
Apr 11, 2006 14:52

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Monday, 26th, September / 10 a.m.
Location: Library, Restricted Section
Open To: Noah and Abel
Currently Involving: Riane, Noah, and Abel

Ahh, the Restricted Section )


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noah_barr April 11 2006, 21:03:25 UTC
Okay so Riane was not in her quarters, Noah had discovered that after the best way to find out, knocking. Once he determined her quarters were empty he had stopped in his to pick up the furious Nimue, he was after all ten minutes later than usual, and headed out to the only other place he could think she would be, the library. he could see her sitting in the restricted section in utter awe and meekness. It was her temple and he was bored enough to disrupt her, maybe she would even succeed in making magic theory interesting to him, at this point he was willing to try ( ... )


rianeparker April 11 2006, 22:10:36 UTC
Riane's full attention was on the book before her, as she was quickly scanning each page before moving on to the next. Her touch was gentle, almost loving, as she flipped each page, careful not to bend or fold them. Her attention was so strongly focused on the book before her that Noah's voice caused her to jump. Her right hand started for the inner pocket of her robes and wand within, but her ears registered the voice quickly enough that she didn't actually pull it out.

"Noah, hi," she greeted, her cheeks flushing at her reaction. "So, obviously, if someone wants to hurt me, they should do it when I'm busy inspecting old and valuable books," she admitted before jerking her head in the direction of her table.

Very gently, she closed the book before her, paying extra attention to keeping the pages flat. "Glad you found me, then, if you were looking and all." She lifted her head to look up at him, her smile warm and welcoming. "Have a seat then, unless you're afraid of the books? A few do bite, I hear."


noah_barr April 11 2006, 23:22:01 UTC
Noah flicked his eyes to where Riane was reaching before looking back at her in the face. He had startled her, he smiled aplogetically. "Well we will have to make sure that doesn't get out now. We can't have you worrying about that while studying such ...em, interesting things." In all honesty Noah found most things interesting, he just didn't want to learn it from a book.

He walked over and pulled out the other chair sitting down quietly. "They do bite, a Hufflepuff was bitten by one in here. Another reason why I will leave the researching to those that really have a passion for it." He eyed the book in front of Riane.

"What did you pull off the shelf?" He tilted his head to the side eying the spine, the title was mostly worn off.He couldn't make it out form where he was so he looked back up at Riane. With Riane it very well could be anything, so it was best to ask her.


rianeparker April 11 2006, 23:50:43 UTC
"Chances are that they were grabbing it without the proper sort of respect due to a book with this sort of power," Riane replied, her fingers fluttering lightly along the faded embossing on the book's cover. "The books in this section aren't all here because they have powerful magic written in their pages," she pointed out, motioning at the books around them, "some of them are here because the books themselves are powerful magic. If you don't respect the magic, you can't expect it to do as you wish."

Realizing that she'd already begun carrying on about her love of the books caused Riane to give Noah a sheepish grin and look down at the book. "It's about ancient Egyptian spellwork, the way it was used to create all of the landmarks that so many Muggles think must've been done by aliens." Her embarrassed smile shifted into one of amusement, causing her blue eyes to sparkle and a dimple to show below her left cheek. "It tingles it's so full of magic," she explained in a soft voice before pushing the book toward him. "Everyone thinks I' ( ... )


noah_barr April 12 2006, 04:31:38 UTC
"Aye, you think they would learn their lesson after third year Care of Magical Creatures text." Noah placed his forearms onto the table, leaning his weight onto them. He listened to Raine talk and as always he was listening quite intently. If someone talked passionately about something Noah usually paid mind to listen carefully, with passion comes good knowledge. He eyed the books carefully on the shelf, he noted the few that he knew screamed when opened adbrutply and he also was aware of the one that bit the hufflepuff boy. They looked innocent from here, his eyes came back to Riane ( ... )


rianeparker April 12 2006, 05:12:42 UTC
Riane laughed and leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and cupping her chin in the palm of her right hand. "I don't think any of us really learned the easy lessons as quickly as we should've, though. I mean, take me for example," she released another soft laugh which caused a lock of hair to fall forward into her eyes. She stared at it, crossing her eyes to do so, and let out a big puff of air in a vain attempt to make it return from whence it came. When it just fell back in front of her eyes, she swatted it away with her left hand. "Where was I? Oh, right, me. I don't think I learned anything that wasn't written down or taught in a lecture during my first four years as a student. My parents say I'm bright, but I've no sense." She attempted a smirk, but it came off as a confused look ( ... )


noah_barr April 12 2006, 06:17:02 UTC
Noah looked up, a crooked grin played on his lips. He chuckled as he watched Riane fight with a wayward strand of her hair. "Aye that book ate me sweater, never again did I open it without petting it's spine." He looked back down at the book, it was thin parchment. If it was any thinner Noah would have assumed it was onion paper instead. without moving his head noah looked at Riane through his fringe of hair. "I'm all common sense, the amount of useless knowledge I know is astounding." He trailed his finger absently along the table of contents chapter topics filtering through his mind. Some stuck other didn't, he found one that really intrigued him and flipped to the fifteenth chapter ( ... )


