
Aug 21, 2007 17:39

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Daily Grind' / Sept 2nd, 2006 / 7:42PM
Location: Great Hall, getting ready to take first years to the dorms
Open To: Margie
Currently Involving: Tom
So... where do we go from here? )

tom-paddock, margie-staten, week-036

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margietheshy August 22 2007, 05:02:12 UTC
Margie didn't need to share any more headaches! Last year was enough, but already she could tell that this year was going to be the death of her. She had barely stopped the triplets from killing themselves on the train there and was just exhausted during dinner, managing to talk with a few friends and fill up so that she could make it through the rest of the night ( ... )


tom_paddock August 22 2007, 19:30:11 UTC
"If that's what it takes to get your attention, then yes," Tom said seriously, throwing in a smile for good measures. But then Margie was tripping and Tom was automatically putting out his hands on her shoulders to help try and steady her. He didn't want her falling over on him, although he wouldn't mind of course. What guy would mind the girl of their dreams falling on top of them ( ... )


margietheshy August 22 2007, 21:27:10 UTC
Margie's blush just intensified after his comment turning her face a lovely shade of pink and she shoved Tom a little, trying to turn her head so that her hair blocked her face. "Oh shove it. It was an accident!" She replied, able to at least look up at him and give him a look.

Oh. Talk. Right.

"Oh umm sure. Yah talking would be...good," she managed to get out, giving him a weak smile. Biting her lip, she then started to move towards the doors, trying her absolute hardest not to spazz out completely.

It was hard though, especially after spending a summer thinking about him and the...situation. But she managed to somehow have a semi normal face on by the time she turned to face him, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Oh bugger.


tom_paddock August 23 2007, 02:21:24 UTC
As Margie shoved Tom, he only moved out of the crowd to act as though she'd pushed him oh-so-hard. Laughing at her attempt, seeing as how it would have really been hard for her to actually move Tom, he turned back to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her with him. He didn't take notice of the blush, seeing as how he was so used to seeing it on her by now.

Once they were over by the doors, Tom rubbed his forehead a bit trying to think of how to start this, quickly putting his hands in the rear pockets of his trousers. "I really missed you," he admitted, turning a bit pink. "I understand if you never want to see me again or, you know, just want to be friends but--" Rubbing the back of his neck again, Tom looked over at the crowd forming at the entrance of the Great Hall.

"But-- I guess just want to know where we stand. I mean, I know where we're standing, I mean us, our... our relationship." Sweet Merlin. Tom didn't even know what he was saying anymore. He was somewhat talking to Margie sincerely, but he was somewhat on ( ... )


margietheshy August 23 2007, 06:18:46 UTC
It was all she could do to not turn a bit pink as well when he said that. Sure it didn't stop her insides from melting just a little, but that was one thing at a time. Margie was just glad that she didn't have to battle another blush on her cheeks.

She listened and watched Tom as he talked. It was like he could read her mind, except everything she had been worrying about...he seemed to be worrying about as well. To a normal person that might have been welcome information that would make them feel like they aren't alone in a situation, but it just made her that much more scared and terrified. Since he was thinking about it he must be wanting to break off from her.

Never mind that comment earlier about missing her. That just sort of ran out the door as her fears came into play.

"I don't know," she finally said softly and with a frustrated frown, momentarily digging her teeth into her bottom lip. She looked at the crowd growing at the Great Hall. "I want to. See you that is. Not like that," her face flushed and suddenly she freaked ( ... )


tom_paddock August 24 2007, 01:12:09 UTC
Breaking it off with Margie was the last thing that Tom would ever want to do. Actually, he wanted the complete opposite. Tom wanted to be able to have Margie at his side, take her on dates not as friends but as a couple. It was definately uncharted territory for him but Tom didn't care. He liked Margie more than he was ever willing to admit and he didn't want to screw up any more than he already had ( ... )


margietheshy August 24 2007, 02:52:38 UTC
Was that what she wanted?

Honestly, no. If Margie thought about it hard enough, like she was now, she didn't want to be just friends. She wanted to be more than that, ever since that kiss that started this whole huge awkward business. Tom was the one she felt most comfortable around, he was her best guy friend, he was the one she missed the most over the summer.

There was no question what she wanted. Her mom's advice from the summer was ringing in her head, saying that she should go for it. What's the worst that could happen?

"No," Margie looked at him and tried to summon up all the courage she had within her at that moment. "No," she repeated softly and felt a blush coming up onto her face as she closed her eyes and pushed on. "I want more."


tom_paddock August 24 2007, 03:08:11 UTC
"You want more?" he asked, surprised to be hearing that from her. A moment ago he was having doubts that Margie even wanted to still be his friend, and now she was saying things like 'I want more.' What more could she want? To fully rip his heart out and shred it to peices.

Girls were just way too complicated for Tom. They were pretty much the most bipolar things on the face of the planet, aside from Veela of course. One minute they hate you, the next 'they want your bod.' Girls, girls, girls. Why couldn't they be as simple as guys? Have their feelings but not use them to their full extent!

