
Sep 03, 2006 11:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Careers Abound'
Location: Greenhouses
Open To: Herbology Students
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy

I would never skip a HAWT man's class.... )


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Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 3 2006, 15:42:58 UTC
((Finny will be part of the posting order until I take him out. Sooo... have your students come in, take a seat, and be prepared to have Prof. Murphy explain what the lesson is!))

The best part about working with plants was that sometimes you had to work with things you normally wouldn't want to touch. Finnian knew his students would not all be glad to know that today was about fertilizing screechsnap. In order to do such a thing, one had to erm... work with dragon dung manure. Not exactly the best smelling stuff in the world. Ah, but it wouldn't be his class without testing them on something, giving them a surprise! If one used too much dung, the seeds would wriggle about and squeak. Oh, he was going to have fun watching this!


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) veronica_myers September 3 2006, 16:53:06 UTC
No one would describe Veronica as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, but she did carry a smile on her face as she entered the greenhouses. Herbology was one of her favorite classes (as she rarely met a plant she needed to avoid confrontation with) and she thought it would be a great one to keep her mind occupied. She didn't want to think, to remember that Mason had left and that she was stuck with Kieran Donovan of all people (who didn't like her much either). Thankfully, she still could count on Darcy Delaney as a friend, even though the school was losing students and morale was at an all-time low...

She shook the depressing thought out of her head, and smiled again, this time towards Professor Murphy. "Good afternoon, Professor!" Might as well try to make the class a happier place to be.


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) belle_nichols September 3 2006, 20:13:29 UTC
Annabelle wasn't sure how she felt about Herbology, really. She hadn't dropped the class (but who would with Professor Murphy teaching?), but it didn't catch her interest all that often. It wasn't her best subject, it wasn't her worst subject, it was just a class. As long as they weren't working from the book today, she'd be perfectly content.

She grinned as she headed into the greenhouses, catching a glimpse of Veronica already in head of her. She'd been friends with Mason, too! Annabelle was still heartbroken that one of her best friends had left the castle.

"Hullo Professor Murphy!" she said happily moving toward the two.

"Wotcher, Veronica! How're you?" she asked the girl, hoping she wasn't too upset over everything that happened. They could still get through class, right? Of course they could! Except... it smelled a bit of... MANURE!?


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) darcy_delaney September 4 2006, 03:17:59 UTC
Darcy kicked at the ground as she walked to the greenhouses. She liked pretty much everyone in her year (that one Ballard girl made her uncomfortable, but other than that), and she was sad because she figured things would be different now. Mason was gone, and so what would Kieran do? Darcy had always liked both of them, and she and Veronica could gang up on them and everything was fine.

Well, Kier could probably hold his own, right?

Darcy smiled brightly at Finnian first thing as she entered the room, and chirped "Good afternoon!" happily. Then she made a beeline for Veronica and Annabelle. "Hi, girls! Alright? What do you think we're doing today?" Her smile faltered only slightly as Darcy sniffed the air...


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 4 2006, 21:19:20 UTC
Finnian knew that he'd recently lost a good number of students, including Mason Gibbs, but he wouldn't let that stop him from conducting class as usual. Besides, perhaps he wouldn't have to break up any fights this lesson, since the trouble usually came from him and Ophelia Ballard. Kind of sad, actually, now that he'd given it some thought. OH WELL!

"Hullo Miss Myers! Welcome back t'the greenhouses!" Finnian greeted his first student with enthusiasm, watching as Annabelle and Darcy joined her.

He gave them a few moments to chat amongst themselves, as surely their was summat to talk about, and then headed over to their group. He didn't like to stereotype, but it was just normal that the girls tended to not like working with... dung. He hoped they could forgive him this once. If not, eh... he got a good laugh out of it all ( ... )


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) veronica_myers September 5 2006, 03:28:53 UTC
"Hey, Annabelle. I'm fine, thanks... and you?" Veronica responded to the cheerful girl with a small smile of her own. Before she could say anything more, Darcy arrived, and she nodded in her direction.

She turned to Professor Murphy as he started to speak. Manure? Well, that explained the smell. Oh well, at least she didn't have to deal with Devil's Snare. She glanced at the other girls, and picked up a pair of gloves and mask, placing them on. "Might as well get started..."


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) belle_nichols September 6 2006, 22:41:53 UTC
"I hope whatever we're doing is not connected to that smell," Annabelle answered Darcy with a slight laugh. Knowing her luck, it was probably exactly what they'd be up to. Discovering the origin of the scent and wishing that they hadn't.

OOO THAT WAS A PRETTY FLOWER OVER ON THE - OH! Professor Murphy was in the middle of telling them something! She really needed to learn how to not drift in and out of reality. BAH.

"Screechsnap?" Annabelle questioned, biting her lip just slightly. Had he told them to read up on that type of plant... seed... thing? If he had, then she'd completely missed it and that was just another sign that she needed to get better control of her attention. RIGHT. FOCCUSSS.

Her mouth opened in surprise as the Professor mentioned they'd be working with dung of all things! Annabelle wasn't terrible at Herbology, but she wasn't exactly willing to get her hands covered in manure, even if they were gloved. How was that magic, hmmmn?

"Please tell me you aren't excited about this," Annabelle begged Veronica as the girl ( ... )


Re: Third and Fourth Years (Combined Class) darcy_delaney September 7 2006, 02:02:25 UTC
"Me. Too," Darcy whispered back to Annabelle. And well, they could HOPE whatever they were doing was not connected to the smell! After all, there were all kinds of things going on in the greenhouses every day! Maybe this smell was something the seventh years had to do. Ooooh, yes, that would be much better. Darcy decided that must be it, and she resolved to tease Deirdre about it later ( ... )


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