
Jun 11, 2012 03:54

I have a very strong sixth sense. I want to say I am psychic, but I don't feel the future is set in stone. I'm not sure what forces change things, but things can change. I can't help but think of Heath Ledger's character in A Knight's Tale and how he wanted to change his stars. Lately, bad things have been happening to people I've wanted them to happen to. I wonder if I'm willing them to happen. I know that certain things will happen. It's creepy. I used to hate it, but now I feel bad when I go through dry spells. I'm so fucked up. I think sometimes people were right for wanting to kill people like me. I belong tied to a tree engulfed in flames.

Two more advils down. 121 to go. I had to be an escort to this arts show my district participates in. A bus full of loud kids being taken to a room where I have to listen to them sing and play off tune? You bet your sweet bippy I popped one. I'm surprised I didn't down the whole fucking bottle. The sub for kinder was late. So, that's where the second one went. The BEST is the bitch actually fought with me before I could go back to the comforts of my office. I used to feel bad for her. Things like that make me glad she's pushing 50 and making $1600 a month with no benefits. Nospeakdaenglish BITCH!

Speaking of money, I got my new Gucci purse. It's leather and I'm in love. I want to use it now, but buying a new purse for the first day of work makes it more special. Sort of like incentive. Why call in sick if I can carry a Gucci?! So, for now, it's hands off.
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