The ____ blew his ______

Jun 22, 2012 16:57

It's officially summer. Ok, the first day was technically yesterday, but I've been in a comma like sleep since my last day at work.

I got my hair did today. I think maybe next time I'll do red. I've always wanted red hair. I'm a ginger lover. <3

Last day of work, I had to help the b*tchy teacher who decided they should all be working. To my "joy", we had to do a scholastic. Part of it was a madlib section with a summer theme. For those of you with dirty minds, it was "the lifeguard blew his whistle". I miss Adam at times like this. I would have loved to share that madlib with him. There's a sign I pass when I drive home from my job that says "Speed Hump". That makes me think of him, too. LOL

I might work on my writing this summer. I really want to spend time with friends, but everyone is either ditching me or shit just got real in their lives. :( Why can't I fucking find a rich guy willing to marry me yet? I wanna fucking be a Real Housewife of NJ. You know they're so recasting that asap. I need a cheesey reality show. I am entertaining.

Advil Count: 4 more down. I took one and my mom took three. I told her she only needed one, but she likes popping pills. 117 to go.
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