Challenge #91, Brittany Quotes, Challenge # 88, Zombie Apocalypse

May 06, 2011 08:20

Title: In the Way
Rating/Warnings: G, AU, Crossover, Fluff
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco, Brittany
Summary: Brittany’s always getting in the way.
Word Count: 499
Author's Notes: none
Registered purchases?: Yes

Draco was so excited for his upcoming nuptials. He had planned everything to the smallest detail, and had made sure every wish of his future husband was granted. Now that it was only a week away he only had one small problem. His mother had invited his cousin, Brittany, from America and now he was stuck babysitting her. She was 17, she should have been able to take care of herself, but she was rather dim witted. He felt sorry for her that she had such problems but really, why had it fallen to him!?! It was the week of his wedding and he was already stressed enough.

Worse still, his husband to be had fallen for her. Not in love, just in “aww, she’s so cute!” He was always harping on Draco, “but Draco dear, she just can’t help herself!” and “Draco, quit tormenting her, she doesn’t know any better!” Really, it was getting irritating how much Harry was defending her. The truth was, Draco had a very low tolerance for stupid people and Brittany was just plain stupid. She was always saying ridiculous things like “I’m pretty sure my cat is reading my diary” and “Remember, even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.” This is ridiculous since elves have their own kind of magic and because of that even heavy objects pose no problems for them.

She keeps getting underfoot while he finishes last minute preparations, and really, by the day before the wedding, he was at his wits end. He finally sat her down to have a talk. “Brittany, I know you want to help me. I know you think that changing the flower arrangements so they match by color is a good idea, but really, you need to leave them alone. They were arranged according to my careful specifications, and cost me heaps of galleons.”

Draco immediately felt bad about chastising her when her bottom lip began to tremble and tears pooled in her big blue eyes. Luckily, his intended was wonderful at coming in and saving the day. He had just walked in and overheard everything and quickly ran to Brittany’s side. “Sweetie, I know that Draco can be a bit insensitive, but he is right about this. I know you’re trying, but most of it we already have taken care of. I do have something else you could do for us though. We would be honored if you would sing at our reception.”

She looked up hopefully, “Really?” she asked, “Well, I guess I am more talented than all of you. I see that clearly now.” She picked herself off and went to pick out a nice set of music for the wedding and reception.

Finally, the day of the wedding was here. It was beautiful, everything going off without a hitch, and as Brittany rose her voice in song, everyone stared in awe. Draco knew then that even though she could be a royal pest, he would always love her.

Title: In the End
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, very dark, character death, zombies
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Draco knows he can save his love.
Word Count:792
Author's Notes: This is very out of character for me to write, but I had a lot of fun doing it. I hope you all enjoy it, I’m actually proud of this one, lol. Also, while this fic is very dark, there is no graphic violence or adult situations.
Registered purchases?: yes, both

Draco was shaking as he fastened the shackles securely. He didn’t know how long the tranquilizer spell would last, but he hoped he wouldn’t be taking any unnecessary risks. Harry’s skin was a sickly grey color, translucent and waxy, and his hair fell limply about his face. No need for glasses now, his eyes were closed and peaceful in his medicated slumber. Draco made sure his wrists and ankles were tightly bound and checked the chains’ connections to the wall. He needed to make sure there was no way that Harry could reach him once he woke up.

It had all happened on a sunny day in the middle of June. No one really knew the cause, but all of a sudden the dead rose up from their graves and began seeking out living flesh for sustenance. The Ministry of Magic declared a state of emergency along with the muggle authorities because no one could find a cure. As the days wore on and more and more people fell to the virus things began to look hopeless. Few remained, and those were scattered throughout the English countryside. It was anyone’s guess as to how other countries were faring, communications were one of the first things to go. Harry Potter tried to play the hero once again, but this time he was outmatched.

Draco watched as Harry began to stir, opening his eyes slowly and laying his sight on Draco, began to snarl, pulling at his restraints. “Now Harry, I’ll have none of that here. We’re going to rehabilitate you, but you have to trust me.” Draco spoke firmly but placatingly. It was obvious that Harry hadn’t really understood a word said, but Draco was hopeful that would change in the days to come. “Now over the next few days I’m going to be trying various techniques to wean you off of your need for living flesh, into something more palatable.” Harry just continued snarling and trying his best to reach the blond who was just out of his reach.

Draco heard about Harry’s demise the same day it happened. One of his friends had been there, saw Harry bitten, but had been unable to help him before apparating away to save his own life. Draco had always been a bit obsessed with Harry, and as such was convinced that if anyone was to save him, it would be himself. After all, who else invoked such emotional reactions in the green eyed man? Later that day, after gaining the coordinates of Harry’s final stand, he apparated there, hoping to find him. It took hours of looking, and some well placed stunners before he finally found what he was looking for. He used a tranquilizer spell he had learned in his healer training to subdue what remained in Harry’s body, and apparated him back to Malfoy Manor. Once there he placed him in one of the dungeons and began his research.

It had been almost a month since Draco had brought Harry into his home and there had been no improvements. He had tried everything, every dark arts spell he could manage and everything he found in ancient texts on necromancy. He had tried feeding Harry different foods hoping that it would bring back his memory, his essence but nothing worked. He was rapidly losing hope and finally decided that if anything would bring back Harry it would only be if Draco showed him how he really felt about him. So on the final day, after desperately searching for any way out, he made his final walk into the dungeons and applied the tranquilizer spell before unfastening the bindings.

October 5th was the day it all came to an end. Someone had found a cure, and although they could not bring back those already lost, they could keep more from turning, and finally destroy those that had been made. So it was that late in the fall a search and rescue party made their way through Wiltshire. They came upon Malfoy Manor and began to search the abandoned home. Carefully they made their way down into the depths, hoping to find any survivors. As they wrenched open the final door and gassed the room to stop any infected from rising, they surveyed what was left. Dirty dishes lay on the floor, and blankets were scattered around. Chains still dangled from the walls, but in the corner were a pair of the undead, both pale and waxy skinned, one with black hunks of hair falling messily and one with limp blond strands. They were wrapped around each other, peaceful in their final end. As one of the search team picked up a discarded journal in the corner, he read the final entry. “I love him.”

Word Points: 1291 words/30=43pts.
Items: 2 fics x 10 points=20 points

*challenge-091, pairing: harry/draco, rating: g, rating: pg-13, author: singlemomsummer, *challenge-088

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