Return of the Hack

Feb 05, 2010 11:29

My, but LJ is slow today! Anyone else finding that?

Welcome back to the return of the long-absent and probably not-much-missed FRIDAY PRODUCTIVITY REPORT. Long-absent because, to be frank, there hasn't been a whole lot of productivity to report ON. I'm hoping this weekly self-nag will help guilt-trip me into doing something about that. And if it doesn't, you lot can!

Without further ado, the FPR.

Reading - "Flood" by Stephen Baxter. Only up to page 40 and already liking it a lot. Fulfills my craving for apocalyptic fun, and it has maps to refer back too. This has jumped to the top of the reading queue because Luna bought me the sequel for Xmas :)

Writing :

The Sea Story of endless name changes - now on it's THIRD title. This is a story I started ages ago, for Jody, then set aside, and have now picked up again. A town in mourning finds a mermaid on the beach.

Word Count - 1496, and more scribbled in a notebook.

The novel-that-is-not-a-novel yet ;)

It's not a novel until I say it is! That's what I keep telling it. Not sure it's listening.

Anyway, it doesn't get to be called a novel until it reaches 10k. I'm the writist, I makes the roolz (honest!).

I seem to have developed crazy superstitiousness about this THING. It's as if talking about it will stop it from happening. Probably because I talked a heap about "Leaving of Avenhelm" and now it's stuck in a traffic jam on the M4. I don't want to talk up something that I might not be able to deliver.

So for now, it has a title, and that's all I'm prepared to say.

Word count : 2797.

I'm hoping to get this little beast to 5k by next friday, and finish the Sea Story, however long that ends up being.

Total word count - 4293 - not bad, though I'm aiming for 7k. Still, it's 4200 more words than I wrote last week!

Submissions - Zero.

There's a reason for that, and that reason is :

Acceptances - ONE, but it's a biggie!

(I know it technically wasn't this week, but consider this a general roundup)

That would be "The Feline Queen", a collection of most of my published and a few of my unpublished short stories gathered together in one volume, to be published by Wolfsinger in 2011. Not counting my publications before they're hatched, because I know it's a perilous industry, but if and when this comes about it will be book number four, which is quite exciting :)

It's also pretty much wiped out my collection of unpublished short stories, so I probably need to get my head down and write a few more.

General things to do by next week.

Sort out Paypal for Bristolcon - Paypal are being arses about linking the Bristolcon Paypal account to the Bristolcon bank account, in case we turn out to be a money-laundering operation for Somali pirates or something. This is in complete contrast to HSBC, who have bent over backwards to be helpful. Paypal won't do anything until I fax them a copy of the bank statement and photo ID, god knows why.

Website - Once my new software arrives I'm going to start the hopefully not too complicated process of overhauling my cobwebsite. Actually quite excited about that!

Think that's everything. Going out with txteva, hebinnewzealand and Chris tomorrow to my first ever basketball game, should be fun, even if it means minimal scribbling tomorrow. Which means maximal (if that's not a word it should be!) scribbling today, so I'd better get on with it!

superstition, friday productivity report, writing, banking, website

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