Title: Rake
Rating: G
Character/Pairing: Remus Lupin
Summary: Remus begins to put his life back together.
Prompt: Challenge #65: Rebirth
Word Count: 250
Purchases: Registered
Inevitable, the winter of Remus's discontent faded, and spring came. The Wizarding world had moved on. It still celebrated Harry Potter and honored Lily and James, of course. It still cursed the villainous Sirius Black. It mourned the sad sacrifice of Peter Pettigrew. But mostly wizards and witches went to work, raised their children, and the world moved on.
Remus felt like a detritus, a being of the past. His friends and family were gone. His work with the Order of the Phoenix was done, and this gave him no work at all. His parents had died and left him a house that was as much mausoleum as it was a home.
The first day of spring, March of 1982, Remus Lupin slipped into a pair of his father's denim jeans and and work boots. They did not fit, but a simple belt fixed that relatively minor problem. He shrugged on a worn jacket, the elbows fraying, perhaps with too much winter contemplation. He went outside.
The sun was shining and the birds were singing. It was poor recompense for having lost everything, but it was, Remus felt, some heavenly attempt at recompense. Remus walked to the barn and took out the rake. The handle was faded where his father's hands had gripped it. Remus set his larger hands into the worn grooves, and carefully began to move the debris from on top of the greening grass.
It was, at least, something. Tomorrow he would begin to rake up the debris of his life.
8 points + 10 bonus points