand and unruly, obnoxious and loud; but he had always been a complete doll to her. Even in their younger days, when she was awkward and completely shy, he went out of his way to ensure that she had a good time.

Although his definition of fun, and her definition of fun were drastically different.

When Grady mentioned trouble, she rolled her eyes, becoming more and more comfortable around him and not minding the affectionate touch, "Why of course, dearest, I simply adore getting into trouble! It's a daily habit, you see. I try to find some spot of mischief to get myself into each and every day," Her tone was wry, but there was still a brilliant smile on her face. "As for my parents, mother and father are ( ... )


grady_bucher May 9 2006, 23:18:36 UTC
Even as she looked away, Grady continued grinning. Nothing like running into - or attacking as this case was - an old friend. Especially one with such sarcasm. He loved it; which was good because it was basically the only form of teasing he could handle ( ... )


audreyrochester May 10 2006, 00:10:26 UTC
She gasped, "Grady Bucher how dare you look at me like that!" Audrey couldn't help the dazzling smile that appeared, as well as the giggles that accompanied it. Of course she had noticed the way he seemed to look her over, and as used to it as she was(because hey, let's face it, she got looks like that a lot), it was still a little nerve racking to have Grady check her out.

He couldn't ever think of her like that, could he? Again, Audrey was curious. It wasn't as if she kept tabs on the boy, she had no idea what kind of girl chasing he was up to. All she knew was that he was her long time friend, who'd used to bribe her into playing in the mud, or playing a little prank on her older sister ( ... )


grady_bucher May 11 2006, 00:03:01 UTC
He couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, bugger off," his tone was playful and he wouldn't have let her bugger off she wanted to. "You would've been wondering if I hadn't." He was beaming - even though they were older and things were more complicated, they still had fun around one another. Well, at least he was having fun ( ... )


audreyrochester May 11 2006, 00:27:36 UTC
"Why, of course I was holding out for you! You being my best mate and all," She teased, winking at him. They both knew they weren't best mates, but... if Audrey thought about it long and hard, he was probably pretty close ( ... )


grady_bucher May 11 2006, 01:18:03 UTC
"Aye. I knew you couldn't resist my stunningly good looks and amazing charm," Grady laughed, even though he wasn't secure with his looks at all. He was so tall, and his hair was blond, how could anyone ever find that attractive! He sighed, grinned a bit wider. To him, everyone was his best mate. Some where better than others, but in his mind, if he was friendly with you, you were a best mate! Audrey was very nearly tied with Charlie for his best lady pal, he would've concluded had he thought about it ( ... )


audreyrochester May 12 2006, 00:15:07 UTC
Audrey shrugged, not wanting to confirm or deny his teasing. She was in far too good a mood to say something harsh, and drop his ego down a peg or two. But at the same time, she always had to keep herself in check. Although she flirted, she tried not to get too out of hand with it.

Besides, she still wasn't sure how Grady acted. She didn't pay enough attention to know he was one of Hogwarts biggest flirts, and she didn't want to get the boys hopes up or anything.

As he told her they were just going to sit, she was rather surprised. Audrey had been almost positive he was going to try and reel her into some evil scheme he had plotted. But sit? And what, talk? That seemed so unlike him. Although it was true, they hadn't had a decent chat for awhile, and maybe he really wanted to just catch up with her.

How pleasant-- or at least it had been a pleasant thought until Grady conjured lawn chairs!!! Who did he think she was? Some hill billy hick from the States? She was a lady, and ladies did not sit in lawn chairs ( ... )


grady_bucher May 12 2006, 01:16:59 UTC
Watching her reaction to the chairs, he couldn't help but laugh. How silly of him! Of course she didn't want to sit in a lawn chair. Just because he cared for them didn't mean that a young women like herself would want to plop down into a deep seated lawn chair. "Oh, I'm sorry Auddey." Using a nickname that he hadn't since he was considerably younger made his insides bounce. There was just something about old friends.

An awful influence? Hardly! In his presence she had hardly gotten into any real trouble! They hadn't misused any muggle items that Grady had stolen from school, bothered any animals, or even get warnings about underage magic. Then again, if she thought him trying to get her to sit in a lawn chair was awful perhaps he was. And by god, he liked it that way ( ... )


audreyrochester May 14 2006, 03:05:58 UTC
"Yes well, I suppose I can forgive you... for now," She let out an exasperated sigh, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips to let him know she was only teasing.

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, she realized it would take some getting used to. She certainly was not used to sitting in such chairs, but again, she didn't want to be rude. It was such a Grady thing to do, though, so it rather amused her.

At his remark about Astronomy, she threw her head back and laughed, "I know. I remember. You always used to want to copy my charts," Which was so true. Since the Gryffindors and Slytherins usually had classes together, he'd always try peaking over her shoulder in hopes to see the answers.

She simply nodded at his next statement. Of course she was brilliant in all of them! She wouldn't take the classes she wasn't brilliant in ( ... )


grady_bucher May 15 2006, 23:51:12 UTC
If he was that sort of lad (a poof, possibly), Grady would grinned and blushed, but instead he just smiled, and gave her a small pat on the knee. He didn't know if she would appreciate it, but even if she didn't, he didn't care. He was Grady, and that fact alone usually got him out of the dog house with her ( ... )


audreyrochester May 17 2006, 00:54:34 UTC
No, Audrey didn't exactly appreciate the pat to the leg. She wasn't overly affectionate with her friends. Other than the blokes she fooled around with(and believe me, there weren't a lot of them), she didn't often touch her friends, and vice versa.

She didn't show any sign of this, though, as she didn't flinch or wrinkle her nose. Just a smile.

Goodness, how she wished he would transfigure the chair into something more soft and cushiony. Her nice little bum simply was not made for this kind of chair! Audrey would have transfigured it herself... but that subject hadn't ever been her favorite, and she rarely, if ever, practiced. So her trying to transfigure at that moment? Probably wouldn't be the best idea. She'd likely turn the chair into some sort of rodent, knowing how bad she was ( ... )


grady_bucher May 18 2006, 01:56:23 UTC
Everyone's life had problems; the perfection that Grady spoke of was what she projected. One could never say what another person was feeling, nor could he know of any mishaps that happened in her life, but if one thing was true, she was a perfectionist. "Things don't need to be perfect all of the time Sweetheart. You're just lucky." Grady didn't have very much luck, and when he used it up, or someone stole it, it took him a very long time to get it back. He reckoned he'd probably break a leg on the way up to the tower, what with having used all his luck in meeting Audrey ( ... )


audreyrochester May 18 2006, 02:16:08 UTC
((ahaha no worries, I think this one might just be lame as well! :P))

Audrey didn't pay much attention to other people, so unfortunately for Grady, she had no knowledge of his lack of luck. She wasn't even sure whether or not she would consider running into her lucky for him. He could probably find so many more entertaining people, although she was nice to look at, she knew, so she supposed he was the lucky one after all.

"Of course you still scare me," She smiled warmly, wondering when this damn happy mood she was in was going to fade. It was starting to annoy her, to be honest, "I never know what you have up your sleeve, and I never know if you're going to try to drag me into one of your elaborate schemes. You always kidnap me away from the more important things! So yes, of course I am still scared of you!"

Her laughter filled the hall, but she covered her mouth with her palm, as not to make too much noise and draw attention to them.

As Grady told her to be nice, she rolled her eyes slightly, "When am I not nice? I will be ( ... )


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