
Apr 11, 2006 14:52

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Monday, 26th, September / 10 a.m.
Location: Library, Restricted Section
Open To: Noah and Abel
Currently Involving: Riane, Noah, and Abel

Ahh, the Restricted Section )


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noah_barr April 12 2006, 06:17:02 UTC
Noah looked up, a crooked grin played on his lips. He chuckled as he watched Riane fight with a wayward strand of her hair. "Aye that book ate me sweater, never again did I open it without petting it's spine." He looked back down at the book, it was thin parchment. If it was any thinner Noah would have assumed it was onion paper instead. without moving his head noah looked at Riane through his fringe of hair. "I'm all common sense, the amount of useless knowledge I know is astounding." He trailed his finger absently along the table of contents chapter topics filtering through his mind. Some stuck other didn't, he found one that really intrigued him and flipped to the fifteenth chapter.

He looked up abruptly, his eyes meeting hers directly. "I can feel it, not strongly mind but I can." He shook his head. "Your not batty, a lot of people just tend to be insensitive to the quieter aspects of life and magic." He flipped through he chapter not really reading, he never didi that anymore. He just lightly scoped out the information, picking up random points here and there. "We are the ones that are built for being what we are, those that don't observe don't get far in being an Auror. They fall in the field, or they just can't cut it in the training." He closed the book and picked it up looking at the worn cover.

"Old books are individual things, they have histories like we do." He placed the book back down on the table prying his hands off the cover slowly. "In the family library I loved it when one of me ancestors wrote their names in the book. Kind of lets me know how long me family has had it." He felt Nimue shift, he blinked and looked at her. For once completely forgetting she was there. Which she didn't seem to mind, she was sleeping. He turned back to Riane.


rianeparker April 12 2006, 06:52:50 UTC
Riane attempted to choke back a laugh and covered her mouth with her hand. A soft giggle still managed to escape, and a dimple appeared on each side of her mouth. When she'd finally managed to contain herself without causing a ruckus in the library she let her hand fall away from her face. "It actually ate your sweater?" her shoulders shook a bit when she spoke, revealing that the laughter was threatening to return.

She sat quietly for a long moment, struggling a bit more to regain her composure. Once she was certain to not break out into another fit of giggles, she felt it was safe to speak. "I've got a bit on sense now, but as a child I thought that all of the information I could ever need would be found in books." She stretched her hand out, lightly touching the book that Noah was studying, "it was a hard lesson, but now that I know the difference, I do pretty well with both."

Riane felt Noah's eyes on her and lifted her own gaze to meet his. His words meant something to her, they made sense, and she found herself nodding in agreement. "I can see that, really. The number of people that are just oblivious, even when the magic inside of them is strong. Me," she nodded at the book, "I'll take the tingle any day."

With his release of the book, she reclaimed it, carefully sliding it back across the table to rest in front of her. Again, her fingers slid across the cover, taking in the feeling, both magical and textural. "I love Muggle books, you know. The literature is amazing, but, while they have character, the don't breathe the way wizarding books do. They can actually tell you their history, if you know how to ask the right questions."


noah_barr April 12 2006, 20:58:48 UTC
Noah nodded, lifting his hand to scratch at the short beard. It was about time he caved in and shaved. "I was bloody lucky that was all it got, it had me hand but I pulled back before it could really clamp down. Ripped the sleeve clean off." He chuckled lightly shaking his head, his hand slid up to rub at the corner of his eye. "Hogwarts was an experience wasn't it?" His eyes took in the library, it wasn't the worst place to be, it really wasn't.

He let his hand fall to the table."Aye, you are very well suited with both aspects now, give me a good run for my money in everything I'm sure." He smiled. "Can't know eveything in life, if you did what would you have to look forward to?" He tilted his head raising an eyebrow.

He watched Raine slide the book back over to her, he brought his eyes back up to hers. " Aye, I will second you to that. Knowing what is exactly around me is important, but in the world we needs those that choose to be blind. Society wouldn't function with out it, amazing what we have to put up with." He looked back at the red leather of the book, it reminded him of one of the books in his library, he had never read the book, but he looked at it numerous times.

