Challenge 88

Apr 08, 2011 19:46

Title: Needed
Rating/Warnings: angst, violence towards zombies
Characters/Pairing: Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Dursleys, implied!Remus/Sirius, implied!Hermione/Harry
Summary: On a normal day, zombies come. Harry calls Sirius for help.
Word Count: 945
Author's Notes: I was planning to max out for Pirate Week, but... Err. *cough*
Registered purchases?: Both.

"What's happening?" Harry asked, his eyes wide and tone horrified as he stared at the undead bodies stumbling towards Privet Drive. They were ghastly, with limbs falling off--or in four zombies' cases, already gone. They smelled horrible--so horrible that the stench almost made Aunt Petunia faint. In fact, she wobbled a bit in fear before stepping back.

"What did you do, boy?" Uncle Vernon asked him, voice dangerous--but afraid. Harry stepped back. "I didn't do anything, I swear!" He said, glancing to the left of his bloated uncle to keep an eye on the zombies.

A shriek rang out before his uncle could reply and Harry winced as a zombie clambered over one of their neighbors. He looked away before he could see anything else happen.

"I need to call my friends!" He yelled, before running back to the inside of the house.

"Come back here!" Harry wasn't sure who yelled that. Uncle Vernon? Aunt Petunia? But to be honest, he didn't really care. The image of that zombie attacking their neighbors was burned in his mind, and Harry's hero-complex wouldn't let him just stand here and watch. He needed to do something.

He needed magic.


"What are you talking about?" Sirius hissed. Harry stared into the mirror and into the eyes of his godfather. "Zombies!" He repeated.

Sirius scoffed. "That's ridiculous. Oh, have I ever told you about the time your father and I dressed up as zombies and scared the shit out of Remus? That was absolutely hilarious, let me tell you."

"No! I'm serious!" Harry said, giving his godfather and odd look, practically daring him to say, 'No, I'm Sirius.' Thankfully, he didn't. Instead, his gaze turned grim.

"If you are, then... Where are you?"

"Privet Drive." Harry gasped thankfully.

"We'll be there." Sirius promised, before disappearing from the mirror's sight.

Harry ran down the stairs, and skidded to a stop. His eyes widened at the sight of his uncle shooting the zombies that were hearing towards their house.

"Boy! Get rid of these!" His uncle ordered him. Dudley nodded furiously, "Yeah! Do something!"

His uncle clenched his jaw and fired another shot, hitting a zombie straight.

"It's the apocalypse." Aunt Petunia moaned, before throwing a--a carrot(?) at the zombie. It went straight into its eye and Harry winced.

"They're coming. It's going to be okay." He assured his relatives.

His Uncle glared at him. "It better be." The moment he said that, a loud 'Crack!' alerted the four of them to Harry's godfather who had just appeared in front of him.

"Sirius!" Harry yelled. Sirius gave him a grin and turned around. "Oh, so you weren't joking." He said, sounding almost surprised.

"Don't worry, Harry. The Order is coming."

"The Order?" Uncle Vernon barked, staring at Sirius horrified. "Who the bloody hell is the Order?"

"The Order of the Phoenix!" Sirius said, sounding bemused at the very thought that someone didn't know who--or what the Order was. After Voldemort was defeated, the Order had become famous. But then Sirius apparently realized that he was talking to a Muggle.

"They're like your FBI." Sirius clarified, seeing the look on Uncle Vernon's face. "Except not." He admitted.

"We're much cooler." Sirius said, almost lazily before he waved his wand at the zombie that had crawled in front of him. A dozen bright red sparks flew out of his wand and the zombie seemed to screech before melting. Sirius gave it an odd look and backed away a bit.

Just as Harry's uncle shot another bullet into a brain of another undead being, 2 of the Order finally arrived.

"Now, you better not be wasting our time, Black." Snape sneered. "I was--" He paused, seeing the wave of zombies.

"I'm not wasting your time." Sirius said honestly. Snape nodded hesitantly. "Inferi?" He asked.

"No." Remus said, giving Harry a pat on the back and Harry smiled at him. He rubbed Sirius’ shoulder and Sirius gave him a smirk.

"There's no magic involved. They're more of..." Remus paused, before continuing hesitantly. "Zombies."

"As in, those creatures Muggles think up?" Mad-Eye Moody said gruffly. Remus nodded.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Uncle Vernon told them, before running back into the house to get more bullets.

"Oh, yes." The 4 wizards got to work, and in the corner of his eye, Harry saw his Aunt Petunia follow, slashing a kitchen knife at the zombie that had come towards the left.

"Zombie Apocalypse. I never thought it would happen." Remus said, almost amazed. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Remember that time you and James dressed up as Zombies and scared the shit out of Lily?" Remus said, almost fondly. His wand swished in the air, spells blasting out, but Remus didn't even seem to notice.

"And you too, right?" Harry asked, his own wand swishing and flicking. "Reducto!" He yelled and several zombies were blasted backwards.

Snape almost chuckled at that, as if remembering. Remus flushed and gave Sirius a glare. "No." He said adamantly.

"Deny all you want, Lupin. You screamed like a girl." Snape sneered. Remus snarled, casting a particularly strong jinx at one of the zombies.

"Oh, shut up." He said. The three of them pretended not to notice the almost pout in Remus’ lips.

Harry laughed.


"So it's not only in England?" Harry asked Hermione. She shook her head. "It started in England, but it spread pretty fast." She said quietly.

Harry nodded and bit his lip, before turning back to the book. "So, what's the easiest way to kill a zombie again?" He asked, switching the conversation.

Hermione sighed. "Look, I know you thought it was all over. After Voldemort and all, but it isn't." She said, reaching a hand up to brush it over Harry's hair. It was a comforting gesture--or meant to be one, but Harry didn't notice it as he laughed bitterly.

"It's never over." He muttered angrily.

WORD COUNT points: 945/30= 31.532
BONUS points: 10
OVERALL points: 32 + 10 = 42

pairing: remus/sirius, character: harry potter, character: petunia dursley, *challenge-088, character: sirius black, character: hermione granger, character: dudley dursley, character: remus lupin, rating: pg-13, pairing: harry/hermione, character: vernon dursley

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