
May 08, 2006 16:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Monday, October 10th @ 7 PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Grady
Currently Involving: Audrey, Grady

He's going to drive her crazy... )


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grady_bucher May 18 2006, 01:56:23 UTC
Everyone's life had problems; the perfection that Grady spoke of was what she projected. One could never say what another person was feeling, nor could he know of any mishaps that happened in her life, but if one thing was true, she was a perfectionist. "Things don't need to be perfect all of the time Sweetheart. You're just lucky." Grady didn't have very much luck, and when he used it up, or someone stole it, it took him a very long time to get it back. He reckoned he'd probably break a leg on the way up to the tower, what with having used all his luck in meeting Audrey.

Grady's smile turned into a lopsided smirk, and he rubbed the back of his neck. Maybe he did scare them. When he had been a first year, only the height of the 7th years frightened him. Thinking about the whole situation, Grady nodded. He'd slouch next time he spotted any first years. "I still scare you?" Hopefully she meant that in a good way, if there was one. His hopes were confirmed when she stuck her tongue out at him. A gesture with his maturely responded to by sticking out his tongue and putting his thumb to his nose and wiggling his fingers.

"Just be nice, yeah? You know how hard it is being a first year." He certainly remembered. A certain almost beheaded ghost was lurking around and Grady managed to walk through him. Still, he was not especially impressed with ghosts. He hoped that when he died he would become a poltergeist.

Grady's thoughts bounced around his head, and he waited (looking at Audrey) for one to smack him in the mouth. When one finally did, he didn't hesitate to spit it out. "I don't think I liked the ham tonight. Do you care for ham? I don't know if I ever asked you."

((I think it's official. This is the lamest post ever.))


audreyrochester May 18 2006, 02:16:08 UTC
((ahaha no worries, I think this one might just be lame as well! :P))

Audrey didn't pay much attention to other people, so unfortunately for Grady, she had no knowledge of his lack of luck. She wasn't even sure whether or not she would consider running into her lucky for him. He could probably find so many more entertaining people, although she was nice to look at, she knew, so she supposed he was the lucky one after all.

"Of course you still scare me," She smiled warmly, wondering when this damn happy mood she was in was going to fade. It was starting to annoy her, to be honest, "I never know what you have up your sleeve, and I never know if you're going to try to drag me into one of your elaborate schemes. You always kidnap me away from the more important things! So yes, of course I am still scared of you!"

Her laughter filled the hall, but she covered her mouth with her palm, as not to make too much noise and draw attention to them.

As Grady told her to be nice, she rolled her eyes slightly, "When am I not nice? I will be perfectly sweet to the little brats, as long as they don't ruin any of my quiet time." Audrey gave a curt nod before they fell into silence.

Oh, and look, he was staring at her. How wonderful, as if she didn't get that all the time! It rather made her uncomfortable, because she wasn't used to Grady looking at her like that, but she tried not to dwell on it too much.

"The ham?" Her eyebrow cocked, "I suppose it was fine, I only had a small slice of it myself. I prefer chicken." What an odd boy he was, bringing up ham of all things!


grady_bucher May 19 2006, 00:30:18 UTC
Really, as contradictory as it was to his reputation, he didn't care much about what Audrey looked like. It was her company, not her body, that he sought. And here she was, in his company. If that wasn't luck, Grady didn't know what was.

"Elaborate! You should know me well enough that I make up everything as I go along!" Grady exclaimed, not quite as loudly as an exclamation mark would lead you to believe. More important things? The statement roused him so thoroughly that he had to mention it. "More important than having fun (I know you don't get to have a lot of that) with me? Such as?" Grady said suspiciously as he leaned slightly closer to her as if waiting for an answer. "Brushing your hair with 200 strokes on each side?" he encouraged, slightly sarcastic.

"When you call them brats, I'd reckon." He gave a nodd that matched hers, but squirmed around as he stifled a laugh. She was ever so amusing, wasn't she. It was a shame that her mates and his mates couldn't be one group of mates. Then again, he supposed that one of her mates was his biggest rival. He shrugged slightly at his thought and smiled.

He could almost she the discomfort in her face, and figured he looked like some loony bird, staring at her. But hadn't really been looking at, she just happened to be right where he was gazing. "Mmm. Chicken? I do love chicken." Grady sat up, patting his stomach as if it were a big belly, not solid abdomen muscles. "I had a bit of the ham, the chicken, some other meat I can't exactly identify, and a bit of potatoes. Not big on the vegetables, yeah." It appeared as if he was reminding himself that he did not like greens, because he blinked a few times at her before saying curiously, "You haven't turned out to be one of those girls who doesn't eat much of anything, have you?" He didn't care much for that sort, because frankly, he like to see girls eating and being healthy.


audreyrochester May 21 2006, 02:56:42 UTC
Audrey sighed, shaking her head at his antics. He was such a strange boy, really. She had no idea why she put up with him for all these years. He truly was a bad influence!!

She cocked her eyebrow at the mention of brushing her hair for 200 strokes. No, she hadn't ever been that obsessed with her hair. Only 150 strokes.

"Well, you always bothered me when I was trying to practice my violin, remember?" Of course she hadn't picked up a violin in years, but back when they were little, her parents used to make her practice every day... and Grady, being the complete git that he was, would come along and annoy her to no end!! Begging her to come play with him.

Looking up at a clock that was near by, she realized it was getting late... and that she was tired! Time to turn in -- a bath was definitely in order.

Feigning a yawn, she stood up from her seat, "As lovely as this has been, Grady, I should be off! Thank you for the uh," Audrey gestered to the lawn chair, not knowing what else to call it, "The chair. Maybe we can catch up more later, yeah?" She hesitated, wondering whether or not she should hug him? Ah hell, who cares!

Audrey, doing something rather uncharacteristic(which she totally blamed on her good mood!), leaned over and wrapped her arms around him in a small hug. "Have a wonderful night!" She flashed him one last smile before turning around and strolling off in the direction of the Slytherin common room.


grady_bucher May 21 2006, 04:05:05 UTC
He did remember. It always seemed foolish that she would be playing some bloody instrument when he was available to have fun with. He still didn't see the fun in stroking strings with a bow. Getting in trouble and creating mischief was so much funner.

He stood, just as she did, smiling. It was nice to have talked to her. "We will. I promise." If you could count on one thing, it was Grady keeping his promises. He still could not properly put his finger on the feeling that she gave him, but he decided that maybe it was acceptance. Even with her stiff and proper ways, she still enjoyed her company, and he hers.

When she hugged him, he realized it was unconditional love from a (practically) relative. He gave her a squeeze back, having already attacked her once. "You have a good night as well. Sleep tight!" Grady called after as she made her way to the dungeons. He needed a chocolate frog or two, so he headed up to the towers, smiling happily. It had been a very good day.

((Thread Closed))


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