"Magical books live on a plane all their own, even if they are just a plain information text." He tapped the table with his finger, not exactly sure how to explain it, then again Riane seemed to have it all understood in her mind. "In any case you seem to think along the same lines as me when it comes to books, but," He pointed he finger at her. "You are truly devoted to them, I prefer to just admire them from afar." He gave her a light shrug. "Had to read too much in school I guess."


your_dada_prof April 12 2006, 22:14:37 UTC
Abel loved Monday mornings mainly because it meant he had no classes to commit to, not unless Study Hall was counted as one but he didn’t count it. Instead, Mondays to him meant more (student free) time to himself to spend on his own interests. He held the first volume of an ancient Egyptian text filled with curses and runic diagrams. It had taken him almost a month simply just to decipher and translate what the short two pages it had on the Letum Ictus Nota curse.

Over the summer Abel had started writing a thesis based on that particular curse for personal interests but, of course, the topic had become more engaging with time. It now took up most of his free time and sometimes even between classes.

He had returned to the library to return the first volume and to check out the second since a footnote at the ending had suggested the second volume contained more details and examples of the results. Abel hoped there were pictures. He had passed by Madame Pince with a curt nod and waved the book to her and then pointed to the back where the Restricted Section was, explaining that he would help himself and shelf the returned book. Abel didn’t bother to wait for a reply from her before heading off.


rianeparker April 12 2006, 23:03:18 UTC
"I'm guessing that taught you to respect your books though, didn't it?" Riane couldn't help but tease. Reaching over, she gently tapped the volume she held against the fingers of his right hand. "You never know when a book might decide that your fingers would be a nice snack now, do you?" She returned the book to the table, nodding as she did, "I enjoyed my time here, once I realized that the other students weren't going to feed me to the squid. Took me a little while to realize that my fellow 'claws would never actually do that to me. Gryffindors, however..." she let her voice traill off giving him an amused wink.

"Wait, you think I can give you a good run for your money?" she did her best to glare at him, but the upward pull of the corners of her mouth gave away her amusement. "I'm sure there are areas where I surpass your knowledge, you know." She paused, her blue eyes studying him carefully before adding, "As I know there are areas of which I could learn a great deal from you." Steady hands opened the book once again, and she let her fingers slide down the outer edge of the papers, smoothing them down. "It's helpful that the Muggle world looks so easily beyond what they want to see, I'll agree with that. I'm not so sure that the wizarding world needs those that turn a blind eye to things, though. Not now, anyway." A small frown threatened to replace her smile, but she forced it away and shrugged. "Too much going on to ignore, but people still manage, somehow."

He was right about her devotion to the books, though, as there wasn't much beyond her family, friends, and her kneazle that she cared for more than the leather bindings and the pages that they protected. "The things we had to read in school are why I can understand the things that we didn't, you know. It's wasn't all bad."

Out of the corner of her eye, Riane noticed someone approaching the shelves holding the beloved books. She lifted a finger, motioning to Noah that someone was in the area before turning her head enough to realize that it was actually a friend. "And here I thought I was the only one in this place that really appreciated the Restricted Section," she teased, her smile turning into an amused grin. "Good morning, then?" she added as a sort of afterthought.


noah_barr April 13 2006, 01:31:29 UTC
Noah picked up his hand protectively, rubbing at the knuckles like she hurt him. He laughed giving Riane a crooked grin, placing his hands back onto the table. "Aye I knew to respect it, I was never so happy to get rid of a book in my life." He tapped his fingers against the desk, stopping as he continued to talk. "But I will say I am always careful opening magical books now, and I do not intend on loosing my limbs to a book." He gave her a pointed look, then switched it to mock surprise. "We Gryffindors were honourable and never did anything mischievous." His look switched instantly to a impish grin. "I was angelic in school."