rianeparker April 12 2006, 06:52:50 UTC
Riane attempted to choke back a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand. A soft giggle still managed to escape, and a dimple appeared on each side of her mouth. When she'd finally managed to contain herself without causing a ruckus in the library she let her hand fall away from her face. "It actually ate your sweater?" her shoulders shook a bit when she spoke, revealing that the laughter was threatening to return ( ... )


noah_barr April 12 2006, 20:58:48 UTC
Noah nodded, lifting his hand to scratch at the short beard. It was about time he caved in and shaved. "I was bloody lucky that was all it got, it had me hand but I pulled back before it could really clamp down. Ripped the sleeve clean off." He chuckled lightly shaking his head, his hand slid up to rub at the corner of his eye. "Hogwarts was an experience wasn't it?" His eyes took in the library, it wasn't the worst place to be, it really wasn't ( ... )


your_dada_prof April 12 2006, 22:14:37 UTC
Abel loved Monday mornings mainly because it meant he had no classes to commit to, not unless Study Hall was counted as one but he didn’t count it. Instead, Mondays to him meant more (student free) time to himself to spend on his own interests. He held the first volume of an ancient Egyptian text filled with curses and runic diagrams. It had taken him almost a month simply just to decipher and translate what the short two pages it had on the Letum Ictus Nota curse ( ... )


rianeparker April 12 2006, 23:03:18 UTC
"I'm guessing that taught you to respect your books though, didn't it?" Riane couldn't help but tease. Reaching over, she gently tapped the volume she held against the fingers of his right hand. "You never know when a book might decide that your fingers would be a nice snack now, do you?" She returned the book to the table, nodding as she did, "I enjoyed my time here, once I realized that the other students weren't going to feed me to the squid. Took me a little while to realize that my fellow 'claws would never actually do that to me. Gryffindors, however..." she let her voice traill off giving him an amused wink.

"Wait, you think I can give you a good run for your money?" she did her best to glare at him, but the upward pull of the corners of her mouth gave away her amusement. "I'm sure there are areas where I surpass your knowledge, you know." She paused, her blue eyes studying him carefully before adding, "As I know there are areas of which I could learn a great deal from you." Steady hands opened the book once again, and she let ( ... )


noah_barr April 13 2006, 01:31:29 UTC
Noah picked up his hand protectively, rubbing at the knuckles like she hurt him. He laughed giving Riane a crooked grin, placing his hands back onto the table. "Aye I knew to respect it, I was never so happy to get rid of a book in my life." He tapped his fingers against the desk, stopping as he continued to talk. "But I will say I am always careful opening magical books now, and I do not intend on loosing my limbs to a book." He gave her a pointed look, then switched it to mock surprise. "We Gryffindors were honourable and never did anything mischievous." His look switched instantly to a impish grin. "I was angelic in school ( ... )


your_dada_prof April 13 2006, 02:25:13 UTC
Abel had walked quickly towards his destination, without making eye contact with anyone else. He had found from experience that if he so much as looked at one of the students, the chances of them approaching him out of the blue increased to a startling seventy-nine percent. A highly undesirable outcome, one he hoped to avoid. Students should be addressed only during class or during his office hours, socializing with them in his free time meant to him that he was working overtime ( ... )


rianeparker April 13 2006, 20:19:41 UTC
Riane couldn’t help laughing again at Noah’s suggestion that he was an angelic student, but she tried at least, the struggle causing her face to turn a lovely shade a pink. “I may not have known you in school, Noah Barr, but I know you now.” Again, she rapped his fingers, but this time it was with her hand. “I may not’ve had much common sense as a youngster, but I had eyes. I knew which students to avoid when I needed calm and quiet, two words that I don’t believe coincide with your house.”

His mentioning her talents with spells brought a more modest smile to her face, but she cocked her head to the side a little, accepting the compliment. “You’re right, definitely, about that at least, you wouldn’t’ve even been accepted into the program if your spellwork was shabby. They accept only the best in that area, especially..” she let her sentence hang in the air as Abel greeted them in return. At first, her smile brightened at his greeting, but as he moved past them to the bookshelves on the other end of the table the cool tone in his ( ... )


noah_barr April 20 2006, 03:29:30 UTC
Noah chuckled, he could deny it all he wanted but Riane was right, Gryffindor definitely didn’t coincide with the words calm and quiet. As it was he put a lot of effort into making sure it didn’t relate at all, those qualities were left for the other houses to take hold of. Even if it was the truth, it was more fun to deny and that was just what he was going to do. “The Gryffindors of my day were quiet…” Noah smirked. “Well as quiet as a house full of students should be.” His eyes turned to watch Faust make his way across the library ( ... )


your_dada_prof April 20 2006, 21:56:33 UTC
Abel had quickened his stride by a step in hopes of drawing away from the two quickly. He glanced at the book in his head, true, it was about dark curses mostly but he supposed there were a few fascinating tidbits that Riane would undoubtedly have found interesting.

“Yes, I suppo-“ Before he could finish his word though, he had heard matching footsteps come up behind him and two hands come up to completely muss up his hair.

Never, in the twenty-seven years of his life, had anyone ever dared to ruffle up his hair like that. At most it was either a polite pat on the head, but that had stopped after he frowned at the particular aunt when he was seven years old. Needless to say, Abel wasn’t quite sure how to react to having his hair messed up like that. So instead of a reaction, he stood still and stared from Noah to Riane with a bemused expression - between strands of disarrayed hair. He didn’t know whether to feel insulted or not.


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