"What do you mean you want more? Do you want to break my heart more? Throw it on the ground and completely shatter it this time around?" Tom wanted to like Margie right now but he didn't know what to think. Perhaps he had taken her the wrong way though? No. She ignored him in the past for a reason obviously. Perhaps she knew how much he really liked her and that was her way of breaking his heart...?


margietheshy August 24 2007, 04:11:50 UTC
Margie just stared at Tom, not really knowing what he was saying. Break his heart more? How could she possibly break his heart more? Why would she want to break his heart in the first place? What had she said that could possibly bring him to that conclusion?

Maybe she had said the wrong thing. Maybe he had really just brought her over here to mess with her and then call their whole friendship off. Tom probably had other friends now, ones that he liked more. He liked better. She didn't blame him, after all she was the one that had messed everything up last year wasn't she? She was the one to ultimately blame.

"What are you talking about?" Margie said, becoming defensive and crossing her arms over her chest, trying her hardest not to show her inward freak out. Trying not to show him anything at all. Just trying to hold herself together and figure out why this bloke was so confusing, "Wh-Why would I want to do that?"


tom_paddock August 25 2007, 03:30:34 UTC
Tom hadn't meant to yell at Margie or get her angry with him. He was just being a guy and only listening when he wanted to or taking things completely wrong. Tom wanted to ... well he wanted to be Margie's boyfriend damn it, he just didn't know how to go about any of this the right way! Girls were too confusing and emotional for him!

His arms were now flailing around when he talked, "Perhaps I'm talking about how you completely ignored me after I kissed you! You have no idea how it felt, do you? Thinking the one person in Hogwarts that you're completely crazy for, utterly mad over thinks that little of you!"

"You tell me, Margie! You're the one that ignored me nearly any time I tried to talk to you." Tom tried getting angry and for a while there it was working but ... well, this was Margie we're talking about. She's just about the only person in the entire world that he could never stay mad at for more than a minute.


margietheshy August 25 2007, 04:45:15 UTC
"I didn't mean to," Margie said softly, trying to keep any anger in her to keep fighting. To not give up. But it would be so nice to, to just let him think that she hated him and let him go off to do whatever he wanted. She didn't want to see him go and date other girls though, and even more importantly she didn't want to lose his friendship any more than she already had.

"I-I-" she stuttered, taking a deep breath before pushing on, looking at her hands that she had managed to move from across her chest so that she could wring together. Even better Staten, so much better.

"What was I supposed to do Tom? We're just friends and then you suddenly kiss me? And then say you fancy me? I'm not supposed to fancy you. We're just supposed to be friends but then you go and do those things and-and then I'm back in first year, trying hard not to fancy that bloke next to me," she looked up at him and started to grow angry again. "Blimey Tom what did you do to me? Why did you have to do that? Why couldn't you just leave me to my bloody fantasies ( ... )


tom_paddock August 25 2007, 15:51:54 UTC
Tom was speechless for a minute, not knowing what to say to any of this. He wanted to right all of the wrongs that he'd done to Margie but he didn't know how to go about any of this. Why was it that there was a book for everything else in life but this?! The one thing that Tom wanted more than anything, more than being a prefect, more than being quidditch captain, and he couldn't understand it or make sense of any of it.

"I had to do it because I'm tired of sitting back. I thought that maybe for once I'd actually be bold and take a chance, not lose another girl to another oaf in Hogwarts. I thought maybe, just maybe, she'd fancy me in return. I guess that isn't the case though apparently ( ... )


margietheshy August 25 2007, 16:55:20 UTC
OH ( ... )


tom_paddock August 25 2007, 17:06:11 UTC
"Because you ignored me and you just said it yourself 'I'm not supposed to fancy you' and that we're just supposed to be friends," Tom said, throwing up his arms in frustration. Honestly now! What guy would think that a girl liked them after they go off and say that?!

Tom didn't know what to say to Margie's next words. He'd simply taken her the wrong way but he was a guy, he couldn't exactly admit that he was wrong. "I only said that because I thought you didn't want to even look at me anymore. It was just the impression I had of you," Tom said as he looked back over at the ever-growing crowd of Ravenclaw's that they were supposed to be helping.

When Margie said that she wanted the same that he did, Tom's face went blank and his jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "You-- you do?" His voice was a bit hoarse and he was confused as hell right now, but Tom didn't care. All his brain could function was what Margie had just said.


margietheshy August 25 2007, 17:35:02 UTC
"Well that's what I thought before you went and changed it all! And I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do," Margie said, every bit as frustrated as Tom was right then ( ... )


tom_paddock August 26 2007, 02:43:29 UTC
"Talking would have helped," Tom admitted, kicking one of his shoes with the other. It was Tom's way of slapping himself but it was less noticable. Merlin, why was he such a failure when it came to love?! He was perfecting everything else but that ( ... )


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