"Oh Merlin of course you surpass me with brilliant flying colours in many things." he gave her a seious look. "You're knowledge on spellwork exceeds mine, and I am not too shabby at that. Wouldn't have been where I was if I was bad at it." He felt Nimue sliding on his back, he reached up and adjusted the unconscious cat until was was back in place. With a stretch the tabby re-curled around her owner's neck letting out a content sigh. "I have to say outside of kickboxing I don't think I can teach you much, unless you want to know extremely random facts." Noah snorted. "At any rate I try to keep myself ahead of others." He placed his hands back onto the table.

"Ah but for someone that doesn't like to study and prefers all practical tasks, it can drive away whatever reading passion you have." The library was pretty quite, footsteps and shuffles followed my muffled coughs. Once Riane motioned that someone was coming, Noah tilted his head and isolated the incoming footsteps. Not a child, stride was sure, not sneaking around. He turned he head to be greeted with the wonder professor. He greeted the other man with a nod and a warm smile. "Morning."


your_dada_prof April 13 2006, 02:25:13 UTC
Abel had walked quickly towards his destination, without making eye contact with anyone else. He had found from experience that if he so much as looked at one of the students, the chances of them approaching him out of the blue increased to a startling seventy-nine percent. A highly undesirable outcome, one he hoped to avoid. Students should be addressed only during class or during his office hours, socializing with them in his free time meant to him that he was working overtime.

A few more steps brought him to the Restricted Section, at last. He entered and walked slowly; some of the books could get rather alarmed from any sort of sound. They were almost like a creature or animal that way. The shelf he was looking for in particular was near the back where the other dust covered tomes were, but before that, he had happened to walk in on the two Aurors engaged in a deep conversation perhaps. He had not expected anyone to be in there at such an early hour. It seemed Riane didn’t waste any time before immersing herself into ‘book world’ as he dubbed it.

“Good morning to you two as well.” He greeted them cordially. Seeing the two of them seated so comfortably together and friendly gave Abel a slight twinge in his chest; though he wasn’t sure what he was feeling. Perhaps it was a little guilt, like he might have intruded on a conversation between two close friends. Or perhaps he was just noticing how alone he was in the castle, when the only other warm face he had recently been reunited with, would of course have other closer acquaintances as well.

He didn’t stand for long. No, he nodded towards the back shelves and tapped at the volume in his hand. “Returning something.” He said simply, and perhaps a little curtly, before continuing on his original path.


rianeparker April 13 2006, 20:19:41 UTC
Riane couldn’t help laughing again at Noah’s suggestion that he was an angelic student, but she tried at least, the struggle causing her face to turn a lovely shade a pink. “I may not have known you in school, Noah Barr, but I know you now.” Again, she rapped his fingers, but this time it was with her hand. “I may not’ve had much common sense as a youngster, but I had eyes. I knew which students to avoid when I needed calm and quiet, two words that I don’t believe coincide with your house.”

His mentioning her talents with spells brought a more modest smile to her face, but she cocked her head to the side a little, accepting the compliment. “You’re right, definitely, about that at least, you wouldn’t’ve even been accepted into the program if your spellwork was shabby. They accept only the best in that area, especially..” she let her sentence hang in the air as Abel greeted them in return. At first, her smile brightened at his greeting, but as he moved past them to the bookshelves on the other end of the table the cool tone in his voice made her frown. “..especially if you look at the three of us,” she finished her statement.

Noah was given a confused look and then she turned her back to him so that her focus was on the friend that had just entered. She wasn’t sure what to say, or at least how to start. She’d heard that tone of voice from him in the past, but it had never before been aimed at her. No, it had always been at the overly excitable first years that would play games in the common room when the older students were trying to study. It confused her and stung a little.

“Is that something you think I might like, Abel?” she finally asked, her pale eyes studying the form that seemed to be purposefully looking away from the aurors. “You’re in the section I prefer, you know, but you’ve had more time with them than I have." She paused, taking a moment to glance over her shoulder at Noah and then turning back to Abel's direction. "I’d appreciate your recommendations.”


noah_barr April 20 2006, 03:29:30 UTC
Noah chuckled, he could deny it all he wanted but Riane was right, Gryffindor definitely didn’t coincide with the words calm and quiet. As it was he put a lot of effort into making sure it didn’t relate at all, those qualities were left for the other houses to take hold of. Even if it was the truth, it was more fun to deny and that was just what he was going to do. “The Gryffindors of my day were quiet…” Noah smirked. “Well as quiet as a house full of students should be.” His eyes turned to watch Faust make his way across the library.

