Urge...to kill...rising as I watch television

Nov 29, 2011 20:41

(EDIT: If you want a more coherent understanding of just what the hell was wrong with the episode "I Kissed a Girl" than I will ever be able to give, this blogger hits all the points that needs hitting and hits them beautifully. Boost the signal here wherever you can. We aren't just pissed because we were denied validation of one of the few lesbian ships remaining on television, we are pissed because we were denied validation as women and people.)

I...just have to say this. I have to capslock it to the heavens.


And the show...doesn't even know it. THIS SHOW IS PAINTING HIM AS THE PROTAGONIST, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS FUCKERY? I mean, I knew we were supposed to vote for him, but oh my fucking god how do you not see how appalling a human being he is? And I don't just mean this latest bit with Santana, although my god my thoughts there are extensive and loud.

Finn is possessive, Finn is smug, Finn is full of himself, Finn is selfish, Finn is petty, and Finn cannot sing worth a motherfucking damn. I just had to listen to him serenade Santana and his voice grated, y'all, it seriously grated. It's like Mom and I say, if you have to autotune the holy hell out of your lead role, get a new lead role. Especially when Kurt can do everything from Wicked to Melankampf and he and Blaine just knocked "Perfect" out of the park, folks, I was smiling at that.

Although getting to hear Coast Bieste sing is alleviating the pain. She actually kind of rocks the soul songs.

Calling Kurt the f-word? No, he no longer gets a pass there, nor does he not get a pass for not standing with Kurt to protect his motherfucking football career. Cheating on Rachel, he never got a pass there. Breaking up with Rachel for making out with Puck remains one of the most hypcritical things I have ever seen on television, seconded only to saying to Quinn "well, it's pretty lame that you're the only girl in the school who hasn't kissed me" to Quinn either the episode before or the episode after he gave her the "you're too good for what other people say" shtick. I was never sure, we watched that bit out of order.

But I could ignore Finn as a persistent nuisance until he outed Santana in the middle of a crowded hallway, oh my god you piece of shit. You don't get to say "everyone knows anyway", her own parents didn't know. Even here at school, a school widely considered one of the most LGBT friendly, we have to sign a confidentiality agreement before we're allowed to work there, we're not allowed to identify anyone who comes through as having come through, and people still ask if they're allowed to leave by the back door. At a high school like McKinley, what decent human being with half a brain would do that?

Needless to say, I cheered when she slapped him.

Of course, then we open up with this episode. Not only does McKinley apparently have a "zero tolerance violence" policy that has never had a fucking thing to do with anything so far, and even if it did Santana should get a pass for greivous emotional distress, but motherfucking Finn Hudson gets to be the sensitive good guy again after ruining her life. When Santana calls him on outing her, he still gets to legitimately play the "well, everyone knew" card and no, you piece of snail shit, not everyone knew, die in a fucking fire.

Finn spontanteously deciding that they're going to do "lady music" for this week to help her "deal"...without, as Santana so rightly pointed out, giving her a goddamn say...is one of the most patronizing bits of mansplaining I have ever seen on television. And the subject matter of the week itself is rife with unfortunate implications, especially when they called the two gay guys up to start off "Lady Music Week". Although, as I've said, "Perfect" was actually kind of a sweet choice to sing. So good on you, guys.

And then he tells her that outing her was "for her own good", he tries to tell her that she actually means something to him when they hold one another in nothing but contempt, he pulls out that infuriating psychobabble to justify himself, and then it's his song that Santana thanks him for which, don't worry sweetie, I know the writer's made you do it. I know if you'd had the chance to act in character you would have punted him for singing that stupid song to you.

I just...I've reached the point where I have to cover my mouth whenever he speaks so I don't scream "Fuck you!". He is horrible to all the women in his life, he constantly needs his ego stroked...yes I am so totally blaming him for Rachel's recent tendency to pity fuck the men in her life...he can't sing, he's an utter attention whore, and he's jealous on a level that would make Edward Cullen raise his eyebrows! And the show does the same damn thing as "Twilight" where it paints him as an ideal boyfriend and someone we should like. Which is all the more infuriating because there are actually a good few characters on the show that I like again - way more than last year. Here, have a list:

-Sugar Motta
-Coach Bieste

These characters salvage these shows and make it good, and then they bring fucking Finn Hudson back on stage and I hate him. I hate him so bad, folks, I am on the border of writing vicious spitefics about him. It has been such a long time since I've wanted to punch a character in the face so badly.

...on the plus side, working out all this anger is almost cathartic. I can't scream like this in real life.

...I haven't had enough time to sort out my feelings on the show's choice of "I Kissed a Girl", of all things. Mostly they're grumpy, but not as grumpy as this. Ask me later.

TL;DR - Outing someone is never okay. I am sick and tired of watching the men be the sensible heroes on this show and the women by the crazy, weak minded children. Outing someone is never okay. Sometimes slapping someone for outing you is. Calling an episode "I Kissed a Girl" when only the men got to kiss anyone is horrendously homophobic and appropriating. Outing someone is never okay, and watching such a pathetic, loathsome schlub as Finn Hudson be applauded for it as some kind of paragon of tolerance made me nauseous. Stick to gay men, show...hell, stick to men in general. They're clearly the only demographic you give half a shit about.

Not only was this episode bad, it was dangerous. This is not a message we need to be sending. This will only make life worse for LGBT people everywhere - not just us silly wimminz - and this show needs to get that and get it soon.

bisexuals do exist thanks, fandom, glee, in which hickum flies into a rage, diediedie and die some more

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