
Aug 21, 2007 17:39

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Daily Grind' / Sept 2nd, 2006 / 7:42PM
Location: Great Hall, getting ready to take first years to the dorms
Open To: Margie
Currently Involving: Tom
So... where do we go from here? )

tom-paddock, margie-staten, week-036

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margietheshy August 25 2007, 17:35:02 UTC
"Well that's what I thought before you went and changed it all! And I didn't mean to ignore you. I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do," Margie said, every bit as frustrated as Tom was right then.

Margie resisted the urge to roll her eyes and smack him upside the head. Why did guys have to be filled so so much dumb pride? That and they were so thick headed sometimes. Even more than girls. Though she would never admit that that was one of the reasons that she liked him. Odd but true.

"Do you really think I would want to throw away our friendship over...that?" She said, looking over at the crowd as well and quietly sighing. This whole thing just seemed to be a huge misunderstanding on both of their points. Margie couldn't blame Tom for being confused though, she didn't even understand herself so how was he supposed to?

Her words caught up with her and once Tom said that her face went bright red. She shuffled her toes and managed to make herself look him in the eyes. Gulp. "Yes," Margie nodded with a shy smile, "I do."

Hopefully that would be ok? She still had a quiet little doubt in the back of her mind that he had moved on over the summer. That she had missed her chance or that this wasn't real at all.


tom_paddock August 26 2007, 02:43:29 UTC
"Talking would have helped," Tom admitted, kicking one of his shoes with the other. It was Tom's way of slapping himself but it was less noticable. Merlin, why was he such a failure when it came to love?! He was perfecting everything else but that!

"Girls do some pretty crazy things," Tom said as he looked at the crowd again, already feeling the slap across his arm. Margie was right in thinking that Tom didn't understand her one bit, but that was part of the reason he liked her so much: she was like a mystery, waiting to be solved.

A very noticable grin spread across Tom's face as he felt the redness crash over his face too. "So... so does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked, his voice nearly inaudible but just loud enough (and not hoarse enough) to hear.

Tom could hear CJ and the other prefects calling to him and Margie over there because they were about to leave any minute but this was definately more important. Margie was more important than everything to Tom. She deserved his attention more than the people he didn't even know waiting over there for him!


margietheshy August 26 2007, 04:07:38 UTC
Tom was not a failure when it came to love! No he was just like everyone else, a little confused but just trying their best. Margie would say that he was better at it than she was actually.

Margie looked at him and tried to hide the urge to hit him, but she couldn't help it, it just happened! Though it was done with a bit of a smile and an apology on her face. She couldn't let that comment go without some type of hit.

"Not that crazy," she said, trying to be as serious as she could.

Margie saw his grin and tried to stop her own from coming across her face but just ended up looking over at the other Prefects calling them over. She could say this, this was what she wanted. All she had to do was say yes. Come on Staten where did your backbone go?

She managed to nod, biting her lip and looking up at him, unable to keep a slightly goofy smile off her face, "Yes." It felt silly to her to be so excited or to feel so relieved after saying just one word, but for some reason she did. For some reason it just took a lot off her shoulders and made her feel...calmer, more collected, more in control. Or just less stressed.


tom_paddock August 28 2007, 19:53:03 UTC
Tom was somewhat glad that Margie had hit him. It seemed to make him less tense and nervous around her, which was a definate plus. He was laughing it feeling more at ease now, like he used to when he would talk to Margie before all of the dating and kissing deal.

He laughed a bit and rolled his eyes as Margie tried to say women weren't crazy. Ask any guy and they'd surely take Tom's side in this matter. Women were just plain crazy, especially when it came to emotions and toying with them. Downright nutters.

Tom was starting to doubt that Margie would say yes. For all he knew she was simply pulling his leg but then... then she said yes! No, Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing. When he went to speak, words couldn't even fully form and sounded more like they were coming from a toddler. Once again though, right when the words were finally starting to come to him, his sister was yelling for him to come on.

Sighing and rolling his eyes, Tom looked up at Margie. "Come on," he said, before putting his arm around Margie and starting to walk towards the crowd of first years. "We could always stop at a broom cupboard along the way to celebrate," Tom joked, winking at Margie.


margietheshy August 29 2007, 14:13:25 UTC
Well that was because they were all guys. If they were girls then they would have sided with Margie. Guys were completely insane and always seemed to need to do everything better than everyone else. She didn't really get it at all.

Awkward silence? She didn't know, she just stood there and watched as Tom struggled with trying to say something. Margie understood the problem and just smiled, looking down at the floor and shuffling her feet.

Now what?

Oh, Prefect duties. Right. And then Tom's arm was around her and suddenly her mind was going full blast, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. Was she supposed to put her arm around him? Was she supposed to keep it down? Oh bugger this whole 'not knowing what to do' thing was going to keep on going wasn't it? And part of her had hoped it would stop once they started dating. A small part.

Of course when Tom said something like that she couldn't help her body seize up and her face turn bright red. That and she tripped over her feet and barely was able to save herself before looking at him. Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, he wasn't...serious? Maybe. No she just...yah.

"Tom!" Margie said, trying to keep her smile off her face. Ugh she wasn't supposed to be smiling right now but she was! In fact she didn't know what else to say, instead just nudging him softly in the side and keeping her head down so that she could at least look semi normal when they got to the group. Deep breaths. Wooo.


tom_paddock September 1 2007, 01:07:13 UTC
Tom would blame the manly-ness and the need to be forever correct, on the testosterone. Come to think of it, a lot of the stuff he did he would blame on testosterone if he could. As it stood Tom didn't blame it on anything, nor did he acknowledge the fact that he could have a weakness.

"Calm down, Spazzy McGee," Tom teased as he stopped and made sure that Margie was okay before starting to walk again. "I'm only joking, unless... well, unless you want to, of course." He grinned, knowning Margie would most likely never be a broom-cupboard kind of girl. Tom honestly didn't care too much about that anyways - he wasn't like most guys that you'd see snogging the living daylights out of anything that moved.

Tom looked down at Margie but kept walking. He could finally call her his girlfriend after all of what happened last year and over the summer. Tom was probably the luckiest and happiest man walking today, and it was all because of Margie.


margietheshy September 1 2007, 02:04:29 UTC
Margie made a few noises while trying to think of something to say before just managing to fall into silence, a silent huff coming out. She knew that he was just trying to get her riled up and it reminded her a little too well of the day that he kissed her.

Instead she just walked, making sure to pay extra close attention to her feet so that she didn't fall on her face or something equally as embarrassing. After a few moments she looked up at him and smiled hesitantly, not sure how she was supposed to act but not wanting to seem like she was ignoring him. That was how this whole mess started right?

"What did you do this summer? I didn't hear from you much," she said quietly, falling silent when they neared the group awaiting them. Oops?


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