I was lucky enough recently to do a blog interview with Jess Meats, where we talked a lot about worldbuilding, history, and how characters occasionally come to life and scare you... Here's the link
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On the plus side, my rejuvinated website is up and running! www.hierath.co.uk - there are still a few niggles to be sorted out but it looks ok. Thanks, txteva"
My website is just about done. Just waiting for BT to get back to me and tell me what my ftp address is (hope they do!) and then it will be up and running. It's blue this time, I got bored of the green
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I've got that Friday Feeling again, must be time for the FPR.
But firstly, thanks to txteva for the balloons, hopefully they will lift my creativity and not take off with it into the ether in a "Wasp Factory" fashion
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I don't know how these Fridays come round so quickly. It's FPR time again, and I've been somewhat productive :) Keeping a record of this is really helping me crack on with things
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Time once again for the FRIDAY PRODUCTIVITY REPORT. This weeks hot news, I have won a cash prize (amount undisclosed) for "New Boobs", my breast cancer story which has netted me more cash than, well, pretty much everything else I've ever written put together. Hooray for boobies
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I have sacrificed the splash page of my website to Bristolcon (and got it to do that fancy watermarking thing too). Can folks have a look and tell me if there's anything glaringly obvios that I've missed? It's www.hierath.co.uk.