2 fics, Challenge #37 + #59

May 05, 2011 11:12

Challenge #37: Obscure Words
Title: Chess
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Summary: Ron plays a game of chess with Hermione
Word Count: 246
Author's Notes: I used as many of the words as possible. This was fun!
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

Ron Weasley was currently in a zugzwang with his inamorata, Hermione Granger. He had been teaching her how to play chess more effectively when she suddenly improved greatly. Now he was in a horrible position and was pretty sure he was going to loose. He hated loosing to the hypersnickety Gryffindor.

Hermione grinned at her boyfriend, she knew she had him backed into a corner. He was completely impuissant in this situation and that fact thrilled the brunette. It was rare that Hermione had the chance to beat Ron at a game; especially if it was an extraforaneous one. Thankfully chess was played inside and was more a game of intelligence and planning than luck and physical skill.

If Hermione did win, Ron would be matutolypea the next day.This fact almost made the woman rethink her strategy. She hated it when Ron was in a bad mood and he hated loosing to her. She thought about purposely loosing the game as Ron fyerked a piece of lint off the table. In the end she decided against it. Besides, Ron would know she’d done it and insist that they play another game. Hermione had had enough chess for one day, thank you very much.

Ron finally made his move and Hermione grinned. “Check,” she said as she moved one of her pieces. Ron took his turn, frowning because he knew what was about to happen. Hermione moved a chess piece and declared dithyrambically, “Check Mate!”

Challenge #59: Grant a Wish
Title: Sleet
Rating/Warnings: G
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Summary: Harry heads home after a long day at work.
Word Count: 346
Author's Notes: For slyfoxesq of Slytherin. Her request was for “sleet and hot chocolate”.
Registered purchases?: Quill Only

It was a cold and miserable day in London. It was sleeting as Harry Potter made his way down the street towards the loft he shared with his boyfriend of three years. He walked faster as the sleet sped up in its descent to the ground. “I hate winter,” he mumbled.

Finally he reached his building and he stepped gratefully into the lobby. He shook his head slightly, droplets of melted precipitation flying in different directions as he did so. He pushed the button for the lift and rubbed his hands together, trying to create some warmth, as he waited. He still couldn’t believe that he’d been able to convince his lover to move into a Muggle neighborhood.

The lift arrived and Harry stepped into it before he pressed the button for the third floor. The ride up was relatively short and Harry wondered what his boyfriend was doing. The other man always got off from his healer job at St. Mungo’s before Harry finished his day at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Being head of the department meant long hours and Harry was always glad to go home to his waiting lover.

Harry entered his loft a few moments later and called out, “Draco?” He removed his jacket and hung it up on the hook by the door as he waited for a response. “Draco?” he called again, taking a few more steps into the loft. He still received no answer, so he went in search of the blond.

Harry entered the kitchen and found a steaming mug sitting on the counter with a note leaning against it. He smiled as he picked up the mug and inhaled the scent of hot chocolate. He took a sip and read the note.

My love,

I’m sorry that I’m not home to greet you. I had to return to St. Mungo’s for an emergency. I will return home as soon as possible.

In the mean time, please enjoy this hot chocolate and think of me.

Forever and always yours,

246/30 = 8.2
346/30 = 11.5

8+12 = 20 points for word count!

2 fics x 5 bonus = 10 bonus points!

character: ron weasley, character: harry potter, pairing: harry/draco, *challenge-059, era: trio, *challenge-037, character: hermione granger, rating: g, pairing: ron/hermione, author: hanson_phreek, character: draco malfoy

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