Challenge #67: Wait a Second, Isn’t He a Muggle
Title: Computers
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Rose Weasley
Summary: Muggle Studies class with Rose.
Word Count: 304
Author's Notes: Part 28 of my Stutter Series.
Previous Parts.
Registered purchases?: Quill Only
“Alright class, today we’re going to talk about Bill Gates,” Professor Hemlick announced to her second year Muggle Studies class one morning in mid-April. “Does anyone know who he is?”
Rose Weasley’s hand immediately shot up into the air. Professor Hemlick nodded at the redhead and she spoke, “Bill Gates is the muggle who popularized computers. He was one of the founders of Microsoft, arguably the largest computer and software manufacturer.”
“Very good, Miss. Weasley. 10 points to Ravenclaw.” Professor Hemlick smiled and reached into a bag behind her desk. She retrieved a thin plastic object and told the class, “This is a lap top computer, one of the items made by Bill Gates’s company.” The class all looked on with great interest as the professor opened the computer and turned it on; most of the students had never seen a computer before. “In recent years the Ministry of Magic has begun using these in place of memos and paper files. Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Hermione Granger-Weasley,” the class all quickly glanced at Rose, whose mother had just been named, “an Mr. Arthur Weasley, the Ministry has been able to convert the computers to run on magic instead of electricity. The pair also created a system similar to the Internet. Who can tell me what the Internet is?”
Again Rose was the first person to raise their hand. “The Internet is a system of linked computers around the world that can be used for many things, including connecting with other people and researching many subjects.”
“Very good!” Professor Hemlick announced. “The Ministry uses their system to allow workers quick and easy access to each other as well their work files.” She paused. “As I understand it, Mrs. Granger-Weasley hopes to have a computer in every wizard’s home one day.”
Challenge #12: Roses
Title: Roses
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Albus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley
Summary: It’s the end of the school year.
Word Count: 553
Author's Notes: Part 29 of my Stutter Series.
Previous Parts.
Registered purchases?: Quill Only
At the end of the term the professor decided that each year would have a large group practical exam in which each student would be tested in every subject all at the same time. They set up various stations in the Great Hall and organized when each group of students would do their test.
The second year students were the last to take the practical, which gave them extra time to prepare. Rose Weasley spent the days leading up to the exam studying nonstop. Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy spent the time split between practicing spells with Rose and goofinf off on the school grounds.
The day of their test arrived and Scorpius anxiously read the list of group divisions that was posted in the Gryffindor Common Room. Thankfully he was grouped with his best friend, and it turned out that they would be starting with Astronomy.
After breakfast the second year students gathered outside the Great Hall talking nervously while the professor set up their stations inside. Eventually the adults came out one at a time and gathered the students who would be starting at their station. Once everyone was in the Great Hall Professor Longbottom stood at the front of the large room and explained how the day would progress.
“You will have one hour at each station. When the timer buzzes you will move to the station to your right.” He paused. “Begin.” With a flick of his wand a large hourglass flipped itself over.
An hour and a half later, Rose was busy brewing a swelling solution which they had been informed that would be testing for effectiveness on themselves. She was nearly done with here and was confident that it would work extremely well. She added the final ingredient and stired the potion clockwise seventeen times.
Across the room, Albus and Scorpius were attempting to show what they had learned in Transfiguration that year. The professor had set up several tasks for each student, including turning three different sized beetles into buttons and back again. Scorpius was doing fine; his beetles were now perfect buttons. Albus wasn’t having as much luck; one of his buttons still had antennae.
Albus cast the spell to turn his buttons back into beetles just as Scorpius lost balance and knocked into him. The spell shot across the room to where Rose was taking a sip of her completed swelling solution. The spell his the Ravenclaw just as she swallowed and suddenly there were three redheaded girls standing in front of the potions professor.
Albus gasped, “Three Roses?”
All three girls eyed their professor with concern, “What happened?”
Rose and her two duplicates were rushed to the hospital wing, with Albus following behind closely and shouting apologies. Scorpius followed shortly thereafter as the rest of the second years had been dismissed. Professor Longbottom had informed the students that testing would resume the next morning unless he announced otherwise.
Madam Steinringer, the school’s healer, cast several spells in fast succession on the three Roses but nothing happened. “I’ve got a couple more ideas, but if they don’t work we’ll have to send her to St. Mungo’s.”
Twenty minutes later there was only one Rose. “Thank Merlin,” she sighed. “It’s good to be one person again.”
304/30 = 10.1
553/30 = 18.4
10+18 = 28 for word count!
2 fics x 5 bonus = 10 bonus points!