The light greeting was what Noah expected of Faust, he alaways appeared calm collected, like he is afraid to play. That's when it came, that nasty little imp that gave Noah ideas, ideas that were purely Gryffindor. Today the idea carried the sudden urge to go ruffle the teacher’s hair, but he had an inkling it may end up with him at wand pointed and some sort of hex. Oh hell maybe he would even get a good punch in, either way Noah was up for the punishment.

He picked up the sleeping cat off his shoulders placing her quietly onto the table, the cat blinked at looked at him questioningly. He just smiled wickedly, winking at Riane before slipping off his chair. His steps were quiet, matching them in time to Faust’s measured strides. Once in reach Noah placed both hands on the Faust’s hair and rubbed them quickly mussing up Faust's hair with great ease.

He pulled back quickly, placing his thumb and fore finger on his chin as if observing his work. His eyes narrowed concentrating. It ended with spectacular results, strands stood up in every direction. Good thing students didn’t come into this section, their image of the stern Dark Arts teacher would be ruined forever.

“Aye that is a grand style, perfect for your facial structure.” He gave a firm nod, tapping his finger twice on his chin before dropping his hand. His shoulders began to shake with suppressed amusement, okay Noah enjoyed this more than he thought he would. He smirked at Faust. “What do you think Riane?”


your_dada_prof April 20 2006, 21:56:33 UTC
Abel had quickened his stride by a step in hopes of drawing away from the two quickly. He glanced at the book in his head, true, it was about dark curses mostly but he supposed there were a few fascinating tidbits that Riane would undoubtedly have found interesting.

“Yes, I suppo-“ Before he could finish his word though, he had heard matching footsteps come up behind him and two hands come up to completely muss up his hair.

Never, in the twenty-seven years of his life, had anyone ever dared to ruffle up his hair like that. At most it was either a polite pat on the head, but that had stopped after he frowned at the particular aunt when he was seven years old. Needless to say, Abel wasn’t quite sure how to react to having his hair messed up like that. So instead of a reaction, he stood still and stared from Noah to Riane with a bemused expression - between strands of disarrayed hair. He didn’t know whether to feel insulted or not.


rianeparker April 20 2006, 22:54:37 UTC
Riane was at a loss for words. For a brief moment, when Abel had begun to reply to her, she’d hoped that whatever tense moment had started between the three of them would go away. He was replying to her question and had actually taken a moment to consider if she actual would like the book. That was good. Nice.

The next thing she knew, though, Noah was up on his feet and winking at her. True, they hadn’t known one another nearly as long as she’d known Abel, but she did know that a wink for Noah was likely to be followed by something… Gryffindorish. There wouldn’t be enough time for her to warn Abel, not that she really felt she should if he was going to be curt with her for no reason, but she cringed nonetheless.

As soon as Noah finished making a mess of Abel’s lovely hair, Riane found herself staring at the pair of them in shock. She couldn’t believe that Noah had actually had the nerve to do that, but she was having more difficulty believing that Abel hadn’t hexed him off of his feet.

She didn’t respond when Noah asked what she thought, since she didn’t know how. Instead, she just gave Abel a sympathetic smile and turned away, forcing her attention on the book she’d been trying to read before Noah had arrived.


noah_barr April 21 2006, 01:05:43 UTC
Noah smiled buoyantly at Faust, his look was priceless and Noah found it very amusing. He winked at Faust, tilting his head to the side as he admired his work further. the fact that he hadn't been hexed yet was a good thing and proved that there was hope for the bloke yet.

These two Ravenclaws were proving as responsive as the books that surrounded them, he sighed that just wouldn't do.

