
Aug 11, 2008 14:16

Week Name/Date/Time: “Duelly Noted” / Wednesday, November 29th, 2006 / 6:55 PM
Location: The Great Hall
Open To: All!
Currently Involving: Margie

I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad )

margie-staten, week-048, kazuki-takurai, aleesha-montgomery

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almonty August 12 2008, 01:16:15 UTC
Aleesha came into the Great Hall late, very, very annoyed. It was her own fault of course, she knew better than to talk back to stupid Professor Frey but she'd done it anyway (of course) and then Frey had spent a good hour hounding her about her education.

She heard a loud noise come from the Gryffindor table and she swivelled her head as she walked to catch a glimpse of what was happening. But too many students were standing in the way and by the time she got to her table, she was getting close to pouty. First a lecture, then she'd missed out entirely on something fun at the Gryffindor table!

"Oh, Margie!" She plonked down beside the older girl and rested her head on her shoulder. Personal space? What personal space? "Today officially sucks. Call the universe and let them know I want it to be tomorrow already."


margietheshy August 12 2008, 04:34:56 UTC
Margie started slightly when Aleesha sat down next to her and put her head on her shoulder. She had not been expecting that at all, but was able to ignore her nerves as she heard what Aleesha was saying. Frowning silghtly, she looked at Aleesha and put an arm around her, rubbing her arm.

"I'll do it right after dinner. Now what's wrong? What happened today?" Sure she was a bit of a mother hen, but it was in her blood. And besides she wanted to help her as much as she could.

"Here, have something to eat. How about some tea?"


almonty August 12 2008, 23:52:37 UTC
Leesh let out a long whinge. "What's wrong? Frey is what's wrong! What's her deal anyway? She knows that I'm smart ( ... )


margietheshy August 13 2008, 19:07:42 UTC
"She told you you were throwing your life away?! That's horrible! You're not throwing it away at all," Margie quickly tried to comfort Aleesha, backing her up as best as she could. She did believe in Aleesha and thought she was going to do great things, especially in music. She might be a little biased, but no one should be allowed to crush the spirit of a student.

Though Margie did understand why she would do it, to make Aleesha fight her back and work harder to prove her wrong. Which she could see was probably going to be the result, but at the same time it was hard to see her friend having a bad day because of it!

"It doesn't matter if she's doing her job, she shouldn't be that harsh with you. You know you're going to do well on your O.W.L.'s and that should be enough for her. You're smart and will do great. She's just being unreasonable," she said with a swift nod of her head, hoping all of this was making Aleesha feel better.


almonty August 15 2008, 09:31:43 UTC
Awwww. Aleesha had awesome friends. She beamed at Margie, hearing exactly what she needed in order to move on. "Thanks Margie, you're a doll. You always know the right thing to say."

She reached for her tea and took a tentative sip. Gah, burny! Man, this was a bad day indeed! She must have upset the karmic balance at some stage this week. But how? She thought for a second and then gave up. It was a job for later.

"So, speaking of dolls," said Leesh and you always knew when she started with speaking of something, she was about to ask you something persoanl and completely off topic. "How's your love life?"


margietheshy August 15 2008, 14:49:36 UTC
Margie beamed back at Aleesha, glad that she could make her friend feel a little better. "It's just the truth," she said, trying to control her smile a little as she reached for her apple again. She needed something to chew on so that her smile wouldn't stick for the rest of the meal.

But unfortunately when she took a bite of the apple was right when Aleesha talked. She chocked just a little bit on the question (and apple) as her face quickly turned a bright shade of red. Oh god, what? What was...this wasn't happening. She didn't know what to say! What were you supposed to say? Oh crap, crap crap!

Slowly she swallowed the apple and managed to control her breathing a little, looking down at her plate and trying not to fidget.

"Um, fine, good. Tom's...great," she said, closing her eyes as she felt her face become a deeper red, some of it leaking down her neck. Oh brilliant. Just brilliant.


kazuki_takurai August 17 2008, 20:03:12 UTC
Kazu managed to get away from the Gryffindor table, a sizzling feeling still in his mouth. Shaking his head a bit, he tried to get the extremely sour taste out of his system, but he had a feeling it was staying there for awhile.

"Oi, Takurai!" one of his fellow Gryffindor mates shouted. "Up for another?"

"No!" Kazu laughed, turning on his heel to see them. "The hell are those, anyway? I don't suppose I could buy some at Honeydukes? It'd be loads of fun to bring 'em on my next date, have a girl try 'em, yeah?"

The boys at the table laughed, and most of the girls moaned out of pity, but Kazu smiled all the same. He turned on his heel again and was about to leave the Great Hall when he thought he'd stop to look for his brother. He hardly got to talk to Chen anyway, and he felt like bugging him for a little while. To his dismay, Kazu couldn't find Chen anywhere, not even using his dormant twinsy-sense. And the twinsy-sense always worked ( ... )


almonty August 18 2008, 01:02:49 UTC
Aleesha smiled rather fondly at Margie's embarrassment. One of Al's favourite things was blushing or flustering. On other people, that is. She loathed it when it happened to her.

