Oct 23, 2007 20:34
today i went for my pre-learners riding course. i rode for several years up until 1994 but after a bike accident i stopped riding, in that time i never had a license.
so today i went to my booked course, there were 5 bikes to choose from between 5 participants. 3 bikes were racers, 2 were cruisers, all were only 125cc korean generic bikes. even though i used to ride a racer and never touched a cruiser, i chose a cruiser to learn on as that's the kind of bike i intend to buy soon.
i was scared that after so many years not riding at all that i'd forget what to do, but the instructor was so good that i was back in the swing in no time. we were only allowed to get to 2nd gear as the course was only half a soccer field big and we mostly just rode in circles changing up and down gears. there was only one total novice, 4 of us had previous experience already. none of us dropped a bike or even stalled it. it was a good day, i had a lot of fun but it was exhausting as we had to push our bikes around before being allowed to start one up.
as it's a 2 day course, tomorrow we start with safe rinding practices and more complicated moves.