
Sep 03, 2006 11:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Careers Abound'
Location: Greenhouses
Open To: Herbology Students
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy

I would never skip a HAWT man's class.... )


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Comments 53

First Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 15:31:45 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is ( ... )


Re: First Years (Combined Class) kamil_d September 3 2006, 15:41:30 UTC
Kamil came storming into the greenhouse, nearly knocking a plant of two over, but catching them in time. He was so excited to start class! Herbology was his favorite and it was so much fun! To know that Kamil could give the 'gift of life' was so exciting to him.

Laughing slightly and taking a seat Kamil said, "Hello Professor Murphy - sorry about that." He hadn't fully tipped the plants over, but bits of dirt had fallen out here and there. Whoops!


Re: First Years (Combined Class) adz_caltieri September 3 2006, 15:51:28 UTC
Adam entered the greenhouse soon after Kamil. He was also excited for the lesson, because like Kamil it was his favourite, but he'd seen Kamil's collision with the plants and didn't want the same thing so he'd slowed his pace down to a walk.

He took his seat and smiled at the Professor. "Hello Professor Murphy." He took his wand and his books out and placed them on the table in front of him, waiting for the rest of the class to appear.


Re: First Years (Combined Class) jeannm September 5 2006, 00:45:31 UTC
Unlike the two boys, Herbology was quite possibly Jeannie's least favorite subject. Ughh. The Professor was nice and all, but... still. Plants? Icky.

Still cheerful despite this, Jeannie quickly came into the room after the boys. "Hi, Professor!" she greeted him cheerfully, taking out her wand. She had only remembered to bring it because she feared that the plants would be evil and stuff. You know. Evil. And stuff. Er.


Second Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 15:38:24 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is!))

This week was all about Finnian Murphy and his surprises! His second years showed a lot of promise, except for a few girls who didn't like to get their hands dirty, but that was to be expected. Well, this week he had planned for his second years to experience the thrill of starting the life of something green! He was going to have them plant bulbs for flowers in the greenhouses, which was ever so kind of him. He knew they'd be happy when they figured out the bulbs bounced. Of course, it made things a bit more challenging, didn't it?


Re: Second Years (Combined Class) anastacia_f September 3 2006, 17:05:03 UTC
Anastacia sighed as she entered the class. Even if Armand hadn't left Hogwarts, Herbology was one class he often skipped because he hated dirt just as much as she did. She considered skipping herself, as a tribute to Armand, but since she was bored out of her mind, she decided to come. After all, it wasn't her worst subject, so she might as well get a few points in it to improve her grade. She hoped Romey would show up too, but knowing the other girl's penchant for sleep, she doubted it.

With a cordial polite smile on her face (no one wanted to see her mischievous malicious grin), Ana took a seat and folded her hands in her lap. Perhaps someone else would show up soon?


Re: Second Years (Combined Class) peterquince September 3 2006, 17:35:16 UTC
Peter was pumped for class because it was Herbology! Only one of the BEST classes ever!!! And while Armand's leaving had tampered with him a little, mostly he was glad to get rid of the Slytherin even though that was mean. Because Armand was KINDA creepy and Peter may have been slightly scared of him...but no one would know that. Nope nope nope he was brave and it didn't really affect him.

Looking around he didn't see anyone besides Anastacia and smiled at her, really awake for their 8 am class. "Hi!"

When was the Professor going to start? What were the plants for? Would they be really cool? Peter wanted to KNOOOOOOOOOW.


Re: Second Years (Combined Class) camdynbaker September 3 2006, 20:23:24 UTC
Camdyn Baker had been in class with Armand, but she'd never really been one of his closest friends. She wasn't all that worried he'd left, as so many others were being pulled from school that it was reaching the point of ridiculous. Why did Iago have to go? It wasn't as if he wasn't capable of taking care of himself! Pfft, pfft, this was all such nonsense.

Camdyn gave a nod of her head to Ana as she entered the greenhouses, then waved at Professor Murphy excitedly. Herbology was one of her favourite classes, and she was good at it! Whatever was set up for the day, she knew she'd love it.

And what what what? It was that Peter fellow who'd climbed a tree with her and Niamh awhile back! How did she not remember that he was in their Herbology class? He was certainly loud enough to not forget!

"Wotcher, Peter! My hair's not orange today!" Camdyn greeted him, making a rather obvious statement. It was clear her hair was its normal blonde, but ah well!


Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 15:42:58 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is!))

The best part about working with plants was that sometimes you had to work with things you normally wouldn't want to touch. Finnian knew his students would not all be glad to know that today was about fertilizing screechsnap. In order to do such a thing, one had to erm... work with dragon dung manure. Not exactly the best smelling stuff in the world. Ah, but it wouldn't be his class without testing them on something, giving them a surprise! If one used too much dung, the seeds would wriggle about and squeak. Oh, he was going to have fun watching this!


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) veronica_myers September 3 2006, 16:53:06 UTC
No one would describe Veronica as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but she did carry a smile on her face as she entered the greenhouses. Herbology was one of her favorite classes (as she rarely met a plant she needed to avoid confrontation with) and she thought it would be a great one to keep her mind occupied. She didn't want to think, to remember that Mason had left and that she was stuck with Kieran Donovan of all people (who didn't like her much either). Thankfully, she still could count on Darcy Delaney as a friend, even though the school was losing students and morale was at an all-time low...

She shook the depressing thought out of her head, and smiled again, this time towards Professor Murphy. "Good afternoon, Professor!" Might as well try to make the class a happier place to be.