"You two are right adorable," she said with a big grin, "sometimes I want to vomit. In a good way, I mean!" This was actually some kind of compliment, but she left it up to Margie to figure out how. She was about to drill the girl for details when a familiar face joined them at the table. A familiar LOSING face.

"Well, well, well," she started, with a smirk worthy of the Smirk Hall of Fame or maybe even the hard-to-get Smirky McSmirkerson Award (TM 2008), "if it isn't Kazuki -I got beat by a girl- Takurai. How's it going brother? Got full use of your arm back yet?"

No, Monty had no concept of how to be a gracious winner.


margietheshy August 18 2008, 02:17:57 UTC
"Uh, thanks," Margie said optimistically. She really didn't know how to take that comment. Maybe they should stop being adorable? But she didn't know they were adorable. They weren't, were they? Blimey how could she not know this? Maybe it was this huge problem and everyone hated her for it! Blimey this could be horrid!

Of course she was just overreacting a little, but that was what Margie did. If Aleesha could be in the Smirk Hall of Fame, Margie was most definitely in the Most Overreacting Person Hall of Fame. Or whatever they would call it.

And then a familiar guy sat down across from them and Margie sighed that the attention was drawn off of her. She started to eat a little bit, listening to Aleesha talk and then started for a moment when she heard his name. Oh so that's how she knew him, he was Chen's twin! That made sense.

She smiled at him and said a quiet hi, before going back to listening, quietly nibbling on a biscuit.


kazuki_takurai August 18 2008, 18:23:28 UTC
And Kazu would make it into the Studliest Person Hall of Fame! At least, he hoped so...

Kazu frowned playfully at Leesh. Darn, that Smirky McSmirkerson Award (TM) was definitely a difficult one to get! But he definitely thought that she just won it. He leaned over and punched Aleesha right on the arm, laughing a little bit.

"Yes, my arm's fine, Monty," he chuckled. "Besides, I couldn't go all out on you anyway. I got a game on Saturday, 'member?"

He turned to Margie and returned the smile in double the amount. He could have sworn that he saw her a couple of times, hanging out with Chen, but he didn't want to seem too forward... He remembered that it started with an 'M'...

"Mind if I steal a bit?" Kazu said with hopeful eyes to Margie. He was pretty hungry, after all, even after eating his dinner. You always had room for more, in his opinion! Without waiting for a response from Margie, he leaned over and snagged a bit of biscuit from the one she was holding in her hand.


sunny_charles August 19 2008, 11:38:49 UTC
The punch Kazuki gave her kind of hurt but she didn't let on. Pain was for sissies and Leesha was no girl! Well, you know, figuratively speaking. She continued on smirking as Kazuki kept on with the charade that he had let her win ( ... )


margietheshy August 19 2008, 13:22:02 UTC
Margie smiled as she watched them go back and forth with their arm wrestling. It would figure that Aleesha would do that, and she giggled a little at their conversation. Giving a slightly apologetic look to Kazu, she nibbled a little more at her biscuit. She wasn't necessarily hungery, but it was something to do ( ... )


kazuki_takurai August 19 2008, 23:33:56 UTC
"Sorry, sorry!" Kazu chuckled as Leesh slapped his hand. It wasn't entirely his fault! He just had problems controlling his hunger! Or something like that, anyway. He flipped some of his hair from out of his eyes before looking up at the girls again. Did Leesh have to make it sound worse than it was?

"Yes, I lost... My rep's ruined forever, all right!" he said as he rolled up his sleeves. "I guess that just proves my thesis that Monty here is actually a manHe smirked evilly at the younger Ravenclaw girl before reaching for a biscuit of his own. No harm in stealing some food from the Ravenclaw table! Kazu's awkward alarm went off when they started talking about this 'Tom' fellow and some sort of kissing scale. From his knowledge of the Ravenclaw beater, Kazu assumed it was Tom Paddock they were talking about. This Aleesha, what a goof! Talking about such things in the presence of a man! Tsk, tsk, how dare she ( ... )


almonty August 20 2008, 13:15:47 UTC
"Thesis, that's a big word for a Quidditch player, be careful you don't hurt yourself." She gave him a sly sideways smile and tapped his leg with her foot affectionately. "But you may be onto something there. I do have bigger balls than you," she said with a grin ( ... )


kazuki_takurai August 20 2008, 23:43:50 UTC
((I'll have Kazu post early, to continue on with this awesome kissing scale, lol!))

"All right, all right! Truce!" Kazu laughed, holding his hands up in his own defense. He definitely didn't want to lose to Leesh again, not to mention in front of the whole school! He decided to keep his mouth shut for awhile ( ... )


margietheshy August 20 2008, 23:48:42 UTC
Margie awkwardly laughed at Kazu's joke about Aleesha, unable to fully focus as Aleesha suddenly started to talk and describe the kissing scale. Of course she knew there was one...but she had just been stalling for time. At most she expected Aleesha to tell her there was and then prod her for an actual number, but this was worse ( ... )


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