Last week sucked. Im not going to lie. I hate New Hampshire so much, it practically hurts. My family insists on traveling up to this house every summer so we can spend a week torturing me to death because its so boring. Usually when I go up there I spend most of my time watching tv. The guy that owns the place we rent it from has the basic cable, with things such as MTV, VH1, and Comedy Central. So I usually flip between these three channels, but mostly relying on Comedy central. This week however was different. I went up to the place and instead of my staple comedy central I watched a lot of VH1. I must say I was impressed. For the simple reason cause it contained shows like I love the 90s and best week ever. For those of you living under a rock I love the 90s is this show that consists of some comedians, actors, and musicians, that talk about topics on the 90s. its like a forum for things that erupted during the 90’s. they would talk about furbys, the Clinton scandal, and even snap bracelets (“snap braclets are for pre-teens into pre-bondage.” *snaps bracelet on wrist* “….me likey!”). I love this show to death, because there never ceases to be something funny, my favorite person being Michael Ian Black, whos deadpan humor steals the show. Anyways other than tv I have to find other ways to keep myself occupied. I brought up 3 books, my new harry potter book, the school required book Tuesdays with morrie, and dude, where’s my country by Michael moore. I also had some music magazines. While reading through them I remembered a conversaition I had. They said that sometimes people who are singers don’t look like what their voice sounds like. The case and point was Claudio sanchez of coheed and cambria. While looking through my magazine I drew up a list of people that fit and don’t fit their voices. Here are the examples…
Claudio Sanchez: first of all one must listen to coheed and cambria and understand his incredible vocal range. Im pretty sure that he can hit higher notes than a female singer could. Saying this he has a pretty high pitched voice. When you first look at Claudio, it comes a shock that he can sing like that. Here is what he looks like.
A guy with an earth shattering fro. One would expect that the guy (or girl for the really thick people) would be a scrawny guy, pale face, or even the guy from the darkness, who is just plain annoying.
Daryl Palumbo (glassjaw):
the guy with the pipes in glassjaw sure does have a style all his own. The way he sings is by shifting through soft crooning to an unmistakeable nervous guy warble to a satanic growl. Anyone who listens to glassjaw knows what im talking about. Daryl also looks the part. A lanky skinny guy who wear horn rimmed glasses. So it comes as no surprise that the warbling choruses comes from a guy who looks like he is just going to go balls to the wall out of nowhere.
Phil anselmo:
never before have I heard someone with such a deep voice. he is I think one of the only people in the word that talks like they sing, or growl, or yell, or scream. Phil anselmo fronted pantera, superjoint ritual, and down, and each of them he kept his signature scowl. The way he sings has this deep upper pallet tone with a bit of southern rock in it. but he also looks the part with a face that looks like a 7 year olds after he gets his foot stepped on.
Randall Blythe(in the far right):
he fronts the band lamb of god, which claims to be the saviors of American metal. I believe this to be true cause they fuckin rule. I don’t know if someone did something to him when he started the band but for some reason he is angry all the time. He is always flicking off the camera that takes his picture and he is always looking down in a permanent scowl. Anyways the man has a mean growl to go with his even meaner face. And not to mention that huge devil lock he has.
Tom araya:
I ‘m sorry but am I the only one who thinks he looks like an ape? Not in a bad way cause his is the leader of slayer, and that’s enough for a metal resume. But the way he “sings” I don’t think suits him, cause he looks just short of a caveman. I half expect him to grunt or something. Not yell like he is being cast straight to hell for torture. With all things said I have immense respect for him cause its slayer so don’t get the wrong picture.
Jessie Lacey:
wow does he fit the part or what! The guy who croons his was through brand new has sex appeal practically oozing out of him. Through his chiseled jaw and his wave Morrissey hair. Speaking of which he almost sounds and looks like Morrissey. Which brings me to my next person
basically the same features as Jessie lacey but with an English accent. Very very suave individual with songs like “irish blood English heart” and “first of the gang to die” that he croons out to his cult fans. Once frontman of the smiths now has his own self titled band. He has a swagger that many try to emulate but fail horribly, cause its Morrissey baby!
And that’s just a few of the examples of people that either look or don’t look like how they sing!