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) belle_nichols September 3 2006, 20:13:29 UTC
Annabelle wasn't sure how she felt about Herbology, really. She hadn't dropped the class (but who would with Professor Murphy teaching?), but it didn't catch her interest all that often. It wasn't her best subject, it wasn't her worst subject, it was just a class. As long as they weren't working from the book today, she'd be perfectly content.

She grinned as she headed into the greenhouses, catching a glimpse of Veronica already in head of her. She'd been friends with Mason, too! Annabelle was still heartbroken that one of her best friends had left the castle.

"Hullo Professor Murphy!" she said happily moving toward the two.

"Wotcher, Veronica! How're you?" she asked the girl, hoping she wasn't too upset over everything that happened. They could still get through class, right? Of course they could! Except... it smelled a bit of... MANURE!?


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) darcy_delaney September 4 2006, 03:17:59 UTC
Darcy kicked at the ground as she walked to the greenhouses. She liked pretty much everyone in her year (that one Ballard girl made her uncomfortable, but other than that), and she was sad because she figured things would be different now. Mason was gone, and so what would Kieran do? Darcy had always liked both of them, and she and Veronica could gang up on them and everything was fine.

Well, Kier could probably hold his own, right?

Darcy smiled brightly at Finnian first thing as she entered the room, and chirped "Good afternoon!" happily. Then she made a beeline for Veronica and Annabelle. "Hi, girls! Alright? What do you think we're doing today?" Her smile faltered only slightly as Darcy sniffed the air...


5th Years (Separated) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 16:16:10 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is! I know we have enough 5th years for separate classes, so please note where Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff starts and where Gryffindor/Slytherin starts))

Finnian's idea for the 5th years' lesson was a bit unusual. He'd already worked with scurvygrass and flitterbloom, now he needed something that could catch their attention without being too harsh of a prank. In fact, he wasn't really going to play a prank at all. Instead, Professor Murphy had an exciting event planned for them all. He'd collected tree branches, one from each type of wood that was used in wands. What would they be used for? Well, let's just say there was going to be a little experiment, and they'd need their own wands for it to work!


Gryffindor-Slytherin Class - Tuesday 10:00 am jackie_zhang September 3 2006, 16:36:28 UTC
Not so surprisingly, Jackie was one of the first students to arrive at the greenhouses. Herbology wasn't her best subject, but at least, it wasn't her worst, and it was held at a decent hour of the day. Good thing it was December too, making the atmosphere quite cool and pleasant, and not as humid as usual.

As she took a seat off the workbenches, she grinned at Professor Murphy who had just finished setting branches along the bench top. "Good morning, Professor!" came her cheerful greeting. As if anyone would see Jackie Zhang do anything differently...


Re: Gryffindor-Slytherin Class - Tuesday 10:00 am avis_abernathy September 3 2006, 17:40:26 UTC
Well, the morning DEFINETELY was not a decent time for any class, in Avis' opinion, even if it was taught by Professor Murphy. And, as she felt she made a fool out of herself attacking the flitterbloom that other week, she had felt horribly self-conscious about her "skills" in Herbology. No matter, as she was in a low mood that day and her mind was on anything but classes.

Yawning and having her scarf wrapped halfway around her head, Avis stumbled into the greenhouses meekly. Too groggy to even drool or fawn over her teacher, she took a seat to the side of the class, fell down into the chair and blinked lamely, trying to stay awake. It wasn't easy, as she was wrapped up in layers like a pig in a blanket, and felt quite comfortable -- making it easy to fall asleep.


Re: Gryffindor-Slytherin Class - Tuesday 10:00 am erikcohen September 3 2006, 20:18:32 UTC
Erik was glad to see Jackie and Avis already in class. He'd not gotten the chance to talk to either of them much lately, and Professor Murphy was generally pretty laid back. He assumed that in between... whatever it is they were doing for the day, he could get a good conversation going with the two of them. Perhaps ask Jackie how Study Hall was going (as erm... he'd decided to skip one or two), and check up on how Avis was doing with her strutting.

"Well if it isn't Jackie Zhang!" he said happily and gave the girl a pat on the back before plopping himself down next to Avis. HAR HAR! Didn't she look like death warmed over? No wait... just tired, that's all he meant.

"OH HO HO! GOOD MORNING ABERNATHY!" he shouted on purpose, grinning mischeivously at her. No need to greet the Professor more than just giving him a nod of the head. Oh, an unspoken admiration!


Sixth Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 16:47:38 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is!))

Though most of his classes were about fun this week, Finnian knew that his sixth year class he'd have to take very seriously. In fact, he was going to have to actually teach today, instead of just observe his students as they worked with whatever he had in store for them. The reason for this change in normal routine? Today he introduced flesh-eating trees, and he preferred his students didn't get sent to the Hospital Wing. HUMAN FLESH was a very hard thing to replace, even for magical nurses!


Re: Sixth Years (Combined Class) rae_burton September 3 2006, 18:16:13 UTC
Rae walked into class, sighing at the thought of digging around in the dirt with plants again. It wasn't her one of her best classes, but not her worst by far. She was able to maintain a solid and respectable grade even if she dispised it. A shame really, her time could be better spent doing more productive things than this, but getting a detention for not attending would be dropping to the level of those other people and she would rather not result to that quite yet. Besides, the Professor was definately something worth coming to class for. Definately a looker by anyone's say.

"Good morning Professor," she gave him a smile while sitting down in her seat and fixing her skirt so it laid the correct way. The next task was fixing her hair that had become the a tad unruled in her trek out her in the snow. And to think that she had just spent quite a while fixing it this morning.


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