I want to do another meme, therefore we are doing another meme.

Nov 22, 2011 10:12

Memeage time!

Snagged from telaryn, I list twenty pairings, but I don't list them by pairing name. Instead, I give a short blurb describing the two involved in the ship. In turn, gentle readers, you do your best to guess the names of the characters involved in the pairing. Some of these are from the same series although, much as I love you Lucetians, they're all pairings from within the same show, book, or game. If you can find a way to look them up, feel free to do so.

Some of these I have no doubt you'll get, some...well, for some, I'm considering offering rewards.

1. A spiky haired martial artist suffering the pangs of unrequited love and the pink haired beauty that ignores her pain and drives her insane in a music themed world

2. A pale eyed girl with very odd taste and the boy who grew up to be a hero against all odds

3. The best of all butlers and the god who loved him Sebastian Michaelis and Grell Sutcliffe, Black Butler, guessed by telaryn and vyctori

4. He's a single father with secrets to keep, she's a singer in debt who's had enough

5. Two clones who lost who they were but never stopped loving one another

6. A girl with wit and fashion sense to spare, together with her best friend who spends her life searching for the true meaning of magic Buffy and Willow, Buffy the vampire Slayer, guessed by telaryn

7. The woman who rides like a man and the rogue who loves her Alanna and George, Song of the Lioness, guessed by telaryn and vyctori

8. An archer from another world and a scarred prince in hiding

9. A circus trained superhero all in black and the literary computer nerd that keeps him up to date Vincent Faraday and Orwell, The Cape, guessed by telaryn

10. The Queen's guard dog and the girl he's known all his life

11. A princess in a tower and the man who helped her find a new dream Rapunzel and Flynn Rider, Disney's Tangled, series guessed by whuffle and characters guessed first by telaryn

12. A boy who travels between worlds and the childhood friend that got sick of waiting for him

13. A boy without a heart and the best friend that always brought him back

14. The boy and the girl that stayed together through five lifetimes

15. A gunslinger with a tendency to get captured and her stoic love interest who fears the power she holds

16. The girl who runs a midnight website and the servants that keep her human

17. She's a werewolf fighting to stop herself becoming a humanitarian and he's the boyfriend who gets her a watch to read the phases of the moon. Angua and Carrot, Discworld, successfully guessed by telaryn

18. A girl with her own special place on the periodic table of elements and her best friend trying to unravel the secrets of their home

19. A tough talking street punk and the girl who smacks him down out of love

20. A hatmaker and a wizard Sophie and Howl, Howl's Moving Castle, guessed by vyctori and mizzy2k

memeage, meme, shipping

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