He looked Faust straight in the eye. "I know a bloke ruffling another bloke's hair is confusing, but the way I see it you have a few choices." Noah paused briefly enough to smirk at him. "You can either hex me if you decide that you don't enjoy sporadic fun." Noah Started counting the list out on his fingers. "Two, you can muss my hair right back up. Three you just pretend it didn't happen and walk away, that option I find boring best not to choose that one."

He raised an eyebrow as if to say 'got that' then continued. "And the last reaction I can think of is for you to punch me. Slightly cruel and uncalled for but it is a possible response."


your_dada_prof April 23 2006, 00:13:35 UTC
He recovered a moment later and sighed tiredly. With his free hand he tried his best to smooth his hair back in place and out from his eyes. “So you are a masochist, Barr? You seem to desire getting hurt, either physically or magically from me.” His hair was out of his eyes now, be he didn’t dare wonder how mussed up it must look right now. Perhaps it was a good thing that it was still so early in the morning. Students, the lazy beings that they were, mostly preferred to either stay in bed or they had class to attend. No one, hopefully, would see him like this when he walked back.

“While I must say, as flattering a prospect as getting violent with you might be, it’s not the sort of activity I partake in.” He gave Noah an even look and turned, resuming his earlier mission of returning the book and taking the next one off the shelf. Of course, this time he walked in a more brisk and quicker pace.

He wasn’t angry, but his feathers had indeed been ruffled. Noah had intruded on his private space for his little prank, which thankfully, Riane didn’t laugh at. He might have been honestly embarrassed then.

The exchange of books on the shelf was a quick act and soon Abel was headed back to them. “Well, good day to the two of you. I’ll leave you two to return to whatever it was you were doing.” Another hard look was given to Noah and a softer one to Riane, then, Abel was out of the Restricted Section.


rianeparker April 23 2006, 01:54:01 UTC
Riane did her best to ignore what had just happened. She knew that it wasn't something Abel would have appreciated, especially the fact that there was an audience, even if it was just her. She tried to keep her attention on the book before her, but it was difficult to not hear Noah's words. The auror seemed to be attempting to egg Abel on. Not surprising, really, since it was Noah, and he had a tendency to expect large reactions to his dramatics. She couldn't focus on the page before her, but she was determined not to give Abel any more attention than he already had. Noah alone was enough, she was sure.

Abel's response, however, caused her to pay a bit more attention. He sounded so tired, even a bit defeated, which in itself was enough to confuse her. She turned her head, pushing he hair out of her face in just enough time to see him walk past her. The simple look he gave her, the second in only a few minutes to not be the welcome look she'd come to expect from him, caused her face to flush and an unhappy flutter in her stomach.

She waited, watching as her friend left the library, and then turned to look at Noah with a confused look on her face. She shook her head and let her eyes close in a slow blink. Her voice was soft when she spoke, but she gave him a smile and laid her hand on his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Not everyone does so well with your Gryffindorish charms, my friend. Give him time, though, he'll warm to you. How could he not?"

She glanced at the shelf and the book that Abel had returned and her smile grew as she realized that the book he'd left behind was the companion to the one she'd been reading. Without thinking, she reached over and plucked it from the shelf and added it to the book on the table. "I've got to get packed for an assignment. Supposed to escort a student home today, we'll be back on Thursday." She picked up the pair of books from the table and nodded toward the door. "Walk me out?"


noah_barr April 23 2006, 05:11:46 UTC
Noah shrugged after Faust left looking at Riane. "Not everyone should get on so well with it, the world would be intolerable now wouldn't it." He smiled at herfollowed by a quick wink. In truth he had expected a glare if anything, but he hadn't gotten a worse glare from his second cousin back home. He pushed the thought aside and went to collect his friend. Nimue gave him a mew of greeting, her tail was held high. He scooped her up and held her so they were face to face, she sniffed at him before rubbing ehr face agasint his chin. He smiled and rubbed her head.

He stopped his assault on Nimue head when Riane addressed him. Something that Nimue found displeasing, when she realized that Noah was now occupied she shook her head and climbed onto his shoulder, looking at Riane with minor disapointment.

Noah laughed, and offered Riane his arm. "Aye, I will walk you out. If I don't get to see you for a few days I best get as much time with you as ppossible."


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